Monday, August 22, 2016

Ann Discusses "In Trump We Trust" with Hannity

    On Monday, August 22, 2016, Ann went on Hannity to discuss her new book. The audio is 96 minutes, but Ann's only on from minutes 37-1:04.

Minutes 37-38: The Republicans are bad too.
Minute 39: Trump is finally picking up on issues no one else is.
Minutes 40-42: The executive amnesty.
Minutes 43-45: Trump extends the olive branch, but is always attacked.
Minutes 46-47: Establishment Republicans want Hillary more than Trump.
Minutes 48-50: Break.
Minute 51: Hillary is a nightmare.
Minute 52: The media has lost all credibility.
Minutes 53-54: Supporting low wage workers.
Minute 55: Trump is the only one with specific policies.
Minute 56: Trump will negotiate trade deals.
Minute 57: When America is a one-party state, it will be the Hispanic Democrats vs. the Asian Democrats: It's all ethnic politics.
Minute 58: Hannity.
Minute 59: The Republican Establishment are only protecting their jobs and donors.

Hour 2:

Minute 00: Getting serious for the general election.
Minute 01: Hillary.
Minute 02: Trump wants votes from regular people.
Minute 03: Blacks will benefit most from the Wall.
Minute 04: Close.

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