Thursday, July 21, 2016

Did Ann and Stephen Miller Go on Hardball on 7/21/16?

    On Thursday, July 21, 2016, Ann tweeted this:

    There are at least 4 videos deleted from Youtube that have the title resembling "Ann Coulter on Hardball 7/21/16." Not even has a backup of the episode, but it has hundreds of others and MSNBC doesn't have Youtube delete other videos of Chris Matthews.

    It seems like this specific episode was chosen to be deleted, but why?

Ann Interviewed by Paul Bond at RNC

    On Thursday, July 21, 2016, Ann was at the RNC and spoke with Paul Bond of the Hollywood Reporter. It's just over 18 minutes and you can watch it here or below.

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-2: Roger Ailes.
Minute 2: Peter Thiel.
Minutes 3-4: Trump's Orlando speech and RNC speech.
Minute 5: In Trump We Trust.
Minutes 6-7: People booing Ted Cruz's speech.
Minutes 7-8: Melania copying Michelle Obama's speech.
Minute 9: DWTS.
Minutes 9-10: Are all Americans immigrants?
Minutes 11-12: Liberals just ban people they can't argue with, like Milo.
Minutes 13-14: Trump is bringing in more people than he's scaring away.
Minutes 14-15: Alex Jones and Roger Stone.
Minute 15: Ann is not xenophobic because she likes foreigners in their countries.
Minutes 16-17: Ann as FCC chairman in the Trump Administration.
Minute 17: Glenn Beck.
Minute 18: Close.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ann Talks with Yahoo News at the RNC

    On Tuesday, July 20, 2016, Ann was at the RNC and spoke with Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News. The video is over 14 minutes.

    This is what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Trump selecting Mike Pence.
Minute 2: Pence and immigration.
Minute 3: Trump read ¡Adios America!
Minutes 3-4: Ann tried to get the Republican candidates to read her book, but only Trump cared.
Minute 5: Isikoff read ¡Adios America! too.
Minute 6: What about WASPs who commit bad crimes compared to immigrants?
Minutes 6-7: Hispanic child rape.
Minute 8: Cops.
Minute 9: Trump will not alienate Hispanics.
Minutes 9-10: Ann bets Isikoff $100.
Minutes 10-11: Paul Manafort and political consultants.
Minute 11: Blowing up the Republican establishment.
Minute 12: Ann getting airtime on immigration.
Minutes 12-13: Roger Ailes.
Minute 14: Ann is celebrating. Close.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Ann and Milo Speak with Rich Zeoli at the RNC

    OIn Tuesday, July 19, 2016, Ann and Milo Yiannopoulos were at the RNC and spoke with Rich Zeoli. The audio is 40 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Gays love Trump.
Minute 2: Serious positions vs. attitude.
Minutes 3-5: Ann's books.
Minute 6: America comes from Britian.
Minute 7: Cultural chauvanism.
Minute 8: Gays and Islam.
Minute 9: Identity politics.
Minute 10: Gays at the RNC.
Minute 11: Trump conservatives.
Minute 12: Christians and gays.
Minute 13: Feminists.
Minute 14: Milo and Ann, together.
Minutes 15-17: Leslie Jones.
Minute 18: Who to deport.
Minute 19:  What to drink.
Minute 20: Yale.
Minute 21: Rich.
Minutes 21-22: Milo has written two books (soon to be out).
Minute 22: Protestors and bodyguards.
Minute 23: Don't worry about death threats, worry about the obsessed fans.
Minute 24: Getting rid of Amendments.
Minute 25: College speaking being fun.
Minute 26: The gay Republican party later.
Minute 27: Making people mad.
Minute 28: Standing on principle.
Minute 29: Mike Pence.
Minute 30: That's so gay.
Minute 31: An arsenal of racist words.
Minute 32: Hillary Clinton inviting Mike Brown's mother to speak.
Minute 33: Hispanic cops shooting blacks.
Minute 34: Why you aren't a liberal.
Minute 35: Milo has done more for gays than gay liberals.
Minute 36: Ann at the California delegation breakfast.
Minute 37: Getting to the book signing on time.
Minute 38: Trump needs to keep being Trump.
Minutes 38-39: States Trump needs to win.
Minute 40: Close.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ann Debates Sally Kohn: Is American Conservatism Hostile to Women?

    On Tuesday, July 12, 2016, the Comedy Cellar hosted a debate between Ann and Carol Swain, and Sally Kohn and Janus Adams, with Kathleen Parker moderating. The debate is almost 2 hours. You can watch it here or below.

Hour 1:

Minutes 0-6: Introduction.
Minutes 6-10: Ann's opening statement.
Minutes 10-11: Carol Swain's opening statement.
Minutes 12-16: Janus Adams' opening statement.
Minutes 17-19: Sally Kohn's opening statement.
Minutes 20-22: Ann explains identity politics.
Minutes 23-34: Swain's additional statement.
Minutes 35-37: Adams discusses education.
Minutes 37-39: Kohn discusses Republican policies on abortion.
Minutes 40-41: Adams says the parties switched.
Minutes 41-42: Ann explains abortion.
Minutes 42-43: Kohn loves America.
Minutes 43-44: Kohn on guns.
Minutes 44-45: Swain on the parties not switching.
Minute 45: Moderator gives her own thoughts.
Minute 46: Kohn on back-alley abortions.
Minutes 47-51: Ann explains why women should vote for Trump even though he says rude things.
Minutes 51-53: Kohn responds.
Minute 54: Ann explains how to raise wages.
Minutes 55-56: Adams on why Clinton can be a good leader.
Minutes 56-57: Kohn on why you should vote for Clinton.
Minutes 58-59: Adams thinks Trump has bad humor.

Hour 2:

Minutes 0-2: Swain on not voting for Clinton.
Minutes 2-5: Ann says Sanders is somewhat like Trump and she explains why Hillary is only successful because of her husband.
Minutes 5-7: Ann explains why Trump is better than Hillary.
Minutes 6-7: Kohn responds.
Minute 8: Ann explains why Clinton is bad for Libya.
Minutes 8-9: Adams says Ann is wrong.
Minute 10: Adams says the Central Park 5 are innocent and Ann says they are guilty.
Minutes 11-12: Adams on the police.
Minute 13: Lauren asks about Clinton lying to the FBI.
Minute 14: Ann answers.
Minute 15: Kohn answers.
Minute 16: Ann defends Trump.
Minutes 16-17: Kohn discusses Trump.
Minutes 18-19: Kohn on Russia and Georgia.
Minutes 19-20: Why are single, young women voting Democrat?
Minutes 20-21: Ann answers.
Minutes 21-22: Swain answers.
Minutes 23-24: How can people support Trump having control of the nuclear weapons?
Minutes 25-27: Ann answers.
Minute 27: Swain answers.
Minutes 27-28: Kohn answers.
Minute 29: Finding someone to ask a question.
Minute 30: How can Swain say she supports someone because of her religion and not expect to alienate people?
Minutes 30-32: Swain answers.
Minutes 32-33: Do Hillary and Obama hate America?
Minute 34: How can you ignore your candidate's faults?
Minutes 34-36: Ann answers.
Minute 36: Adams is surprised Ann would compare Al Sharpton with David Duke.
Minutes 37-39: The KKK vs. Black Lives Matter.
Minutes 40-41: How can the Republican party reach out to younger people?
Minute 41: Ann answers.
Minutes 42-43: Swain answers.
Minutes 44-45: Kohn's thoughts on gays and Republicans.
Minutes 45-46: Swain on political correctness.
Minute 46: Kohn disagrees.
Minutes 47-48: How can Trump make America safer?
Minutes 48-49: Ann answers.
Minutes 49-50: Adams discusses the KKK and immigration.
Minutes 51-52: Kohn on Muslims.
Minute 52: Ann responds.
Minute 53: Adams responds.
Minutes 53-54: Swain explains how Americans need to be united.
Minutes 54-55: Closing.
Minute 56: Who will win the election? Close.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Ann and Milo Model Shirts for Breitbart

    On Monday, July 11, 2016, an article by Milo Yiannopoulos was posted on Breitbart with a picture of Ann modeling the new "Border Wall" shirt in their store. Here are some pictures people put up on Twitter:

"In Trump We Trust" Cover Revealed

    On Monday, July 11, 2016, Matthew Boyle revealed the cover of Ann's new book, In Trump We Trust, on Breitbart. The article also includes quotes.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Ann Posts Photo

    On Tuesday, July 5, 2016, Ann posted a photo: