Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ann Speaks with Chris Stigall

    On Thursday, April 21, 2016, Ann spoke with Chris Stigall for 12 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-1: Chris Matthews.
Minutes 2-3: Sections of New York by votes.
Minute 4: Trump is great on immigration, and mostly everything else.
Minute 5: The media attacking Trump.
Minute 6: Trans bathrooms.
Minute 7: Trump loves fixing problems. Ann and Trump tweet.
Minute 8: No more caucuses.
Minute 9: The Republican elites are out of touch with the base.
Minutes 10-11: Delegates and the Supreme Court.
Minute 12: Cut.


  1. Obama gave illegal aliens the right to vote today; according to him.

  2. Three million illegal aliens voted.

  3. King Barrack Hussein Obama may pardon all illegal aliens before Trump takes office.

  4. I can't wait to see the Supreme Court Justice's Trump appoints ! Libtards are so screwed ! This is so great, I can barely sleep ! Like Christmas Eve. when I was a kid !

  5. Such a shame about Chris Mattews. I used to like him, very much so. Though I disagreed with him. I will NEVER watch MSNBC or CNN again. Even FOX is on my shit list. Chris is better than that; and he knows it. Dems have turned into the weirdo party, it's not Chris's party anymore. Chris is patriotic, not America hating. By the way; even Chavez was for closed borders. He wasn't stupid like these new libtards.

  6. I want a re-count of who pee's standing up at Target!

  7. Gavin McInnes rules! Almost wish I had to move to Canada; like I would have if Hillary won.
