Monday, January 11, 2016

Ann Speaks with Liz Mair on Hardball

    On Monday, January 11, 2016, Ann went on Hardball with Chris Matthews to debate Liz Mair. (Here are two more videos in case the one below is removed.) The video is over 8 minutes.

    Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Will Mair's #NeverTrump movement win?
Minute 1: Immigration is the most important issue.
Minute 2: Mair tries to says environmentalists dislike immigrants and Trump is not winning solely because of his immigration stance.
Minute 3: Ann corrects Mair.
Minute 4: Ted Cruz's eligibility.
Minute 5: Ann explains why Cruz cannot be President.
Minute 6: Mair says Cruz can be President. Obama and Kenya.
Minute 7: Ann thinks Trump will win.
Minutes 7-8: Romney. Close.