Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Ann Visits Rusty Humphries

    Ann joined Rusty Humphries on Wednesday, August 19, 2015, to discuss immigration and ¡Adios America! You can listen to the interview on Washington Times, Stitcher, or below. The audio is 51 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 8-49.

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 42 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 8: Introduction.
Minutes 9-10: The ¡Adios America! audiobook includes bloopers (with the swear words bleeped out).
Minutes 10-11: The rapes by immigrants are quite horrifying.
Minute 12: The peasant cultures we are bringing in are not good for women.
Minute 13: The government will not give us accurate* crime statistics on immigrants.
Minute 14: There are more than 11 million illegals in America.
Minute 15: Liberals can't attack Ann when she says there are 30 million illegals in America because she is actually underestimating.
Minute 16: Certain crimes come with certain immigrants.
Minute 17: All peasant cultures bring unheard of types of crime.
Minute 18: While researching crime, most names of criminals are ones the average American could not pronounce.
Minute 19: Home-grown terrorists are immigrants or their children.
Minute 20: The globalists and internationalists want immigration because of cheap labor.
Minutes 20-21: Anchor babies.
Minute 21: The book is shorter than one would think because there are more than 100 pages of footnotes.
Minute 22: Media Matters and the SPLC usually fact-check Ann's book, but this time there are apparently no mistakes because all they are reporting is that Ann cites hateful people. Ann still has her lawyer license.
Minutes 23-24: The 14th Amendment and anchor babies.
Minute 25: Ann says that giving citizenship to children of legal immigrants is crazy.**
Minute 26: Anchor babies.
Minute 27: Even conservatives are saying the 14th Amendment allows anchor babies.
Minute 28: Carlos Slim.
Minute 29: Remittances to Mexico suck $20 billion dollars out of our economy each year (let alone remittances by immigrants from every other country.)
Minute 30: Other countries can simply adopt our policies to succeed, rather than bringing their policies with them when they come here.
Minute 31: The establishment GOP is becoming the mob.
Minutes 31-36: Ann completely explains how Rick Wilson said she was Trump's prostitute.
Minutes 36-37: Carly Fiorina.
Minutes 37-38: Ann is friends with Megyn Kelly and thinks she did a good job during the debate and that all of the questions should have been asked by her (not by Bret Baier or Chris Wallace).
Minute 38: Trump did a good job in the debate.
Minute 39: Ann is on Kelly's side of the dispute, but Trump didn't even say anything necessarily wrong.
Minute 40: None of Ann's friends thought Trump meant Kelly's menstruation.
Minute 41: Trump's candidacy is important and he can win.
Minutes 41-42: Ann said novelty candidates should be ignored, but Trump is the best on immigration.
Minute 43: Why are other Republicans attacking Trump so much?
Minute 44: Romney.
Minutes 44-45: Immigration is the most important issue because Americans are being outvoted by foreigners.
Minutes 46-47: Ann's abortion tweet was a joke.
Minute 47: The liberals aren't attacking Ann's claims because they cannot beat her.
Minute 48: Reading ¡Adios America! is important. The right and left media do not want Americans to read it.
Minute 49: Close.

*Some examples of confusing and misleading stats have all immigrants counted in federal prisons, but only illegal immigrants counted in state prisons, or the stats usually count Hispanics as white. Additionally, they always count Arabs as white.

**If one looks at the Supreme Court case being discussed, one can conclude that Ann meant to say children of people here legally, yet not citizens (such as legal residents, foreign diplomats, people here on visas or vacations, etc.)

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