Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Ann Visits the Drive Home Again

    On Wednesday, March 30, 2016, Ann visited the Drive Home for hours 1 (34 minutes), 2 (37 minutes), and 3 (38 minutes). Ned Rice is also there, but Jillian Barberie is not.

Here is what happened:

Hour 1:

Minute 0: Intro.
Minute 1: Rice's fat.
Minute 2: Ann feels sorry for Muslims.
Minutes 3-4: The more Cruz and Kasich are on television, the more people are for Trump.
Minute 5: Stealing the election from Trump.
Minutes 6-7: Trump wins, but is getting less delegates because there is corruption.
Minute 8: Rubio's people tried to get delegates from Cruz.
Minutes 8-9: Cruz has big, Texas oil people buying him off while Trump does not.
Minute 10: Voters and delegates.
Minute 11: Super-delegates and Democrats.
Minute 12: Lobbyists and political advisors are going to lose their jobs.
Minute 13: Cruz audio clip with Anderson Cooper.
Minute 14: Trump has a winning personality.
Minutes 15-16: Russia, NATO, Kasich.
Minutes 16-17: Charging countries money for saving them.
Minutes 17-18: Break.
Minutes 18-19: Audio of Trump explaining that he didn't start the scuffle with Cruz.
Minutes 20-21: Nexus, super PACs, Obama, Liz Mair.
Minutes 22-23: Trump explaining Michelle Fields.
Minute 24: Ann's thoughts.
Minute 25: Alec Baldwin.
Minute 26: Break.
Minutes 27-29: Ted Cruz's affairs.
Minute 30: Milo's annoying habits.
Minutes 31-32: Trump has the Evangelicals, not Cruz.
Minute 33: Close.

Hour 2:

Minute 0: Intro.
Minutes 1-5: Muslims doing target practice.
Minutes 6-7: Trump, Lewandowski, and Wisconsin.
Minutes 8-9: Abortion.
Minutes 9-10: Lewandowski.
Minutes 11-12: Republican wars.
Minute 13: Muslims.
Minutes 14-15: Michelle Fields.
Minutes 16-20: OJ Simpson, the n-word, and FX.
Minutes 21-24: Hacking iPhones.
Minutes 25-26: Buckley and writing books.
Minutes 27-28: Apple.
Minute 29: Media on Trump.
Minutes 30-32: Break.
Minutes 33-36: People electrocuted in a pool.
Minutes 36-37: Close.

Hour 3:

Minutes 0-4: Commercials.
Minute 4: Judd Apatow.
Minutes 5-9: An author calls in.
Minutes 9-10: Political ads.
Minutes 11-14: Cruz and alcohol.
Minutes 15-18: Geraldo Rivera.
Minutes 18-20: Chris Darden.
Minutes 21-22: OJ.
Minute 23: Cruz.
Minute 24: Break.
Minutes 24-26: Natasha calls in.
Minutes 26-28: Other Ann Coulters, Ned Rices, and John Phillipses.
Minutes 29-30: The Rust Belt and the white vote.
Minute 31: Break.
Minutes 32-33: Game.
Minute 34: Political games. Break.
Minutes 34-35: Cesar Chavez.
Minute 36: Dark superheroes.
Minute 37: Wisconsin, Cruz, Trump.
Minute 38: Close.


  1. Ann's WAY hotter !

  2. Kasich working on plan to get Trump's Electoral College votes.

  3. Cesar Chavez was for closed borders.

  4. Donnie's mixing in with the little people tonight on Long Island. Whatever dude. Just don't share any snails with Paul Ryan. Your on thin ice pal. Glad to hear Romney is no longer being considered for Secretary of State. If Mitchell is there I hope he chokes on one a those fancy toothpicks. No drinks with little umbrellas either !
