Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ann Talks to Mark Simone

    On Wednesday, October 7, 2015, Ann visited Mark Simone. The audio is over 34 minutes, but Ann is only on from minutes 21-32.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 12 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 21-22: Ann is in a Phoenix hotel (she uses fake names when she stays in hotels).
Minute 22: Ann went to Phoenix with her parents.
Minutes 22-23: Trump is doing good and the other Republicans are only paying attention to donors.
Minute 23: Both parties are the party of the rich.
Minute 24: The media dislikes Trump, but loves Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Minute 25: Obama received the most money from Wall Street than any other president.
Minute 26: Jay Leno. Meatloaf=Trump?
Minute 27: Trump leading in the polls.
Minute 28: Trump is great on taxes. All Republicans in Congress are bought.
Minutes 29-30: Are there any Republicans (in Congress) that are articulate? Maybe Dave Brat, Steve King, and Mo Brooks.
Minute 31: If Trump wins, the Republicans in Congress will do what he says.
Minute 32: Close.

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