Monday, August 31, 2015

Ann Hosts Laura Ingraham's Show

    On Monday, August 31, 2015, Ann joined Laura Ingraham to discuss immigration (Ann hosts the show for a few minutes before Ingraham returns). Ann is on from minutes 0:55-1:09.

    If you do not have time to watch the 15 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 55: Ann begins speaking because Ingraham is not there.
Minute 56: Scott Walker was good on immigration, but then his donors talked him out of it.
Minute 57: Amnesty will ruin America.
Minute 58: Amnesty is a magnet for future illegal immigrants. Ingraham returns.
Minutes 59-00: We need a president who will talk about immigration and not back down.
Hour 1:
Minute 1: Dave Brat and Cantor's endorsement of Jeb Bush.
Minute 2: Anchor babies and the impact on infrastructure.
Minute 3: How can anchor babies outnumber illegals?
Minute 4: Illegals will not fill out surveys honestly, so there is obviously more illegals in America than people say. Remittances.
Minute 5: Barlett and Steele.
Minute 6: Machines can pick the food.
Minutes 7-8: The only things people can say against Trump are jokes or name-calling.
Minute 9: Ann doesn't think she's a part of an angry, white nationalist group. Close.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Ann Speaks with Mark Simone

    On Friday, August 28, 2015, Ann spoke with Mark Simone (filling in) on Hannity's radio show. The audio is almost 33 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 18-31.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 13 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 18: Introduction.
Minutes 18-21: Jorge Ramos interrupting Donald Trump at a press conference.
Minute 22: Rich, American Hispanics make money when American Hispanics don't assimilate.
Minute 23: The Dubuque event with Trump. Iowa is a tidy state.
Minutes 24-25: Hillary Clinton is the weakest Democrat, so we should run against her.
Minute 26: The average American does not have a nanny.
Minute 27: Joe Biden running.
Minute 28: PC words.
Minutes 28-29: Trump is succeeding because of his stance on immigration.
Minutes 29-30: Anchor babies.
Minute 31: Close.

4 Hours of Ann!!!

    Well, with the breaks and all, it's about 3.5 hours.

    On Friday, August 28, 2015, Peter Tilden could not host his show on KABC, so Ann hosted it. Here are all four hours on KABC's site; here on PodBean is each individual hour: 1, 2, 3, and 4; and they are also embedded below.

    Ann is on with her two friends: Meryl Kinsler (spelling?) and Ned Rice. (Rice was in the acknowledgements of "If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans.")

    Keep in mind, sometimes during interviews Ann makes mistakes by calling one thing another (such as immigrants/liberals, Trump/Romney, or Carson/Cain). Ann was called out for racism a while back because of the Carson/Cain mix up, but this appearance by Ann (where she is the host and needs to keep up talking for 4 hours,) shows how many mistakes/misstatements Ann makes while under pressure.





    If you do not have time to listen to the lots of minutes, here is what they talked about:

Hour 1:

Minute 0: These 4 hours will be about the Export-Import Bank. NOT!
Minutes 1-2: Trump is so much more fantastic than Ann thought he would be.
Minute 3: Why polls matter.
Minute 4: Everyone attacked Trump in every way possible and his polls are still up.
Minute 5: Huffington Post.
Minutes 5-6: Bernie Sanders. Showing listeners the #BlackLivesMatter video over the radio.
Minutes 6-8: Jorge Ramos.
Minute 8: Trump isn't calling people names; they are calling him names.
Minute 9: Break.
Minute 10: Audio clip of Trump dissing Bush.
Minute 11: Discussion of said clip.
Minute 12: The Dubuque event.
Minutes 13-14: Winning 51% of the Hispanic vote?
Minute 14: Republicans can appeal to voters who stay at home, ergo, causing them to not stay home.
Minutes 15-20: Break.
Minutes 21-24: Why is Trump running?
Minutes 24-31: Break.
Minutes 31-33: The Rick Wilson meltdown.
Minute 33: Don Lemon invites Rick Wilson onto his show, but he won't invite Ann.
Minutes 34-35: "John from LA" (caller) makes Ann laugh a lot.
Minute 36: John asks question, but took long and now Ann will answer it after the break.
Minutes 36-41: Break.
Minute 42: Ann introduces her friends.
Minute 43: Ann's books do influence the public.
Minutes 44-45: Ann and friends try to answer John's question.
Minute 46: An article dissing Trump's sister.
Minutes 47-51: Break.
Minute 52: Trump's sister.
Minute 53: Every Republican is pro-life; immigration is the new litmus test.
Minute 54: Close.

Hour 2:

Minute 0: Palm Springs.
Minutes 1-2: "AJ in Montrose" asks about Mexicans stealing SSNs and IDs from Americans to apply for jobs.
Minute 3: Immigration is the cause of annoying leaf blowers.
Minutes 3-4: The answer.
Minutes 4-5: Farmers need to mechanize.
Minute 6: Immigrants already here are hurt by more immigrants.
Minute 7: "Debbie in Studio City" was waiting for an hour to talk to Ann.
Minutes 8-9: Debbie wonders about Muslims, creamed spinach, and snail personalities.
Minutes 9-10: Break.
Minute 10: Muslim immigrants and refugee status.
Minute 11: Immigrants "need to go."
Minute 12: Hillary and her joke writers.
Minute 13: Trump has better jokes.
Minutes 13-14: Friends of Abe.
Minute 14: Ann's schoolgirl-ish enthusiasm for Trump.
Minute 15: Anthony Weiner.
Minutes 16-17: Ashley Madison and Tinder.
Minutes 17-22: Break.
Minute 23: "Scott in Huntington Beach" asks about Reagan.
Minutes 23-24: Ann answers.
Minutes 25-31: Ann goes to break.
Minute 31: Ann thinks the Clinton email scandal is boring.
Minute 32: Reagan.
Minute 33: Candidates pretending to be Reagan. Trump will do good with blacks.
Minutes 34-35: Ashley Madison ads on Fox.
Minute 35: "Michael in Dana Point" says Trump is running just to impress Ann so she will be his fourth wife (and Ann says she would be lucky if that happens).
Minute 36: Michael says the only likely thing to mess Trump up is his choice for vice president.
Minutes 37-41: Break.
Minute 41: Return.
Minute 42: Trump's VP.
Minute 43: Immigration ruins everything.
Minute 44: Michael didn't pay attention to the Trump campaign.
Minutes 44-45: Scott Walker flipped-flopped because his donors like anchor babies and immigrants.
Minute 46: Trump's immigration plan. Ann's abortion tweet.
Minute 47: Ann's Twitter followers outnumber CNN's primetime viewers.
Minutes 48-50: Ann goes to break.
Minute 51: "Mary-Ann in Granada Hills" says Trump supporters do not want him because he's "entertainment."
Minutes 52-53: Perhaps God set this all up so Trump can win.
Minute 53: Ann originally wanted the Tea Party to stop wasting money on fighting RINOs, but now she sees that they need to probably be gotten rid of.
Minute 54: This election (with Trump) is because Americans are fed up with Republicans lying about immigration. Close.

Hour 3:

Minute 0: Audio clip of Trump.
Minute 1: Trump's tax plan.
Minutes 1-2: Hedge fund managers and taxes.
Minutes 3-5: Should the rich have a higher percentage of tax?
Minutes 6-7: Banks being bailed out.
Minutes 7-8: Trump's nationalism/patriotism.
Minute 8: Trump was a Republican back in 1988.
Minute 9: Trump has always been pro-American.
Minutes 9-10: Break.
Minute 10: Ann loudly speaks, but it sounds like the traffic break was not over yet.
Minutes 10-11: Trump is pro-American and would have stopped immigration if he was president when the economy collapsed.
Minutes 11-12: Immigration hurts blacks most.
Minute 12: Trump's immigration policy paper.
Minutes 12-13: Remittances should be taxed.
Minute 14: Trump's immigration policy paper will cut money from a fund that's for "foreign youth" and give that money to "inner city youth."
Minutes 15-16: "Johnathan from Santa Ana" says corporations should get big fines for hiring illegals.
Minute 17: Immigrants should self-deport.
Minutes 18-22: Break.
Minutes 22-23: Employers and E-Verify.
Minute 24: With capitalism, good products are imitated, so why does no one imitate Trump.
Minutes 25-30: Break.
Minute 31: Contest for tickets (to win, answer a question about what Trump called Weiner).
Minutes 32-33: "Joe in LA" agrees with Trump and thinks he will get many black votes.
Minutes 33-34: Blacks being shot by Mexicans.
Minute 35: If Trump is a Democrat, then he can win Democrat votes.
Minute 36: Democrats only care about blacks until they vote.
Minutes 37-41: Break.
Minute 41: Contest.
Minute 42: "Terri from San Clemente" disagrees with everything Ann says.
Minutes 42-44: Bernie Sanders.
Minute 44: Terri wins a ticket, but more can win.
Minute 45: Ann can't find an audio of clip of Trump.
Minutes 45-47: Ann reveals why her whole introduction of Trump is not available (accordion wall being removed, loud noise, supposed "fire hazard").
Minute 48: Trump didn't speak until 15 minutes after Ann.
Minutes 48-49: Trump only has 2 campaign workers.
Minutes 49-50: Break.
Minute 50: Ann returns.
Minute 51: Trump audio clip about not accepting big donations.
Minutes 51-52: Campaign financing.
Minute 53: Trump and Zuckerberg's net worth.
Minute 54: Illegals got to go. Close.

Hour 4:

Minute 0: Clip of Trump on the Today Show.
Minute 1: Does anyone care about what Jeb Bush says.
Minutes 1-2: Trump keeps moving forward each time the left says he will implode (and the bigger he gets, the harder they think he'll fall).
Minute 3: "Trump probably won't even win reelection," liberals say.
Minute 4: When Millennials get old, every Republican will be imitating Trump.
Minutes 5-6: The 1994 election made Ann go to work in DC (she didn't want to), but she knew DC needed conservative people to help the new congress.
Minute 7: Newt Gingrich.
Minute 8: "Chris from Lexington, SC" thanks Ann for speaking against immigration.
Minutes 9-10: Polls.
Minutes 10: Break.
Minute 11: Ann goes to get water.
Minute 12: A Hitler/Trump meme floating around the net.
Minute 13: Calling Trump supporters racist.
Minutes 14-15: The reason civil rights laws and affirmative action exist is because of blacks; foreigners should not get benefits like blacks.
Minute 16: Obama is bad for blacks.
Minute 17: Trump can win.
Minutes 17-21: Break.
Minute 22: "Tony" asks if deporting illegals will alienate voters.
Minute 23: "They've got to go."
Minute 24: Go after high profile illegals to scare the rest.
Minutes 25-31: Ann switches to a break.
Minute 32: Most important issue: Trump-igation.
Minutes 33-37: Democrats rewrite and lie about history, like they are doing with Hurricane Katrina.
Minute 37: David Vitter.
Minutes 37-42: Break.
Minute 43: "Steve from La Palma" wonders what was most dumbfounding when Ann was doing her research.
Minutes 44-45: Statistics that are hidden, that's what.
Minutes 45-47: The real number of illegals in America.
Minutes 47-50: Break.
Minute 51: How did Rice and Kinsler think the discussion went.
Minute 52: "Marry from Chatsworth" thinks Trump is narcissistic, but he is a breath of fresh air.
Minutes 52-53: Ann never thought she'd like Trump as much as she does.
Minute 53: Trump's family is lovely.
Minutes 53-54: Close.

Ann Debates John Yoo

    On Friday, August 28, 2015, Ricochet posted Ann's debate with John Yoo on immigration and anchor babies. The audio is over 1 hour 15 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 0:16-1:00.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 45 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 16-17: Introduction.
Minutes 18-22: Ann explains why anchor babies should not be Americans.
Minutes 22-23: Yoo explains his past relationship with Ann.
Minute 23: Ann worked for MSNBC only so that she could get free flights to New York.
Minutes 24-27: Yoo explains why Ann is wrong.
Minute 28: Will the Supreme Court stop Trump from deportations?
Minutes 29-34: Ann does not answer; she goes back to the anchor babies.
Minutes 35-36: Is Ann right?
Minutes 37-39: Yoo explains why she is not.
Minutes 40-42: Ann explains why Yoo was wrong.
Minute 42: Illegals are taking more government assistance than Americans.
Minutes 43-45: Yoo explains that Ann is wrong.
Minute 46: Ann explains why Yoo is wrong.
Minute 47: Since this Supreme Court upheld Obamacare, will it allow Trump and Congress to stop anchor babies?
Minutes 47-49: Ann cannot predict the answer.
Minute 49: Yoo thinks the Supreme Court will not allow it.
Minutes 50: Which Republican candidate will appoint the right judges?
Minutes 50-51: Yoo and Ann answer.
Minute 51: Ann is shocked that she loves Trump as much as she does.
Minute 52: Immigration needs to stop.
Minute 53: Will Trump use the presidency for his own selfish reasons?
Minute 54: The white vote.
Minute 55: Would illegal Canadians be a problem?
Minutes 55-56: If they gangrape and murder Americans.
Minute 56: Can Trump convince people he's not racist?
Minute 57: We gave Republicans a last chance, but they still did not listen.
Minutes 58-59: Yoo thinks immigrants are not inherently rapists.

Hour 1:

Minute 00: Ann bids farewell.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ann Talks to John Gibson about Trump and Jorge Ramos

    On Thursday, August 27, 2015, Ann spoke with John Gibson. The audio is just over 13 minutes long.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 13~ minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Jorge Ramos interrupting Trump during his press conference.
Minute 2: Did Ramos want to be kicked out to cause controversy?
Minutes 3-4: The Hispanic vote does not matter.
Minutes 4-5: What about the black vote?
Minute 6: Can Trump win the white vote?
Minute 7: Only by focusing on immigration.
Minute 8: Get 3% more of the white vote. [Usually Ann says 4%.]
Minute 9: Would Trump listen to his VP?
Minute 10: Trump and immigration.
Minute 11: Americans are being outvoted by foreigners. Awkward end [Gibson calls Ann "Annie," which is probably why she called him "Sean"].
Minute 12: Ann was in heaven when Ramos was kicked out.
Minutes 12-13: Close.

Ann Visited Inside Edition...

...but the video is not available. On Thursday, August 27, 2015, Ann tweeted...

...yet the only video that could be found (just a sample) is this:

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

New Column: "Small but Honest Columnist Again Forced to Correct Highest-Rated Show on Cable TV"

    Here is Ann's new column and here is a quote:

"Perhaps, if asked, the Supreme Court would discover a "constitutional" right for illegal aliens to sneak into the country, drop a baby, and win citizenship for the kid and welfare benefits for the whole family...

But it is a fact that the citizenship of illegal alien kids has never been argued, briefed or ruled on by the Supreme Court."

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Ann Introduces Trump in Iowa

    On Tuesday, August 25, 2015, Ann introduced Donald Trump in Dubuque, Iowa. The whole introduction is not available, but here is a 3~ minute clip.

    If you do not have time to watch the 3+ minutes, here is what Ann talked about:

Minute 0: El Chapo.
Minutes 0-1: Anchor babies.
Minute 1: Speech Nazis.
Minutes 1-2: Trump running for POTUS is making the media talk about immigration.
Minute 2: The Great Wall of Trump should have a two-drink minimum, be a tourist attraction , and have drone shows.
Minutes 2-3: Maybe Republicans had to suffer in order to pave the way for Trump.
Minute 3: God has not given up on America yet.

Ann Tells Breitbart Trump Brings Hope

    On Tuesday, August 25, 2015, Matthew Boyle reported for Breitbart that Ann said (in response to Trump possibly being the President):
"This is the first time I’ve thought there was hope for our country again since Nov. 7, 2012[.]"

Ann Wants to Kiss Trump

    On Tuesday, August 25, 2015, Breitbart published Michelle Moons' piece about Ann's visit to Breitbart News Sunday. Here are some quotes:
"Boyle asked Coulter for her position on Mr. Trump’s recently released immigration plan. Coulter responded, "It’s absolutely magnificent. I feel like I’m dreaming. I can’t believe I’m turning on the TV and seeing people even talk about anchor babies."

"I want to kiss him for refusing to back away from that phrase.""
"Coulter said the "rounding them up part" would "be a bargain at any price."

"There are so many costs of illegal immigration that we’re not even told about. The 20 billion that gets sent back just to Mexico, just to Mexico in remittances. That’s 20 billion dollars that isn’t being spent to buy your product, to buy your house, to tip you, to spend money at a grocery store. That is just 20 billion dollars being sucked out of the American economy. How about the cost in rapes, in destroyed families, in murders and homicides.""

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ann Speaks with Dr. Drew about Legality of Anchor Babies

    On Thursday, August 20, Ann joined Dr. Drew on KABC to discuss anchor babies and Trump.

    If you do not have time to listen to the almost 5 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Will Ann be a part of Trump's Cabinet?
Minute 1: The 14th amendment and anchor babies.
Minute 2: Amending the Constitution.
Minute 3: Indians did not get citizenship.
Minute 4: The Supreme Court and anchor babies. Cut.

Ann Visits Sid Rosenberg

    On Thursday, August 20, 2015, Ann visited Sid Rosenberg. The audio is almost 54 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 32-53. Contains language.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 21 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 28-29: Audio of Ann's previous visit.
Minutes 29-31: Audio of another of Ann's appearances.
Minute 32: Introduction.
Minutes 32-33: Mark Levin and Michael Savage.
Minutes 33-34: Glenn Beck.
Minute 34: Ann admires herself.
Minute 35: Donald Trump.
Minutes 36-37: Executive amnesty.
Minute 38: People used to say (about Reagan) "He's just an actor."
Minute 39: Ann's new column, Bill O'Reilly, and Fox.
Minute 40: O'Reilly will not let Ann on his show.
Minutes 41-42: Anchor babies.
Minutes 43-45: Ann picks random candidates for president: Hillary Clinton, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump?
Minute 46: Will Trump last and eventually become president?
Minutes 47-48: Do polls matter?
Minute 48: Ann is radio gold.
Minutes 49-50: If Trump falls, Romney is the next pick.
Minute 50: Just read ¡Adios America! in the book store.
Minute 51: Romney would be a good VP.
Minute 52: Ben Carson should not be the VP.
Minute 53: How to get Ann's new book: ¡Adios America! Close.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Ann Visits Rusty Humphries

    Ann joined Rusty Humphries on Wednesday, August 19, 2015, to discuss immigration and ¡Adios America! You can listen to the interview on Washington Times, Stitcher, or below. The audio is 51 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 8-49.

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 42 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 8: Introduction.
Minutes 9-10: The ¡Adios America! audiobook includes bloopers (with the swear words bleeped out).
Minutes 10-11: The rapes by immigrants are quite horrifying.
Minute 12: The peasant cultures we are bringing in are not good for women.
Minute 13: The government will not give us accurate* crime statistics on immigrants.
Minute 14: There are more than 11 million illegals in America.
Minute 15: Liberals can't attack Ann when she says there are 30 million illegals in America because she is actually underestimating.
Minute 16: Certain crimes come with certain immigrants.
Minute 17: All peasant cultures bring unheard of types of crime.
Minute 18: While researching crime, most names of criminals are ones the average American could not pronounce.
Minute 19: Home-grown terrorists are immigrants or their children.
Minute 20: The globalists and internationalists want immigration because of cheap labor.
Minutes 20-21: Anchor babies.
Minute 21: The book is shorter than one would think because there are more than 100 pages of footnotes.
Minute 22: Media Matters and the SPLC usually fact-check Ann's book, but this time there are apparently no mistakes because all they are reporting is that Ann cites hateful people. Ann still has her lawyer license.
Minutes 23-24: The 14th Amendment and anchor babies.
Minute 25: Ann says that giving citizenship to children of legal immigrants is crazy.**
Minute 26: Anchor babies.
Minute 27: Even conservatives are saying the 14th Amendment allows anchor babies.
Minute 28: Carlos Slim.
Minute 29: Remittances to Mexico suck $20 billion dollars out of our economy each year (let alone remittances by immigrants from every other country.)
Minute 30: Other countries can simply adopt our policies to succeed, rather than bringing their policies with them when they come here.
Minute 31: The establishment GOP is becoming the mob.
Minutes 31-36: Ann completely explains how Rick Wilson said she was Trump's prostitute.
Minutes 36-37: Carly Fiorina.
Minutes 37-38: Ann is friends with Megyn Kelly and thinks she did a good job during the debate and that all of the questions should have been asked by her (not by Bret Baier or Chris Wallace).
Minute 38: Trump did a good job in the debate.
Minute 39: Ann is on Kelly's side of the dispute, but Trump didn't even say anything necessarily wrong.
Minute 40: None of Ann's friends thought Trump meant Kelly's menstruation.
Minute 41: Trump's candidacy is important and he can win.
Minutes 41-42: Ann said novelty candidates should be ignored, but Trump is the best on immigration.
Minute 43: Why are other Republicans attacking Trump so much?
Minute 44: Romney.
Minutes 44-45: Immigration is the most important issue because Americans are being outvoted by foreigners.
Minutes 46-47: Ann's abortion tweet was a joke.
Minute 47: The liberals aren't attacking Ann's claims because they cannot beat her.
Minute 48: Reading ¡Adios America! is important. The right and left media do not want Americans to read it.
Minute 49: Close.

*Some examples of confusing and misleading stats have all immigrants counted in federal prisons, but only illegal immigrants counted in state prisons, or the stats usually count Hispanics as white. Additionally, they always count Arabs as white.

**If one looks at the Supreme Court case being discussed, one can conclude that Ann meant to say children of people here legally, yet not citizens (such as legal residents, foreign diplomats, people here on visas or vacations, etc.)

Ann's New Column: "Fox News Anchored in Stupidity on 14th Amendment"

    Here's Ann's new column and here are some quotes about the 14th Amendment:
"Still, how could anyone... imagine that granting citizenship to the children of illegal aliens is actually in our Constitution? I know the country was exuberant after the war, but I really don't think our plate was so clear that Americans were consumed with passing a constitutional amendment to make illegal aliens' kids citizens.

Put differently: Give me a scenario... where guaranteeing the citizenship of children born to illegals would be important to Americans in 1868. You can make it up. It doesn't have to be a true scenario. Any scenario!

You know what's really bothering me? If someone comes into the country illegally and has a kid, that kid should be an American citizen!

Damn straight they should!

We've got to codify that.


No, it isn't, but that amendment will pass like wildfire!

It's like being accused of robbing a homeless person. (1) I didn't; (2) WHY WOULD I DO THAT?" [Emphasis original.]
"...[W]e have noted legal expert Bill O'Reilly haranguing Donald Trump: "YOU WANT ME TO QUOTE YOU THE AMENDMENT??? IF YOU'RE BORN HERE YOU'RE AN AMERICAN. PERIOD! PERIOD!" (No, Bill -- there's no period. More like: "comma," to parents born "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States "and of the state wherein they reside.")" [Emphasis original.]

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Ann's Hot, Hot Hate for Carly Fiorina

    On Tuesday, August 18, 2015, Ann spoke with Mike Gallagher. You need a membership to listen, but there are some parts available. Here is Fiorina's response. There are 2 small parts (1, 2), but together they make a 4 1/2 minute clip:

Minute 0: Should Fiorina be Trump's VP? Fiorina is basically on stage because she is a woman.
Minute 1: Anchor babies and the 14th Amendment. Fiorina thinks we need an amendment to get rid of the anchor baby policy.
Minute 2: Harry Reid was against anchor babies.
Minute 3: Caller asks Ann why only America is crazy enough to have anchor babies.
Minutes 3-4: Indians did not get citizenship through the 14th Amendment. Cut.

Ann Speaks with Mike Gallagher

    On Tuesday, August 18, 2015, Ann joined Mike Gallagher's second hour to discuss immigration. You can listen below or on Stitcher. It is 53 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 27-49.

    Here is a quote on amnesty being more likely to pass if Republicans push for it:
"Hillary wants to wreck the country in like, a million different ways. She might not get to amnesty. Whereas, with Jeb, Rubio, McCain, no! You are getting amnesty." [Emphasis implied.] [Quote found in minute 33.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 23 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 27-28: Ann joking that Donald Trump can perform abortions in the White House.
Minutes 29-30: The media will not report on immigration (although Trump is helping).
Minute 31: Democrats cannot win without immigrants.
Minute 32: Ann has been screaming about immigration for years. Trump is Ann's dream candidate (at least on the immigration topic.)
Minute 33: Who is more dangerous pushing amnesty? Republicans.
Minutes 33-34: Mitt Romney.
Minutes 35-36: Critics of Trump just calls him names. The best argument against Trump are his trophy wives and divorces, but no one even brings them up.
Minutes 36: International globalists are pushing amnesty for cheap labor.
Minute 37: Trump has always been Trump.
Minute 38: Trump's father's life looks like the American success story (and he had the same wife, secretary, and middle-class house his entire life), but Trump has the hilarious and salesman-like style.
Minutes 39-43: Break.
Minute 45: Ann's hot, hot hate of a thousand suns (toward Carly Fiorina) because Fiorina is okay with anchor babies.
Minute 46: Anchor babies.
Minute 47: Harry Reid came out on the Senate floor against anchor babies.
Minutes 47-48: Caller (Kim) asks why America doesn't stop anchor babies like the rest of the world.
Minute 48: Elk v. Wilkson.
Minute 49: The Indian Citizenship Act. Close.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Ann Shares Photo at the Gun Range

    Ann shared a photo on Sunday, August 16, 2015. It is of her +3 at a gun range.

    Notice that the names Kurt, Sherrod, and Bill are written on the target.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Ann Shares a Photo from a Book Signing

    On Saturday, August 15, 2015, Ann posted a photo on Facebook:

BOOKS & GREETINGS, Northvale, NJ Thanks for the great book signing!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Ann Discusses Immigration with Charles Payne

    On Friday, August 14, 2015, Ann joined Charles Payne to discuss immigration and Donald Trump. There are three videos: 1, 2, and 3. They are roughly 4, 5, and 5 minutes long, respectively.

    If you do not have time to watch the 14 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Video 1:

Minute 0: Ann's timing of writing her book wasn't "good"; we're talking about immigration because of ¡Adios America!
Minutes 0-1: Why immigration is the most important issue.
Minute 2: Immigrants and jobs.
Minutes 3-4: Welfare and immigrants. Cut.

Video 2:

Minute 0: Immigrants are more than just Mexicans, but Mexicans are still the largest group.
Minute 1: STEM graduates.
Minute 2: All immigrants should be better than us.
Minutes 3-4: Are Ann's views racist?
Minute 4: No, because she doesn't want poor, white immigrants either. Cut.

Video 3:

Minute 0: Many countries want to divide because the makers dislike the takers.
Minutes 0-1: England's lower class proves that Ann's arguments are not about race.
Minutes 1-2: Johnathan Morris called Ann out for supporting Trump.
Minutes 2-3: Chris Christie would be big like Trump, but he supports immigration.
Minute 3: Calling illegals "undocumented."
Minute 4: Cutting off immigration will help current immigrants. Close.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ann Agrees with Trump: Mexico Will Pay for the Wall

    On Thursday, August 13, 2015, Ann visited Hannity to discuss immigration (Charles Cooke was also there). You can also watch it on Youtube or below (sorry about the humming noise):

    If you do not have time to watch the almost 7 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Replay of Trump.
Minutes 0-1: Mexico will build the wall.
Minute 2: Cooke thinks Trump and the GOP are going downhill, and that Trump is too liberal.
Minutes 3-5: You won't always be able to find a candidate who is consistent on issues.
Minute 6: Trump is a businessman, so of course he made deals with Clintons or Democrats.

Ann Calls Hannity's Radio Program

    On Thursday, August 13, 2015, Ann joined hour 3 (includes photo) with David Webb and Rick Ungar of Hannity to discuss Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and polls. Ann is on from minutes 1-14.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 14 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 0-1: Clinton.
Minutes 2-3: Why Clinton already committed a felony and ineligible for president.
Minute 4: Who could have sent the classified emails.
Minute 5: Emails.
Minutes 6-7: John Kerry said the Chinese and Russians are probably reading his emails.
Minute 8: What if they have Clinton's emails too?
Minute 9: Presidential polls.
Minutes 9-10: Clinton is so horrible, but Democrats don't mix up their primary race because it will invoke the wrath of the feminists.
Minute 11: There is some voiceover this minute.
Minute 12: Trump does have policy specifics.
Minute 13: Polls.
Minute 14: Close.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ann Speaks with Lou Dobbs

    On Wednesday, August 12, 2015, Ann joined Lou Dobbs (in and out of studio, for some reason).

    If you do not have time to watch the 7 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Out of studio:
Minute 0: Trump did a good job.
Minute 1: Ann trusts Americans to vote, but does not want foreigners to outvote us. Is Trump too liberal?
Minute 2: Trump on health insurance.
In studio:
Minutes 3-4: Trump, wildcard candidates, and polls.
Minutes 4-5: (To win) Candidates should imitate the leader, but they aren't.
Minute 6: The other candidates are controlled by donors.
Minutes 6-7: Republicans should want Hillary Clinton to run because Bernie Sanders will beat us.
Minute 7: Close.

Ann Joins Race Wars Once Again

    On Wednesday, August 12, 2015, Ann visited Race Wars with Sherrod Small and Kurt Metzger (Artie Lange was there too).

    The show is available for download on iTunes; it's on Youtube as audio here, here, and here; the actual video is on Dailymotion; the audio is on Soundcloud (downloadable) and below. It's 140~ minutes long. CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE. The best part begins at minute 55.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 140 minutes, Ann's parts are in red:

Hour 0:

Minutes 3-4: Ann arrives.
Minutes 5-10: The others talk.
Minute 10: Ann asks a question.
Minutes 11-12: Ann asks about racist jokes.
Minute 13: Others talk. Ann laughs.
Minutes 14-15: Others talk.
Minutes 15-16: Ann suggests Lange should come speak with her. 
Minute 16: Others talk.
Minutes 16-17: Ann's been to Small's apartment. Ben Carson.
Minutes 18-19: Carson is new to politics.
Minutes 19-20: Gavin McInnes, Cecil the lion, #Zerolivesmatter.
Minutes 21-22: Lots of laughs.
Minutes 22-23: Ann's thoughts on Cecil and African lions.
Minutes 24-25: Others talking.
Minute 25: Cecil.
Minutes 25-30: Talking.
Minute 30: Ann asks a question.
Minute 31: The others.
Minutes 32-34: Trump and Megyn Kelly.
Minutes 35-36: Joking about Trump.
Minutes 36-37: Trump and Kelly.
Minute 38: Abortion. ISIS.
Minute 39: Ann doesn't get in fights on Twitter.
Minute 40: Trump was being nice when he said he'd put a door in the wall.
Minute 41: Fox attacking Trump.
Minute 42: Trump doesn't drink.
Minutes 42-43: Hillary Clinton.
Minute 44: Gavin McInnes.
Minutes 44-46: Civil War.
Minutes 46-49: Planned Parenthood.
Minute 50: Civil War.
Minute 51: Middle East.
Minutes 51-52: Christianity and war.
Minutes 53-54: Etc.
Minutes 55-59: Christians and war.

Hour 1:

Minutes 0-1: Christians and war.
Minute 2: Break.
Minutes 3-7: Others talk.
Minute 8: Alex Jones.
Minute 9: Others talk.
Minutes 10-11: Ferguson.
Minute 12: Ann needs a list of un-PC words so she can remember to use them in her tweets.
Minutes 13-20: Others talking.
Minute 20: Ann's thoughts on the Black Lives Matter crowd interrupting Bernie Sanders' event.
Minute 21: Others.
Minute 22: Trump and polls.
Minute 23: Recording of Sanders' event interruption. Ann.
Minute 24: Sanders.
Minutes 25-26: Ann's amazed when hearing the Sanders incident for the first time.
Minutes 26-30: Others talk.
Minutes 31-32: Joe Biden.
Minutes 32-38: Others talk.
Minute 39: Ann's book is selling good.
Minute 40: Ann's next book signing. Chattanooga and Muslims.
Minutes 40-41: Close.

Ann's New Column: "'Immigrant': The New N-Word"

    Here is the new column. Interesting, new Ann fact: Ann has a word limit for her columns.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ann Appears on Broadly

    On Monday, August 3, 2015, VICE started a woman-focused channel called Broadly. They released a preview (it is about the whole of Broadly, not just Ann; it is NSFW; it's over 6 minutes), but just watch the video below. The below video is the only-Ann video (8~ minutes; published on Tuesday, August 11; Contains language). It was filmed in May 2015, and is about "Shooting Guns with Ann." Here's a tweet with a GIF:

Minute 0: Riding a van. Shooting guns. About Ann.
Minute 1: Picking Ann up and she has nicotine gum. "Bill Shulz."
Minutes 1-2: Why Sherrod Small hangs out with Ann.
Minutes 3-4: ¡Adios America!
Minute 4: Shooting guns. Digital shooting range.
Minute 5: How to shoot.
Minutes 5-6: The transsexual rumor. Ann likes the way men think and talk.
Minute 6: Should women vote? Soccer.
Minute 7: Ann always says what she means. Ann can say anything; she's the freest person in America.
Minutes 7-8: Close.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Ann Speaks with Eric Bolling on the O'Reilly Factor

    On Monday, August 10, 2015, Ann spoke with Bolling (and Bradley Blakeman) on the O'Reilly Factor. Here's the 9~ minute video, but Ann is only on from minutes 1-8. It is also available here and here.

    If you do not have time to watch the 8 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 1: Trump can win if he continues talking about immigration.
Minute 2: Blakeman's thoughts.
Minute 3: "Zuckerman" wants immigrants as low-wage workers.
Minutes 3-4: Rand Paul.
Minutes 4-5: Blakeman uses a metaphor that confuses Ann slightly.
Minutes 5-6: Trump does have specific details (a wall), unlike others who want no fence, but "drones."
Minute 6: Trump does not have big donors.
Minutes 6-7: Blakeman.
Minutes 7-8: Polls matter and Trump is a big island.
Minute 8: Blakeman gets "the last word." Ann says Trump doesn't need policy advisers. Close.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Ann Speaks with Hannity about the 1st Republican Debate

    On Friday, August 7, 2015, Ann joined Hannity to discuss the first Republican debate (David Avella is also there). The video is here.

    Here's the transcript (for the entire episode (and it includes a video that Ann is NOT in)).

    If you do not have time to watch the 5 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 1: Introduction.
Minute 2: Avella's thoughts.
Minute 3: Donald Trump emerged because even Republicans will not build the wall.
Minute 4: Most of the candidates don't want to build a fence.
Minute 5: Reagan held positions that were liberal, but changed, as has Trump. Americans are being outvoted by foreigners.
Minutes 5-6: Close.

Ann Talks to Dobbs about the 1st Debate

    On Friday, August 7, 2015, Ann joined Lou Dobbs to discuss the first Republican debate for the 2016 election. The video is over 6 minutes.

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Ann thinks Donald Trump needs to talk more about immigration.
Minutes 1-2: Ann thinks there are too many candidates and we need to get rid of some.
Minute 3: Ann thinks this debate was better than most. Ann wants to see the contrast between candidates.
Minute 4: Why do candidates think a fence can't work?
Minute 5: Ann thinks we only need Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Bush, and Walker to be in the debate.
Minute 6: Close.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Ann Endorses the Conservative Book Club

    On Thursday, August 6, 2015, the Conservative Book Club posted a video of Ann saying that she thinks you, reader/viewer, should be a member of the Conservative Book Club. It's only 8 seconds, so watch it.

Ann Discusses Republican Debate and Trump with Dr. Drew

    On Thursday, August 6, 2015, Ann spoke with Dr. Drew on KABC.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 4~ minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Ann was invited to go to the debate, but she will stay home and live-tweet it.
Minute 1: Trump is popular because of immigration, not because of rhetorical flare.
Minute 2: Immigration is the new litmus test.
Minute 3: Many non-conservatives are voting for Trump because of immigration.
Minutes 3-4: Trump is rich and cares about the poor; the other candidates are not (as) rich, but only care about the rich.
Minute 4: Cut.

Ann Writes Article for Breitbart

    On Thursday, August 6, 2015, Ann wrote an article about candidates' performances in the debate. The piece was exclusively for Breitbart. Here is a quote:
"It’s still all the Donald. He was the big man on stage.

They challenged him in that first question about supporting the eventual nominee — whomever it may be — and he was right to refuse. The issues he represents cannot be subordinated to party. One wishes he had hammered the immigration point in that first question, by saying: "Any candidate who doesn’t respond to the threat of uncontrolled immigration cannot represent me.""

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

New Column Entitled: "Donald Trump: Still Right about Mexican Rapists"

    Here is the new column and here are some quotes:

"There's a cultural acceptance of child rape in Latino culture that doesn't exist in even the most dysfunctional American ghettoes."

    After listing examples of horrendous child rapes committed by Hispanics:
"When the crime is this bizarre, it's not "anecdotal." "Child rape perpetrated by more than one family member" isn't your run-of-the-mill crime. It's rather like discovering dozens of cannibalism cases in specific neighborhoods.

How many fourth-generation American father-son child-rape duos do we have? How many American brother-sister teams are conspiring in child rape and murder? How many mothers are helping their boyfriends and husbands get away with raping their own children?

And how many 12-year-old American girls are giving birth -- to the delight of their parents?"

Ann Speaks with Megyn Kelly about Immigration

    On Wednesday, August 5, 2015, Ann visited Megyn Kelly to discuss immigration. The video is over 3 minutes and only has Ann's part. The video below is 7 minutes. (Ann is on for the first 3 minutes and Jose Antonio Vargas is on for the rest.)

    If you do not have time to listen to the about 4 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 0-1: What the Republicans might say about immigration during the debate.
Minute 2: How many immigrants are enough? We have 42 million; should we have 100 million?
Minute 3: Self-deport.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Ann Joins Hannity to Discuss Immigration

    On Tuesday, August 4, 2015, Ann went to the studio to discuss immigration with Hannity (Hugh Hewitt was also there).

    If you do not have time to watch the 7 minutes (Ann is only from minutes 2-8), here is what they talked about:

Minute 2: Introduction.
Minute 3: Immigration is important because it decides every other issue.
Minute 4: Hewitt on the border wall.
Minute 5: Republicans are not keeping their promises. Perhaps the Republican Party should be the third party.
Minute 6: Hewitt interviewed Trump.
Minute 7: The Republicans will go the way of the Whigs.
Minute 8: Hewitt. Abortion. Close.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Did Ann Say Jeb's Wife Would Be Another Michelle Obama?

    On Monday, August 3, 2015, National Report published a piece that says Ann, at a gathering in Colorado Springs, said Columba Bush would be like another Michelle Obama:
"If Bush wins, we’re going to have another Michelle Obama to deal with!"

     It's not confirmed, but is most likely true. A Twitter user tweeted:
and Ann has seemingly agreed:

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Ann Started a Contest

    Ann decided to have a contest for who could come up with the best caption for a picture of Jeb Bush and his wife. The winner would receive an action figure of Ann. Ann posted these on Sunday, August 2, 2015, and Monday, August 3, 2015 respectively (depending on your time zone):

Oh NO! Sorry we screwed up and didn't get it posted out on my Twitter account too. The contest for BEST CAPTION on this photo wins the Ann Coulter "Action Figure Doll" and it has been extended until after the Debates on Thursday.


    On Tuesday, October 6, 2015, Ann started another contest.

Winner of the best photo caption receives a free copy of Ann Coulter's ¡Adios,America! For my Twitter followers, remember to add hashtag #rubiocaptionWinner will be announced in two weeks
Posted by Ann Coulter on Tuesday, October 6, 2015

UPDATE (on Sunday, November 15, 2015,): Ann started another contest:

    As of November 15, 2015, none of the winners have been announced.

UPDATE: On April 19, 2016, Ann tweeted this:

Ann Went to Comedy Cellar in Manhattan

    On Sunday, August 2, 2015, Ann shared two photos on Twitter:

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ann Visited Uma Pemmaraju

    Ann spoke with Uma Pemmaraju on Saturday, August 1, 2015. The video's almost 6 minutes long. There are two things Ann says in this video, which she then repeats.

    If you do not have time to watch the almost 6 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 0-1: Trump is ahead of everyone else is because of immigration.
Minute 2: The other likable candidates seem pale and cliched in comparison.
Minute 3: The upcoming first debate.
Minute 4: Non-politician candidates and novelty candidates.
Minute 5: Close.