Monday, August 22, 2016

Ann Debates James Carville on ABC's Nightline w/ David Wright

    On Monday, August 22, 2016, Ann and James Carville went on ABC's Nightline with David Wright moderating. It's 38 minutes and can be viewed on Facebook, ABC (with transcript), or below.

Minute 0: Trump is sincere and won't back down.
Minute 1: Trump understands average Americans more the rich Americans or Republicans.
Minute 2: Carville on the Republican party.
Minute 3: Carville says Hillary is going forward and Trump is going back.
Minute 4: Ann says Republicans in congress did more for the economy than Democrat presidents.
Minute 5: Special interests.
Minutes 6-7: Carville on how good the Clintons are.
Minute 8: Ann on Clinton speeches.
Minute 9: Carville says Clintons are good.
Minutes 10-11: Ann defends Trump and his finances.
Minute 12: Carville's thoughts.
Minute 13: Hillary's medical problems.
Minutes 14-15: Tax returns.
Minute 15: Trump and blacks.
Minutes 16-17: Trump isn't perfect, but is tough.
Minutes 18-19: Carville says Trump should continue being different if he wants to win.
Minutes 19-20: Trump says what he means.
Minute 21: Ann on how Hillary can win.
Minute 22: Carville says Trump lies.
Minute 23: Bernie Sanders.
Minute 24: Where are the manufacturing jobs?
Minutes 25-26: Trade deals.
Minute 27: Carville says Trump's misinformed.
Minute 28: Carville says immigration is good.
Minute 29: Some immigrants are better than others.
Minute 30: What Trump says.
Minute 31: Trump will let ICE do its job.
Minute 32: Carville on how bad deportations will be.
Minute 33: Deportations.
Minute 34: Trump doesn't need to work with Congress.
Minute 35: Bushes.
Minute 36: Carville says Hillary will win.
Minute 37: Ann says Trump will win.
Minute 38: Close.

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