Friday, March 18, 2016

Ann Visits Bernie and Sid

    On Friday, March 18, 2016, Ann spoke with Bernie McGuirk and Sid Rosenberg. The audio is over one hour, but Ann is only on from minutes 0:19-1:02.

Hour 1:

Minute 19: Introduction.
Minute 20: Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz.
Minute 21: Trump says supposedly outrageous things to keep the media focused on him.
Minute 22: Trump attacking the media and being the alpha male version of Ann.
Minute 23: Trump is the only one who is going to build the wall.
Minute 24: The GOP is teaming up with the Democrats to bash Trump.
Minute 25: We might owe blacks, but no one else.
Minutes 26-27: Hecklers and rioters at Trump speeches.
Minute 28: Break.
Minute 29: Cruz's preacher video calling for the death of homosexuals.
Minutes 30-31: Kris Kobach as Trump's running mate, because tall, white males are good.
Minutes 31-32: Break.
Minute 33: Working out.
Minute 34: Trump will get more black votes.
Minute 35: How to get votes.
Minutes 36-37: Rich Republicans.
Minute 38: Iowa and Cruz.
Minutes 38-39: Constant war Republicans and John Bolton.
Minutes 40-41: Neocons were Democrats first. Syria, Israel, and Iraq. Mark Simone.
Minute 42: Bush and the Iraq War.
Minutes 43-44: Caller asks about Trump saying he would pay protestor's legal fees.
Minute 45: Break.
Minute 46: Making bets on whether Trump will win the black vote or the presidency.
Minute 47: Democrats voting for Trump.
Minute 48: Getting white votes.
Minute 49: Little Marco.
Minute 50: Carly Fiorina and Joyce Kaufman.
Minute 51: Nicotine is good for you. (Ann has went 13 years without a cigarette.)
Minutes 52-54: Al Franken stealing his election.
Minutes 55-56: Different cultures have different crimes and our system is not made to deal with other types of crime.
Minutes 57-58: Deportations.Minute 59: Caller loves Ann.

Hour 2:

Minute 0: Nikki Haley.
Minute 1: Schools can't handle immigration.
Minutes 1-2: Christie, Cruz, Romney. Close.

1 comment:

  1. Rubio's father was a small nicotine shop owner.....
