On Monday, April 18, 2016, Ann went on Mark Simone's radio
show. It's 34 minutes, but Ann is not on until minute 7.
Quote in minute 10:
"Trump was right. What do conservatives do? We conserve, and what we need to conserve right now is the country."
Minute 7: Intro.
Minute 8: Ann missed her subway stop.
Minute 9: Delegates.
Minute 10: Ted Cruz and donors.
Minute 11: Wisconsin.
Minute 12: Romney and the white vote.
Minutes 13-15: Break.
Minutes 16-17: New York/Jersey caller, Frank.
Minute 18: Connecticut.
Minute 19: Hispanics will vote Trump because they want higher wages.
Minutes 20-21: Many Californians and New Yorkers can't say they are for Trump.
Minutes 21-22: John Kasich.
Minutes 23-24: Lying ads.
Minute 25: Ann is sick of "real Republicans."
Minutes 26-27: Paid political pundits and analysts are not necessarily unbiased.
Minute 28: ¡Adios America!
Minute 29: Why are liberal men sissies?
Minutes 29-30: Autographed photos and book.
Minute 31: Caller asks about illegals and taxes.
Minute 32: Romney was the most attractive Establishment Republican, and he still did not win.
Minutes 33-34: Closing.