Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ann Visits Race Wars Again

    On Wednesday, September 30, 2015, Ann visited Race Wars. It is available on Soundcloud (audio), Youtube (audio), Youtube (video), or below. It is 1 hour 40 minutes long. CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE. Here's a picture first:

    If you do not have time to listen to it, here is what they talked about (the minutes with more than 10~ seconds of Ann are highlighted with red and Ann doesn't really get started until minute 36):

Minute 6: Ann arrives.
Minutes 7-10: The others talk.
Minute 11: Ann asks a question.
Minutes 11-12: Others.
Minute 12: Ann asks a question.
Minutes 13-14: Others.
Minute 15: Ann on the pope and Catholics.
Minutes 16-20: Catholics.
Minutes 20-21: Ann comments about hair.
Minutes 22-23: Gays and Christianity.
Minute 23: Others.
Minute 24: Ann makes a comment.
Minutes 24-25: Others.
Minute 25: Ann comments.
Minute 26: Ann.
Minute 27: Others.
Minute 28: Ann asks question.
Minute 29: Others.
Minutes 30-31: Blocking people and the internet.
Minutes 32-33: Others.
Minute 34: Ann and comedy.
Minutes 35-36: Others.
Minutes 36-41: Sherrod Small missed his birthday.
Minute 41: The blind (but not mentally ill) should have guns.
Minutes 42-44: Buying guns for the end of the world.
Minute 45: Ann likes bunkers.
Minutes 45-46: Females and womyn.
Minutes 47-48: Females.
Minute 49: Ann asks a question.
Minute 50: Ann's opinion on calling women "females."
Minutes 51-53: Others talk.
Minute 53: Ann, Jews, and Catholics.
Minutes 54-55: Others.
Minutes 55-59: Females, rape, and Bill Cosby.

Hour 1:

Minutes 0-1: Others.
Minute 2: Judd Apatow.
Minutes 3-4: Lena Dunham and cyber bullying.
Minutes 5: Others.
Minute 6: Precious and Dunham.
Minute 7: Others.
Minute 8: Ann eating at Mexican restaurants.
Minute 9: Others.
Minutes 9-12: The "f---ing Jews" tweet.
Minutes 12-15: Ann being "anti-Catholic."
Minutes 15-16: "Joe from Chicago" asks about the Holocaust.
Minute 17: The Holocaust was Darwinism.
Minutes 17-18: "Brett from DC" asks the tyranny of the majority in democracy.
Minute 18: Ann answers. Ann loves the F-word.
Minutes 19-20: Brett mentions PC.
Minute 20: Answering Brett.
Minute 21: Retards.
Minutes 21-22: No children should be told that they can do anything.
Minutes 23-25: "Curtis from Houston" is a hardcore Democrat who loves Ann for speaking her mind.
Minutes 25-26: Ann likes Trump (and hopes he will attract Democrats like Curtis).
Minutes 26-28: Retards.
Minute 28: Ann on saying "retard."
Minutes 29-30: WASP culture is best (Catholics? Ew.).
Minute 31: Kardashians.
Minute 32: Religion and offering/tithing.
Minutes 33-34: Ben Carson.
Minute 34: Ann's thoughts on Carson and Fiorina.
Minutes 35-36: Blacks and women.
Minute 37: Ann will be on the View.
Minutes 37-39: Others.
Minutes 39-40: Close.

Column: "The War on America Turns 50"

    On Wednesday, September 30, 2015, Ann's new column was posted. Here are some quotes:
"Half a century ago, Democrats looked at the country and realized they were never going to convince Americans to agree with them. But they noticed that people in most other countries of the world already agreed with them. The solution was obvious.

So in 1965 -- 50 years ago this week -- Sen. Ted Kennedy passed an immigration law that has brought 59 million foreigners to our shores, who happen to vote 8-2 for the Democrats.

Democrats haven't won any arguments; they changed the voters."
"Apparently, the "American experiment" is actually some kind of sociological trial in which we see if people who have no history of Western government can run a constitutional republic."
"I know it's gauche to consider what Americans want, but how about the immigrants? Presumably some didn't come only for the welfare, crime and terrorism opportunities. They decided to move to the United States -- not Mexico or Somalia or China -- because they wanted to live in America. If our current immigration policies aren't stopped, they're going to wonder why they bothered."

Ann Is on Race Wars LIVE

    Right now, on Wednesday, September 30, 2015, Ann is on Race Wars.

UPDATE: The live stream is over. Here is the show.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Ann's Okay with Boehner Leaving

    On Friday, September 25, 2015, WND published Garth Kant's piece: "ANN COULTER: 'NOT SORRY TO SEE BOEHNER GO' Urges voters to target other establishment Republicans."

    Here are some quotes:
"After seeing his antics with Pope Obama, I’m not sorry to see Boehner go[.]"
"...Coulter immediately added that if GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump "gets the nomination, Republicans are going to have to vote for the GOP across the board, one more time, to give Trump a Republican Congress."

However, along with her call for Republican solidarity, Coulter sees no reason for conservatives to let up the pressure on the GOP establishment."

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Column: "Useless Idiots"

    On Wednesday, September 23, 2015, Ann posted her new column: "Useless Idiots." Here is a quote:
"...Perhaps Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina are soaring in the polls not because they're "outsiders," but because they're not dumb. I notice that, other than Ted Cruz, they're the only GOP candidates for president who went to top schools.

I think we want a president who's better than us."

Monday, September 21, 2015

Ann Visits Business Insider to Discuss Why Trump Is Best

    On Monday, September 21, 2015, at 5:23pm, Business Insider released a video of Ann explaining why Trump is the best. The video is just under 2.5 minutes. It is on Youtube also.

    If you do not have time to watch the 2.5~ minutes, here is what Ann talked about:

Minute 0: People are voting for Trump because of immigration.
Minutes 0-1: Other presidential candidates only care about the donors.
Minute 1: The rich are pushing for mass immigration to be their cheap labor. Trump is not "a flash in the pan."
Minutes 1-2: The intensity of love for Trump is like the intensity for Reagan.
Minute 2: Trump will stop elites from turning America into another Mexico.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

New Column: "Donald Trump: The Only People Who Like Him Are the Voters"

    On Wednesday, September 16, 2015, Ann's new column came out and it's about the Republican candidates trying too much to be like Reagan. Here are some quotes:
"Formulaic applications of Reagan's policies from the 1980s don't always work the same way they did in the 1980s."
    "So why would those same policies work now?" implies Ann.

"But James B. Stewart gasses on in The New York Times about Trump's "name­calling, personal attacks and one-liners that have vaulted him to the top of the polls." In the entire article, Stewart never mentions immigration.

Perhaps some minority of people will vote for Trump because of his personality. But I notice that it's his position on immigration that gets thousands of people leaping to their feet.

The media will talk about anything but Trump's specific, detailed policies on immigration -- all while claiming he doesn't have any "policy details." The very fact that the entire media -- including most of the conservative commentariat -- obdurately refuse to acknowledge the popularity of Trump's immigration plans is exactly why Trump is exploding in the polls."

Ann Live Tweeted the 2nd Top Tier Republican Debate

    On Wednesday, September 16, 2015, Ann live tweeted the second, top tier Republican debate. Some tweets are below.

    Trump and Bush got into a dispute because Trump said something like "Jeb's wife being a Mexican immigrant probably is the reason he has a soft spot for illegals." Bush demanded an apology for injecting his wife into a "raucous" political discussion, but Trump did not comply. Ann reminds us:

    About 10 minutes (out of 180) were dedicated to tax reform, and Huckabee was the only one to loudly promote the Fair Tax:

    Christie did not actually pass out.

    Now Ann begins to become upset because the candidates are constantly talking about "our closest ally, Israel," and "Bibi Netanyahu" when they should be talking about immigration.

    Note: Ann is a Christian, so, although she swears sometimes, she makes sure to bleep out the f-word. Here is the backlash to and Ann's defense of her "f---ing Jews" tweet.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Ann Discusses Kissing & Carly Fiorina on Red Eye

    On the night of Monday, September 14, 2015 (or early morning on the fifteenth), Ann sat down at Red Eye. The whole episode is not available, but there are two clips you can watch: 1 (3+ minutes)2 (7+ minutes). Ann's total time on both videos put together is only about 1 minute.

Clip 1:
Minute 1: Boy forces kiss on girl.
Minutes 2-3: How the boy looks matters.

Clip 2:
Minute 1: Carly Fiorina and anchor babies.
Minute 3: Fiorina and HP.
Minutes 3-4: Laughs off-screen.
Minute 4: Muslims and porn.
Minutes 5-6: The boy who forced a kiss on a girl.

    Here are some photos:

Monday, September 14, 2015

Ann Says Dave Brat Is Trump's Emergency VP

    On Monday, September 14, 2015, Ann spoke with Hannity on his radio show. The audio is 32+ minutes, but Ann is on from minutes 17-31. Here is a video (just audio) that only has Ann's section.

   If you do not have time to listen to the 14 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 17: Is Ann cranky toward Hannity (or a pain)?
Minute 18: Reporters are the "joke bomb squad."
Minutes 18-19: Trump is dominating polls because of immigration, not because he's not PC.
Minutes 20-21: The refugee crises.
Minutes 22-23: America is trying to help others while America is itself collapsing.
Minutes 23-25: Ben Carson is nice, but doesn't like a fence and does like amnesty.
Minute 25: Do any candidates (besides Trump) support a border wall?
Minutes 26-28: Is Trump a liberal.
Minute 28: Trump and Ann were the only CPAC speakers against amnesty.
Minute 29: Hillary Clinton is not a good candidate for the Democrats.
Minute 30: Who should be Trump's VP? Romney, but Dave Brat is reserved for emergencies.
Minute 31: Ann and Hannity's schedule. Close.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Ann Tweets a Photo with Artie Lange

    On Sunday, September 13, 2015, Ann tweeted a photo of herself with Artie Lange:

Here is a (nearly identical) picture Artie tweeted.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ann Discusses Hillary Clinton's Emails with Jeanine Pirro

    On Saturday, September 12, 2015, Ann visited Jeanine Pirro on her show to talk about Hillary Clinton's email scandal. The video is 4 minutes. Fox News released four video clips on their website from this episode of Justice w/ Judge Jeanine, but none of them were clips of Ann. Ann put up the video on her Facebook.

Sept 12 2015 on Justice -w-@Jeanine Pirro
Sept 12 2015 on Justice -w- Judge Jeanine Pirro
Posted by Ann Coulter on Saturday, September 12, 2015

    If you do not have time to watch the 4 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 0-1: Clinton's email scandal.
Minute 1: Audio of Clinton.
Minute 2: Clinton always looks insincere. Democrats use sob stories for votes.
Minute 3: Stop attacking Hillary because she can't win; we want her to be the Democrat nominee. Close.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Ann Was the Keynote Speaker at the Eagle Council Conference, 2015*

    On Friday, September 11, 2015, Alex Swoyer wrote a piece for Breitbart that says:
"...[At] the 44th annual Eagle Council conference on Friday evening in St. Louis, Missouri[,] Ann Coulter will deliver the keynote address."

    Here is the only video available. (The first part of the speech appears missing and so does the first part (and end) of the Q&A section.)

    Here is a quote about if Trump becomes president and deports illegals:
"[Liberals] didn't like self-deportation? How do you like mass deportation and a wall?" [Longest applause yet.] [Quote found in minute 19.]

    If you do not have time to watch the 31+ minutes (Q&A starts at minute 19), here is what Ann spoke about:

Minute 0: Jeff Sessions.
Minutes 0-1: Immigration is more important than anything else.
Minute 1: Immigrants vs. ISIS.
Minute 2: Immigrants are not the same as blacks.
Minute 3: The Supreme Court.
Minute 4: Democrats want immigrants for votes.
Minutes 5-6: Why do Republicans want immigration?
Minute 7: Scott Walker.
Minute 8: Ann has privately spoken with two presidential candidates about immigration, but they will not listen.
Minute 9: Trump.
Minutes 9-10: CPAC.
Minute 11: Liberals cannot win the debate on immigration, so they refuse to talk about it.
Minute 12: Liberals say we cannot say "anchor baby" (among other terms).
Minutes 13-14: Anchor babies.
Minute 14: The 14th Amendment.
Minutes 14-15: Audience claps when Ann says the anchor baby policy should be retroactive.
Minute 15: America should be able to pick the best immigrants.
Minute 16: Immigrants should be picked by their talents, not by their American relatives.
Minutes 17-18: Ann was going to "smuggle" the immigration debate into another book, but she uncovered so many important facts, so immigration became the whole book.
Minute 19: Ann thinks that all these bad things (Obama's election, Obamacare, SSM, etc.) maybe had to happen to pave the way for a real conservative. Cut.
Minutes 19-24: Question about the refugees.
Minute 25: Bill O'Reilly's folly.
Minute 26: The immigration bureaucracy. Cut.
Minutes 26-27: Trump is not winning because of personality, but because of immigration.
Minute 27: Ann says Trump's moment of weakness was when he was going to accept refugees into America, but Ann quickly emailed him and set him straight.
Minutes 27-28: H1B visas are indentured servitude.
Minute 29: Ann is waiting for Trump to say something that appalls her.
Minute 30: Ann claims her Trump/abortion tweet was meant to cull her followers.
Minute 31: Nothing is more important than who gets to vote. Cut.

    There is a piece that claims to be a report of this event (it has quotes not in the above video (which is possible because the video is not whole)), but the odd thing is that its timestamp is for September 5, which is six days before the event.

    Here are pictures of Ann from the event:

*Apparently there was more than one keynote speaker:

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ann Speaks with Joyce Kaufman

    On Thursday, September 10, 2015, Ann spoke with Joyce Kaufman. The audio is almost 39 minutes, but Ann is only on from minutes 21-32.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 10 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 21: Audio of Trump.
Minute 22: Ann's new article.
Minute 23: Refugees and H1B visa recipients.
Minute 24: Terrorist immigrants.
Minute 25: Refugees.
Minute 26: America will not exist because of immigration. Japan and Israel are not committing suicide.
Minute 27: Immigration should be for Americans.
Minute 28: Trump is high in the polls because of immigration.
Minute 29: Fix immigration and the solutions of all of our problems will fall into place.
Minute 30: Americans being outvoted by foreigners.
Minute 31: Lack of respect (for America) around the world.
Minute 32: Close.

Breitbart Publishes Ann's Piece: "Hitler-Appeasing, FDR-Hating Trumbo Sweeps Hollywood!"

    On Thursday, September 10, 2015, Breitbart published Ann's piece, "Hitler-Appeasing, FDR-Hating Trumbo Sweeps Hollywood!" It's about the Hollywood Blacklist of Communists and how liberals think that was persecution. Here are some quotes:
"Yes, apparently, things got so dark, that well-paid writers like Dalton Trumbo had to have their names taken off scripts. At one point,Trumbo even had to do his writing from a Mexican resort.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians were eating their shoes and watching their children starve to death in Stalin’s orchestrated famine and Jews were being hauled off to the gas chambers by Hitler. Both regimes championed by Trumbo and the other Hollywood 10.

But Dalton Trumbo was forced to write scripts under another name for about decade. The horror.

Liberals all have McCarthy-victim envy. They long to be persecuted – provided they never have to miss a meal. So they keep making these movies about Stalinists allegedly persecuted for their "political views."" [Mistakes original.]
"It’s really heart-wrenching that Trumbo had to suffer the unspeakable horror of writing under a pseudonym. He was never "vindicated" – again in the words of [The Hollywood Reporter] – but he did return to writing major screenplays under his own name, a comeback unavailable to the Hitler and Stalin’s victims, because, you see, they were dead." [Mistakes original.]

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

New Column Entitled: "Refugees: Another One for The "Not Our Problem" File"

    Here is Ann's new column and here is a quote:

"For at least half a century, the U.S. has taken in the vast majority of the world's refugees. Isn't it somebody else's turn, now?

How about Mexico take in a few "refugees"? Why not El Salvador or Honduras? Could the pope have a word with his co-religionists about the suffering in Syria? How about Vatican City? Talk about the perfect place to build some low-income housing projects!

Maybe it's time the world gets used to life without the United States. If our current immigration policies aren't stopped, this country will soon be nothing more than another failed Latin American state.

Speaking of which, I note that our allies, Japan and Israel, aren't taking in any Syrian refugees. Japan is pretty far away, but Israel is even closer to Syria than Sweden is! Evidently, Japan and Israel aren't as gung-ho about destroying themselves as our European friends are. Donald Trump's soaring popularity suggests that America may not be ready to commit suicide yet, either." [Hyperlink removed.]

Ann Sat down with Tavis Smiley

    On Wednesday, September 9, 2015, Ann sat down with Tavis Smiley to discuss immigration. The video is over 26 minutes long. (Also on Youtube.)

    If you do not have time to watch the 26 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 0-1: Introduction. Commercial.
Minute 2: Smiley thinks Ann is not civil.
Minute 3: Big donors.
Minute 4: Immigrants being exploited.
Minute 5: Smiley thinks Ann picks out specific incidences rather than looking at the whole picture.
Minutes 5-6: Immigrants getting government assistance.
Minutes 6-8: Anchor babies.
Minutes 8-9: "Anchor baby" is not offensive.
Minute 10: Immigrant statistics are hard to find.
Minutes 11-12: Are anchor babies intentionally conceived.
Minute 12: Anchor babies don't take as much money as the immigrants give back in taxes?
Minutes 13-14: False.
Minutes 14-15: The elites are to blame.
Minutes 15-16: We don't need more criminals.
Minute 16: Will blacks be treated good if immigrants are gone.
Minutes 16-17: Resources and affirmative action should go to blacks, not immigrants.
Minute 18: Mexican and black conflicts.
Minutes 19-21: How can Republicans win by going against immigration.
Minute 22: Isn't Trump the stereotype of an elitist? No.
Minute 23: Trump always cared about Americans first. Patriotism vs. nationalism.
Minute 24: Why is every group of immigrants demonized?
Minute 25: Close.
Minutes 25-26: Commercial.

Youtuber Asks Ann about Sharknado

    On Wednesday, September 9, 2015, Red Broward posted this video on Youtube. It is 49 seconds.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ann Speaks with the Drive at Five

    On Tuesday, September 8, 2015, Ann spoke with Larry O'Connor on the Drive at Five. The audio is 60 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 37-53. There are two ways to listen:

1. Go here and scroll down until the date is at 09.08.15 (there are two identical audio clips).
2. Go here and scroll to the Drive at Five, click it, and the scroll to the one dated 09.08.15. (It may automatically play.)
Note: They are feeds of the 80 most recent show episodes, so they will be inaccessible in an estimated 3 months (on 12/12/2015).

    If you do not have time to listen to the 17 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 37: Introduction.
Minutes 37-39: The Syrian refugee crises is a scam.
Minutes 39-40: Refugees to Italy want to go to Nordic countries for welfare benefits.
Minute 41: Trump is attacked for telling the truth, and Ann has never seen such attacks against someone.
Minute 42: Other Republicans won't build a fence.
Minute 43: Countries in Europe are committing suicide by immigration.

Ann mentions John Derbyshire and (most likely) this article written by him; she says she tweeted it out "yesterday" (meaning the seventh of September). The only tweet slightly resembling Ann's description is this:
Although it is the same picture for both articles, Ann must have accidentally linked to the wrong article.

Minutes 43-44: Rape and Sweden.
Minute 44: The poor, elderly, weak, children, and women suffer most from immigration. Democrats freak out about fake rape hoaxes, but ignore real gangrape.
Minutes 45-48: Commercial.
Minutes 49-50: Ann's against novelty/non-governor candidates, but Trump's good.
Minute 51: Democrats and tax hikes.
Minutes 52-53: Trump signing the pledge to not become a third-party candidate (if he loses the Republican nomination).
Minute 53: Close.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Ann Joins John Phillips on PJTV a 2nd Time

    On Friday, September 4, 2015, Ann visited John Phillips on PJTV (video+transcript). The video is 19~ minutes and on Youtube and below:

    If you do not have time to watch the 19 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Usually books are about campaigns, but this campaign is about Ann's book.
Minute 1: Trump is getting attacked by Republicans, who ¡Adios America! attacks.
Minute 2: Ann and Trump were the only anti-immigration speakers at CPAC.
Minute 3: No leftist (besides Ramos and Maher) will interview Ann.
Minute 4: ¡Adios America! influenced Trump.
Minutes 4-6: Romney.
Minutes 6-7: Will other candidates adopt Trump's immigration policies?
Minute 8: Immigration is the new litmus test.
Minute 9: Ted Cruz.
Minute 10: Winning the presidency makes Trump's life worse, so that's good proof of sincerity and love of America.
Minute 11: Pete Wilson, Proposition 187, and Dave Brat.
Minute 12: Most billionaires are international globalists; there are only about two American billionaires who love America. A third party run.
Minute 13: Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush.
Minutes 13-14: Everything bad that happened was because of immigration.
Minute 15: Outreach will not help with immigrants. They will never vote Republican.
Minutes 16-17: Bill O'Reilly, Fox, Kate's Law, and the 14th Amendment.
Minute 18: PJTV vs. Fox.
Minutes 18-19: Close.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ann Joins The Drive Home

    On September 2, 2015, Ann joined The Drive Home, a show hosted by Jillian Barberie and John Phillips. Ann is on from minutes 6-59. Ann only really talks from minutes 16-55, so listen to just that section if you are short on time.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 40 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 6: Introduction.
Minutes 7-11: Recent car chase.
Minute 12-13: Ann asks about the car chase.
Minute 14: Break.
Minutes 15-16: Trump and Kanye West.
Minutes 17-18: Trump.
Minute 19: People are against Trump because of stupid reasons, like his "hair being fake."
Minute 20: Trump raising taxes on high-income earners.
Minute 21: Wall Street paying politicians.
Minutes 22-23: Paula Jones.
Minute 24: Hannity and Laura "Ing-ra-ham."
Minutes 24-25: Break.
Minutes 28-30: "Robert from Huntington Beach" asks about tax and Facebook.
Minutes 30-38: Break.
Minutes 38-40: Fox, Bill Maher, and Bill O'Reilly.
Minute 41: Howard Stern.
Minutes 41-42: ¡Adios America!
Minute 43: The media can't defend its position on immigration.
Minute 44: The media thinks "Ann Coulter is David Duke."
Minutes 44-45: The media ignores Ann because they can't beat her.
Minute 46: Bill Maher.
Minute 47: Questionable content.
Minutes 47-53: Break.
Minute 53: The hour is almost over.
Minute 54: Trump writing a letter.
Minute 55: When does Trump sleep?
Minutes 55-59: Break.
Minute 59: Close.

    Ann is also in the first 10 seconds of the 2nd hour (just saying goodbye).

Today's Column: "How to Write a New York Times Op-Ed in Three Easy Steps!"

    Here is today's column and here are some quotes:

"I am obsessed with Donald Trump. I wish I could cancel my book tour and just lie in bed watching his speeches all day long. I'm like a lovesick teenager studying Justin Bieber videos."
"[Liberals c]all conservatives "aggrieved" as often as possible. Yes, this from the party of reparations, #BlackLivesMatter, comparable worth, "Lean In," the DREAM Act and so on. If the Democratic Party were a reality TV show, it would be called "America's Got Grievances!""

Ann Joins My Fox LA Again

    On Wednesday, September 2, 2015, at 10:06am PDT, Jeffrey Thomas DeSocio published a video on My Fox LA of Ann speaking with Steve Edwards and Araksya Karapetyan. The video is almost 8 minutes long and can be viewed below via Youtube.

    If you do not have time to watch the almost 8 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Trump: Ann's soulmate.
Minute 1: Ann usually says we need a governor to run for president, but Trump is okay. Walker's flipflop.
Minutes 1-2: Anchor babies.
Minute 2: Ben Carson polling near Trump.
Minutes 2-3: (Herman Cain/Ben Carson mix up.)
Minute 3: "Ann isn't racist."
Minutes 3-4: Was Trump liberal?
Minutes 4-5: Jorge Ramos being kicked out by Trump.
Minutes 5-6: Chris Christie.
Minute 6: Carson won't last.
Minute 7: Carly Fiorina is not impressive. Close.