Friday, August 28, 2015

4 Hours of Ann!!!

    Well, with the breaks and all, it's about 3.5 hours.

    On Friday, August 28, 2015, Peter Tilden could not host his show on KABC, so Ann hosted it. Here are all four hours on KABC's site; here on PodBean is each individual hour: 1, 2, 3, and 4; and they are also embedded below.

    Ann is on with her two friends: Meryl Kinsler (spelling?) and Ned Rice. (Rice was in the acknowledgements of "If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans.")

    Keep in mind, sometimes during interviews Ann makes mistakes by calling one thing another (such as immigrants/liberals, Trump/Romney, or Carson/Cain). Ann was called out for racism a while back because of the Carson/Cain mix up, but this appearance by Ann (where she is the host and needs to keep up talking for 4 hours,) shows how many mistakes/misstatements Ann makes while under pressure.





    If you do not have time to listen to the lots of minutes, here is what they talked about:

Hour 1:

Minute 0: These 4 hours will be about the Export-Import Bank. NOT!
Minutes 1-2: Trump is so much more fantastic than Ann thought he would be.
Minute 3: Why polls matter.
Minute 4: Everyone attacked Trump in every way possible and his polls are still up.
Minute 5: Huffington Post.
Minutes 5-6: Bernie Sanders. Showing listeners the #BlackLivesMatter video over the radio.
Minutes 6-8: Jorge Ramos.
Minute 8: Trump isn't calling people names; they are calling him names.
Minute 9: Break.
Minute 10: Audio clip of Trump dissing Bush.
Minute 11: Discussion of said clip.
Minute 12: The Dubuque event.
Minutes 13-14: Winning 51% of the Hispanic vote?
Minute 14: Republicans can appeal to voters who stay at home, ergo, causing them to not stay home.
Minutes 15-20: Break.
Minutes 21-24: Why is Trump running?
Minutes 24-31: Break.
Minutes 31-33: The Rick Wilson meltdown.
Minute 33: Don Lemon invites Rick Wilson onto his show, but he won't invite Ann.
Minutes 34-35: "John from LA" (caller) makes Ann laugh a lot.
Minute 36: John asks question, but took long and now Ann will answer it after the break.
Minutes 36-41: Break.
Minute 42: Ann introduces her friends.
Minute 43: Ann's books do influence the public.
Minutes 44-45: Ann and friends try to answer John's question.
Minute 46: An article dissing Trump's sister.
Minutes 47-51: Break.
Minute 52: Trump's sister.
Minute 53: Every Republican is pro-life; immigration is the new litmus test.
Minute 54: Close.

Hour 2:

Minute 0: Palm Springs.
Minutes 1-2: "AJ in Montrose" asks about Mexicans stealing SSNs and IDs from Americans to apply for jobs.
Minute 3: Immigration is the cause of annoying leaf blowers.
Minutes 3-4: The answer.
Minutes 4-5: Farmers need to mechanize.
Minute 6: Immigrants already here are hurt by more immigrants.
Minute 7: "Debbie in Studio City" was waiting for an hour to talk to Ann.
Minutes 8-9: Debbie wonders about Muslims, creamed spinach, and snail personalities.
Minutes 9-10: Break.
Minute 10: Muslim immigrants and refugee status.
Minute 11: Immigrants "need to go."
Minute 12: Hillary and her joke writers.
Minute 13: Trump has better jokes.
Minutes 13-14: Friends of Abe.
Minute 14: Ann's schoolgirl-ish enthusiasm for Trump.
Minute 15: Anthony Weiner.
Minutes 16-17: Ashley Madison and Tinder.
Minutes 17-22: Break.
Minute 23: "Scott in Huntington Beach" asks about Reagan.
Minutes 23-24: Ann answers.
Minutes 25-31: Ann goes to break.
Minute 31: Ann thinks the Clinton email scandal is boring.
Minute 32: Reagan.
Minute 33: Candidates pretending to be Reagan. Trump will do good with blacks.
Minutes 34-35: Ashley Madison ads on Fox.
Minute 35: "Michael in Dana Point" says Trump is running just to impress Ann so she will be his fourth wife (and Ann says she would be lucky if that happens).
Minute 36: Michael says the only likely thing to mess Trump up is his choice for vice president.
Minutes 37-41: Break.
Minute 41: Return.
Minute 42: Trump's VP.
Minute 43: Immigration ruins everything.
Minute 44: Michael didn't pay attention to the Trump campaign.
Minutes 44-45: Scott Walker flipped-flopped because his donors like anchor babies and immigrants.
Minute 46: Trump's immigration plan. Ann's abortion tweet.
Minute 47: Ann's Twitter followers outnumber CNN's primetime viewers.
Minutes 48-50: Ann goes to break.
Minute 51: "Mary-Ann in Granada Hills" says Trump supporters do not want him because he's "entertainment."
Minutes 52-53: Perhaps God set this all up so Trump can win.
Minute 53: Ann originally wanted the Tea Party to stop wasting money on fighting RINOs, but now she sees that they need to probably be gotten rid of.
Minute 54: This election (with Trump) is because Americans are fed up with Republicans lying about immigration. Close.

Hour 3:

Minute 0: Audio clip of Trump.
Minute 1: Trump's tax plan.
Minutes 1-2: Hedge fund managers and taxes.
Minutes 3-5: Should the rich have a higher percentage of tax?
Minutes 6-7: Banks being bailed out.
Minutes 7-8: Trump's nationalism/patriotism.
Minute 8: Trump was a Republican back in 1988.
Minute 9: Trump has always been pro-American.
Minutes 9-10: Break.
Minute 10: Ann loudly speaks, but it sounds like the traffic break was not over yet.
Minutes 10-11: Trump is pro-American and would have stopped immigration if he was president when the economy collapsed.
Minutes 11-12: Immigration hurts blacks most.
Minute 12: Trump's immigration policy paper.
Minutes 12-13: Remittances should be taxed.
Minute 14: Trump's immigration policy paper will cut money from a fund that's for "foreign youth" and give that money to "inner city youth."
Minutes 15-16: "Johnathan from Santa Ana" says corporations should get big fines for hiring illegals.
Minute 17: Immigrants should self-deport.
Minutes 18-22: Break.
Minutes 22-23: Employers and E-Verify.
Minute 24: With capitalism, good products are imitated, so why does no one imitate Trump.
Minutes 25-30: Break.
Minute 31: Contest for tickets (to win, answer a question about what Trump called Weiner).
Minutes 32-33: "Joe in LA" agrees with Trump and thinks he will get many black votes.
Minutes 33-34: Blacks being shot by Mexicans.
Minute 35: If Trump is a Democrat, then he can win Democrat votes.
Minute 36: Democrats only care about blacks until they vote.
Minutes 37-41: Break.
Minute 41: Contest.
Minute 42: "Terri from San Clemente" disagrees with everything Ann says.
Minutes 42-44: Bernie Sanders.
Minute 44: Terri wins a ticket, but more can win.
Minute 45: Ann can't find an audio of clip of Trump.
Minutes 45-47: Ann reveals why her whole introduction of Trump is not available (accordion wall being removed, loud noise, supposed "fire hazard").
Minute 48: Trump didn't speak until 15 minutes after Ann.
Minutes 48-49: Trump only has 2 campaign workers.
Minutes 49-50: Break.
Minute 50: Ann returns.
Minute 51: Trump audio clip about not accepting big donations.
Minutes 51-52: Campaign financing.
Minute 53: Trump and Zuckerberg's net worth.
Minute 54: Illegals got to go. Close.

Hour 4:

Minute 0: Clip of Trump on the Today Show.
Minute 1: Does anyone care about what Jeb Bush says.
Minutes 1-2: Trump keeps moving forward each time the left says he will implode (and the bigger he gets, the harder they think he'll fall).
Minute 3: "Trump probably won't even win reelection," liberals say.
Minute 4: When Millennials get old, every Republican will be imitating Trump.
Minutes 5-6: The 1994 election made Ann go to work in DC (she didn't want to), but she knew DC needed conservative people to help the new congress.
Minute 7: Newt Gingrich.
Minute 8: "Chris from Lexington, SC" thanks Ann for speaking against immigration.
Minutes 9-10: Polls.
Minutes 10: Break.
Minute 11: Ann goes to get water.
Minute 12: A Hitler/Trump meme floating around the net.
Minute 13: Calling Trump supporters racist.
Minutes 14-15: The reason civil rights laws and affirmative action exist is because of blacks; foreigners should not get benefits like blacks.
Minute 16: Obama is bad for blacks.
Minute 17: Trump can win.
Minutes 17-21: Break.
Minute 22: "Tony" asks if deporting illegals will alienate voters.
Minute 23: "They've got to go."
Minute 24: Go after high profile illegals to scare the rest.
Minutes 25-31: Ann switches to a break.
Minute 32: Most important issue: Trump-igation.
Minutes 33-37: Democrats rewrite and lie about history, like they are doing with Hurricane Katrina.
Minute 37: David Vitter.
Minutes 37-42: Break.
Minute 43: "Steve from La Palma" wonders what was most dumbfounding when Ann was doing her research.
Minutes 44-45: Statistics that are hidden, that's what.
Minutes 45-47: The real number of illegals in America.
Minutes 47-50: Break.
Minute 51: How did Rice and Kinsler think the discussion went.
Minute 52: "Marry from Chatsworth" thinks Trump is narcissistic, but he is a breath of fresh air.
Minutes 52-53: Ann never thought she'd like Trump as much as she does.
Minute 53: Trump's family is lovely.
Minutes 53-54: Close.

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