Thursday, October 22, 2015

Ann Visited Eric Metaxas' Show

    On Thursday, October 22, 2015, Ann spoke with Eric Metaxas about the Benghazi scandal and more. The audio is almost 41 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 10-39.

    Ann retweeted Metaxas:

    If you do not have time to listen to the 30 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 10: Ann's divisive.
Minute 11: Hillary Clinton is cynical.
Minute 12: Clinton will insult Americans' intelligence.
Minutes 12-13: Democrats lied about Benghazi and they (like always) blamed America first.
Minute 14: Clinton is cynical.
Minute 15: Joe Biden just said we are on the cusp of an economic recovery.
Minute 16: Clinton's cynicism.
Minutes 17-18: Clinton blaming Innocence of Muslims for the Benghazi attack.
Minutes 19-20: The problems with congressional hearings.
Minutes 20-21: Break.
Minutes 21-22: Jim Webb is cranky and a little nutty.
Minutes 22-23: Paul Ryan is an amnesty disaster.
Minutes 23-24: Ann explains why Ryan failed on stopping poverty.
Minutes 24-25: The most prosperous time in American history was when immigration was halted.
Minute 26: Mitt Romney.
Minutes 26-27: We don't need to search for female candidates in order to "find" the next Margaret Thatcher; she will arise on her own.
Minutes 27-28: Break.
Minutes 28-29: Ann went to Rush Limbaugh's wedding with Matt Drudge, but did not meet Elton John.
Minute 29: Daniel Webster for House Speaker.
Minute 30: Ann wants Steve King for House Speaker.
Minute 31: Private jobs before political careers.
Minute 32: Kevin McCarthy is not smart.
Minute 33: Jack Kemp got less Hispanic votes than Proposition 187.
Minute 34: Is Donald Trump compatible with Mitt Romney.
Minutes 34-35: Reagan, Romney, and Trump (by becoming President), would be stepping down on society's ladder; that shows Ann how much they love America.
Minutes 35-36: Break.
Minutes 36-37: Ann's Glendale, CA event.
Minute 37: Americans will understand everything about the Trump phenomenon if they read ¡Adios America!
Minutes 37-38: Trump and Romney.
Minute 39: Trump only attacks when he is attacked first.
Minutes 39-40: Close.

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