Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ann Writes Column about Trump Not Going to the Fox Debate

    On Thursday, January 28, 2016, Ann wrote a guest column for the Hollywood Reporter. It is about Trump raising money for veterans rather than going to the Fox debate.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ann Speaks with Chris Matthews and Dana Milbank

    On Wednesday, January 27, 2016, Ann joined Dana Milbank on Hardball with Chris Matthews. (Here are two partial videos in case the one below is removed.) The video is 6.5 minutes.

    Here is what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction. Ted Cruz vs. Trump.
Minute 1: Roger Ailes.
Minute 2: Trump and Megyn Kelly.
Minute 3: Milbank's thoughts on Trump not going to the debate.
Minute 4: Trump has one-punch knockouts.
Minute 5: Trump is an equal opportunity offender on race (Carson) and gender (Kelly).
Minute 6: Close.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Ann Talks with Lisa De Pasquale

    On Friday, January 22, 2016, Ann spoke with Lisa De Pasquale, who guest hosted Seth Leibsohn's show for 27 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Guest hosting.
Minute 1: Ann sometimes guest hosts.
Minute 2: Ann as a political punk.
Minute 3: Being a political punk.
Minute 4: This is the most important time in modern America.
Minute 5: Why do Americans (even when not living in border states) acknowledge and realize the bad aspect of immigration.
Minute 6: Immigrants are out-voting Americans.
Minute 7: Immigration will make all the rich countries poor.
Minute 8: Ann spoke to candidates, but Trump was the only one who would listen.
Minute 9: Americans have shut down amnesty 3 times, but no one is paying attention.
Minute 10: Trump is being attacked and is the only person who could fight back and self-finance.
Minute 11: How can Republicans overrule Roe v Wade if they cannot get elected?
Minutes 11-12: Break.
Minute 12: Eric Metaxas and Christianity.
Minutes 13-14: De Pasquale's book and becoming a Christian.
Minutes 14-15: Fake attacks on Trump.
Minutes 15-17: Trump and immigration is so much more important than stupid issues.
Minute 18: Voting for Trump because you're angry or he's "alpha."
Minute 19: Operation Wetback.
Minutes 20-21: "True conservatives."
Minutes 22-23: Trump has always cared about Americans.
Minute 24: Americans want someone who cares more about them than foreigners.
Minutes 25-26: Polls don't capture the non-voters who are going to vote for Trump this year.
Minute 27: Close.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Ann Discusses Trump on Hannity Radio

    On Tuesday, January 19, 2016, Ann visited Sean Hannity on his radio show (on hour 3). The audio is 31 minutes, but Ann is only on from minutes 3-15.

    Here is what they talked about:

Minute 3: Why does Ann only come on the show when Mark Simone hosts?
Minutes 3-4: Hillary Clinton will not be indicted.
Minutes 5-6: Bill Clinton's affairs/rapes/assaults are not just "old news."
Minute 7: Trump will raise the taxes on hedge-funders.
Minutes 8-9: Trump is great on immigration and will get black votes.
Minutes 9-10: Finally we have a candidate that is not beholden to the idiots.
Minute 11: Trump may not get the maximum of Evangelicals, but he doesn't need all of them.
Minutes 12-13: Trump has always cared about Americans.
Minute 14: Trump will get states Republicans usually do not get. Ann's puppy dog.
Minute 15: Trump is the best. Close.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ann Is Live-Tweeting the Debate

    This Thursday, January 14, 2016, Ann is live-tweeting the debate. Here are some of the best tweets:

Ann Speaks with John Gibson about Nikki Haley

    On Thursday, January 14, 2016, Ann discussed Nikki Haley's response to Obama's SOTU address with John Gibson. The audio is just over ten minutes long.

    Here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Should Trump deport Haley?
Minute 1: Haley is wrong about having an "inclusive" party.
Minute 2: The public is shutting down politicians who want amnesty.
Minute 3: Trump is rising because he is the only one who addresses immigration.
Minutes 4-5: Haley and Lindsey Graham are bimbos.
Minute 6: Vetting immigrants.
Minute 7: Shut down Muslim immigration.
Minutes 8-9: Republicans supporting immigration is a mass psychosis.
Minute 10: Close.

Ann Talks Immigration with Michael Loftus

    Ann went on the Flipside with Michael Loftus and they posted the videos on January 14 and 21, 2016. The videos are each about 3 minutes.

Minute 0: Refugees.
Minute 1: Immigrants are competing with the poor for jobs.
Minute 2: The Republicans vs. Trump.
Minutes 2-3: Speaker of the House.

Minute 0: Ann's first book and last book.
Minute 1: They are both a call for action.
Minute 2: We cannot save the rest of the world without saving ourself first.
Minute 3: Americans are being outvoted by foreigners.
Minute 4: Close.

Ann Speaks with Rebecca Costa

    On Thursday, January 14, 2016, Ann spoke with Rebecca Costa on the Costa Report. It is 1 hour, 48 minutes, but Ann is only on from minutes 2-50.

    Here is what they talked about:

Minutes 0-2: Introduction.
Minute 2: Twitter.
Minute 3: An immigration moratorium.
Minute 4: Democrats will win forever if amnesty passes.
Minutes 4-5: America is not an immigrant nation.
Minute 6: We are bringing in cultures that have complex crime.
Minute 7: Total immigration moratorium.
Minute 8: Pre- vs. post-1970 immigrants.
Minute 9: Assimilate the immigrants.
Minutes 9-14: Break.
Minute 15: America's culture is the best, so people should become like us.
Minutes 16-20: How to fight Islam when America is not supposed to target a specific religion.
Minutes 20-21: We can deal with one person, but too many people who are hostile to American values are coming in.
Minutes 22-27: Break.
Minutes 27-28: Literacy tests for voters.
Minute 28: German immigrants.
Minutes 28-29: Ann is one-quarter Catholic.
Minute 30: What makes a country honest?
Minutes 30-31: The current Pope is radically different than the rest.
Minutes 32-33: Japanese immigrants.
Minute 34: America is not going to exist anymore when we bring in a million immigrants each year.
Minutes 34-35: Ann and Donald Trump.
Minute 36: Targeting specific immigrant groups or allowing zero immigrants in.
Minutes 36-41: Break.
Minutes 41-42: Radio hosts are more in touch with Americans and Trump is in touch with Americans.
Minutes 43-45: All issues are decided by immigration.
Minutes 46-47: Immigrants chose America for a reason.
Minutes 47-49: Republicans should want Hillary Clinton because we'll beat her. Drudge.
Minute 50: Close.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Ann Explains Everything to Eric Metaxas

    On Tuesday, January 12, 2016, Ann spoke with Eric Metaxas about Donald Trump. The interview is almost 41 minutes and Ann is on the whole time.

    Here is a quote about Republicans pushing amnesty so they can get the Hispanic vote:
"Screw you, Republicans. I hope Donald Trump does destroy the Republican Party, and we have a new, pro-American Republican Party." [Quote found in minute 33.]

    Here is another quote:
"I look forward to the day, under Donald Trump, when America is hated again, because that is when we saved the world." [Quote found in minute 35.]

    Here is what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Is Ann divisive?
Minute 2: Ann's a lightning rod.
Minute 3: Politics matter.
Minute 4: David Brooks.
Minute 5: Thank God for Trump.
Minute 6: Why we need drastic action right now in order to save America.
Minute 7: Refugees are being dumped in the purple states and Texas.
Minute 8: Pregnant spiders.
Minutes 9-10: Break.
Minutes 10-11: Somalis in Minnesota.
Minute 12: Step 1: Bring in incompatable cultures; step 2: refuse assimilation; step 3: make it a hate crime to even attempt to assimilate them.
Minutes 12-13: Immigrants voting.
Minute 14: White Americans don't vote for Democrats.
Minutes 14-17: All we do is lose (Obamacare, Christmas, SSM), and it's because of immigration.
Minutes 16-17: Is the Supreme Court more important than immigration?
Minute 18: Trump is proof that the People are against immigration.
Minute 19: Ann has a list of people she wants Trump to deport, including Marco Rubio.
Minute 20: Refugees/illegals coming into America.
Minute 21: Break.
Minutes 22-25: Cruz.
Minute 26: Iowa will probably pick Trump, but might not because it is a caucus...
Minute 27: ...but Iowa doesn't matter.
Minute 28: Break.
Minute 29: Is Trump a real conservative? Who cares? "Conservative" GWB nearly destroyed the country in one "swell foop."
Minute 30: People disliked GWB not because of the war, but because of amnesty.
Minute 31: Move refugees to Paul Ryan's district so they can take care of him. Trump appeals to "Americans."
Minute 32: Trump's VP should not be picked based on gender or race.
Minute 33: We need someone who supports America.
Minutes 34-35: America is the world's last hope.
Minutes 35-36: Break.
Minutes 36-37: Angela Merkel and Germany.
Minute 38: If you care about foreigners who are suffering, save America first because it can't help them if it's a Third World country.
Minute 39: Bill O'Reilly.
Minute 40: Close.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Ann Speaks with Liz Mair on Hardball

    On Monday, January 11, 2016, Ann went on Hardball with Chris Matthews to debate Liz Mair. (Here are two more videos in case the one below is removed.) The video is over 8 minutes.

    Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Will Mair's #NeverTrump movement win?
Minute 1: Immigration is the most important issue.
Minute 2: Mair tries to says environmentalists dislike immigrants and Trump is not winning solely because of his immigration stance.
Minute 3: Ann corrects Mair.
Minute 4: Ted Cruz's eligibility.
Minute 5: Ann explains why Cruz cannot be President.
Minute 6: Mair says Cruz can be President. Obama and Kenya.
Minute 7: Ann thinks Trump will win.
Minutes 7-8: Romney. Close.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Ann Speaks with John Phillips and Jillian Barberie

    On Friday, January 8, 2016, Ann visited the Drive Home with Jillian Barberie and John Phillips to discuss Ted Cruz's citizenship. She was on the second hour (4pm.) Go to their website and scroll down to the correct date. The audio is 54 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 31-48.
    Here is what they talked about:

Minute 31: Introduction.
Minute 32: Cruz is not a natural born citizen.
Minutes 33-34: The birth location of Americans.
Minutes 35-36: Being an American at birth.
Minute 37: Even when Cruz was the only candidate, Ann said he was not natural born.
Minute 38: How would someone stop Cruz?
Minutes 39-40: If Obama was born in Kenya, his mom was still American; that does not mean he should be President.
Minutes 40-44: Break.
Minutes 44-45: Never listen to other lawyers; look up laws yourself.
Minute 46: Liberals think citizenship is meaningless.
Minute 47: Types of citizenship qualification for countries.
Minute 48: If Cruz's citizenship was given to him by the legislature, it can be taken away. Close.