"The base of the Republican party isn't the Hispanic vote. It's the white vote. Why are Republicans embarrassed about getting white people to vote for [them]? The Democrats haven't been able to get a majority of white people, i.e., the people who built this country, um, since 1948, other than the '64 landslide for LBJ... The Democrats looked around the country and [said,] "Okay. Fine, Americans, you won't [vote] for us. We've tried this the easy way, but we're gonna bring in ringers." And they just keep dumping [Third Worlders] on the country to block vote for the Democrats. They're totally open about saying, "This is fantastic: the 'Browning of America.' [Republicans] will never win." Why don't Republicans say, "Fine, you're the minority party, we're the white party." [Brief interruption.] White voters would be so astonished if anyone, any political candidate ever asked for their vote." [Quote found in minutes 34-35.]
If you do not have time to listen to the full 36~ minutes, here is what they talked about:
Minute 0: ¡Adios America!
Minute 1: CPAC is the Chamber of Commerce PAC.
Minute 2: Friends of Abe.
Minutes 3-4: Sharknado.
Minute 5: Sanctuary cities.
Minutes 5-6: Donald Trump.
Minute 7: Trump's McCain comments.
Minute 8: Break. Recording of Trump.
Minute 9: Trump's supposed third party run would be fantastic. Go, Trump, go!
Minute 10: Ronald Reagan passed a liberal abortion law and raised taxes, so Trump can have some bad qualities too.
Minute 11: The more Trump talks, the worse the other candidates look.
Minute 12: Trump's attractive, funny, tall, and can win as a third party candidate.
Minutes 12-13: Break.
Minute 13: White People.
Minute 14: Immigrants cannot play the race card.
Minutes 15-26: Break.
Minute 27: Planned Parenthood and the abortion videos.
Minute 28: We should be discussing immigration instead of abortion.
Minute 29: Caller claims status of Ann's best customer, buying her books twice and the action figure doll.
Minute 30: Ann wrote ¡Adios America! because she thinks we still have a chance; she doesn't need any more money.
Minute 31: Moratorium is a must.
Minute 32: Caller wonders about Republicans and elections.
Minute 33: Ann answers.
Minutes 34-35: We need to appeal to whites. White people built America.
Minutes 35-36: Close.
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