Friday, September 11, 2015

Ann Was the Keynote Speaker at the Eagle Council Conference, 2015*

    On Friday, September 11, 2015, Alex Swoyer wrote a piece for Breitbart that says:
"...[At] the 44th annual Eagle Council conference on Friday evening in St. Louis, Missouri[,] Ann Coulter will deliver the keynote address."

    Here is the only video available. (The first part of the speech appears missing and so does the first part (and end) of the Q&A section.)

    Here is a quote about if Trump becomes president and deports illegals:
"[Liberals] didn't like self-deportation? How do you like mass deportation and a wall?" [Longest applause yet.] [Quote found in minute 19.]

    If you do not have time to watch the 31+ minutes (Q&A starts at minute 19), here is what Ann spoke about:

Minute 0: Jeff Sessions.
Minutes 0-1: Immigration is more important than anything else.
Minute 1: Immigrants vs. ISIS.
Minute 2: Immigrants are not the same as blacks.
Minute 3: The Supreme Court.
Minute 4: Democrats want immigrants for votes.
Minutes 5-6: Why do Republicans want immigration?
Minute 7: Scott Walker.
Minute 8: Ann has privately spoken with two presidential candidates about immigration, but they will not listen.
Minute 9: Trump.
Minutes 9-10: CPAC.
Minute 11: Liberals cannot win the debate on immigration, so they refuse to talk about it.
Minute 12: Liberals say we cannot say "anchor baby" (among other terms).
Minutes 13-14: Anchor babies.
Minute 14: The 14th Amendment.
Minutes 14-15: Audience claps when Ann says the anchor baby policy should be retroactive.
Minute 15: America should be able to pick the best immigrants.
Minute 16: Immigrants should be picked by their talents, not by their American relatives.
Minutes 17-18: Ann was going to "smuggle" the immigration debate into another book, but she uncovered so many important facts, so immigration became the whole book.
Minute 19: Ann thinks that all these bad things (Obama's election, Obamacare, SSM, etc.) maybe had to happen to pave the way for a real conservative. Cut.
Minutes 19-24: Question about the refugees.
Minute 25: Bill O'Reilly's folly.
Minute 26: The immigration bureaucracy. Cut.
Minutes 26-27: Trump is not winning because of personality, but because of immigration.
Minute 27: Ann says Trump's moment of weakness was when he was going to accept refugees into America, but Ann quickly emailed him and set him straight.
Minutes 27-28: H1B visas are indentured servitude.
Minute 29: Ann is waiting for Trump to say something that appalls her.
Minute 30: Ann claims her Trump/abortion tweet was meant to cull her followers.
Minute 31: Nothing is more important than who gets to vote. Cut.

    There is a piece that claims to be a report of this event (it has quotes not in the above video (which is possible because the video is not whole)), but the odd thing is that its timestamp is for September 5, which is six days before the event.

    Here are pictures of Ann from the event:

*Apparently there was more than one keynote speaker:

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