Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Ann Speaks with Mike Gallagher

    On Tuesday, August 18, 2015, Ann joined Mike Gallagher's second hour to discuss immigration. You can listen below or on Stitcher. It is 53 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 27-49.

    Here is a quote on amnesty being more likely to pass if Republicans push for it:
"Hillary wants to wreck the country in like, a million different ways. She might not get to amnesty. Whereas, with Jeb, Rubio, McCain, no! You are getting amnesty." [Emphasis implied.] [Quote found in minute 33.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 23 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 27-28: Ann joking that Donald Trump can perform abortions in the White House.
Minutes 29-30: The media will not report on immigration (although Trump is helping).
Minute 31: Democrats cannot win without immigrants.
Minute 32: Ann has been screaming about immigration for years. Trump is Ann's dream candidate (at least on the immigration topic.)
Minute 33: Who is more dangerous pushing amnesty? Republicans.
Minutes 33-34: Mitt Romney.
Minutes 35-36: Critics of Trump just calls him names. The best argument against Trump are his trophy wives and divorces, but no one even brings them up.
Minutes 36: International globalists are pushing amnesty for cheap labor.
Minute 37: Trump has always been Trump.
Minute 38: Trump's father's life looks like the American success story (and he had the same wife, secretary, and middle-class house his entire life), but Trump has the hilarious and salesman-like style.
Minutes 39-43: Break.
Minute 45: Ann's hot, hot hate of a thousand suns (toward Carly Fiorina) because Fiorina is okay with anchor babies.
Minute 46: Anchor babies.
Minute 47: Harry Reid came out on the Senate floor against anchor babies.
Minutes 47-48: Caller (Kim) asks why America doesn't stop anchor babies like the rest of the world.
Minute 48: Elk v. Wilkson.
Minute 49: The Indian Citizenship Act. Close.

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