Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ann Speaks with Matthew Boyle

    On Sunday, October 11, 2015, Ann spoke with Matthew Boyle on Breitbart News Sunday. The audio is over 16 minutes and is below.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 16+ minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Marco Rubio is supposedly "surging" in the polls.
Minutes 2-3: Trump and polls.
Minute 4: Rubio loves amnesty and endless immigration and hates a border.
Minutes 4-5: All Republican candidates in 1996 were against legal immigration in order to stop illegal immigration.
Minutes 5-6: Candidates keep lying to the voters by campaigning against immigration, but then supporting it when they are elected.
Minutes 6-8: Paul Ryan is for amnesty; why are people pushing him for Speaker?
Minute 8: Because donors want immigrants for cheap labor.
Minutes 8-9: Trump will be the richest president, yet the one who spends the least money.
Minutes 9-10: Voters matter and they are sending a message.
Minute 10: Will Ryan debate Ann?
Minutes 10-11: Jack Kemp.
Minutes 11-13: Blacks perhaps deserve compensation (not how the Democrats did it), but giving Hispanics amnesty is not "civil rights" and will not attract blacks to the Republican party.
Minute 14: Republicans cannot use a Hispanic to attract blacks (or even other Hispanics).
Minutes 14-15: Marsha Blackburn for Speaker, maybe.
Minutes 15-16: We need to look at the congressmen's history to see who to pick for Speaker.
Minute 16: Cut.

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