On Friday, February 19, 2016, Ann spoke with Bernie McGuirk and Sid Rosenberg. The audio is one hour, but Ann is only on from minutes 33-43.
Here is what they discussed:
Minute 33: Introduction.
Minute 34: Trump is the only one who will build the wall.
Minute 35: Trump's attacks on other Republicans.
Minute 36: Trump talks like a normal person.
Minutes 37-38: Even Fox News is going after Trump.
Minute 39: Ann's tweets.
Minutes 40-41: The pope.
Minute 42-43: Nikki Haley. Close.
On Tuesday, February 16, 2016, Ann went on MSNBC with Chris Matthews to discuss the war in Iraq. (Here is shorter, yet higher quality, additional video in case the other is deleted.)
Here's what they discussed (the red is when Ann speaks):
Minute 0: Who cares about the Quds and Kurds?
Minute 1: Cardenas' thoughts.
Minute 2: Sanford's thoughts.
Minute 3: Rush Limbaugh. Minute 4: Trump is winning on trade, war, and immigration. Minute 5: Racial profiling and 9/11. Bush's amnesty.
Minute 6: Dick Cheney.
Minute 7: Cardenas.
Minute 8: Sanford. Minute 8-10: Why the war in Iraq was good.
Minute 10: Close.
On Sunday, February 2, 2016, Ann went on Breitbart News Sunday with Alexander Marlow to talk about Antonin Scalia and the courts. You can listen on Soundcloud or below:
Here's what they discussed:
Minutes 0-3: Antonin Scalia.
Minute 3: Americans will not vote for liberal policies, so Democrats use the Supreme Court to push things through.
Minutes 4-6: Republicans not handling the problem.
Minute 7: Democrats fight tough.
Minute 8: We should sometimes compromise, but not when we don't need to.
Minute 9: Black Lives Matter.
Minutes 10-11: Hillary's really dumb.
Minute 12: Bernie Sanders is who the Democrats want.
Minute 13: It's good we have Trump.
Minute 14: Close.
On Monday, February 15, 2016, Washington and Lee Spectator posted these videos with Ann (they are assumably from Friday, February 12, when Ann gave a speech there). The first video is 13 minutes and the second is 3.
Here's what they discussed:
Minute 0: Ann explains Cruz's citizenship.
Minutes 1-2: Fox and Cruz lying and being against Trump.
Minute 3: Will Trump be more moderate after the primaries?
Minute 4: Hillary talking about BLM and cops.
Minute 5: Hispanics love him.
Minutes 5-6: Evangelicals.
Minute 6: The military.
Minute 7: Michael Bloomberg.
Minute 8: Ann's birthday.
Minute 9: Trump playing chess.
Minute 10: Trump is getting everyone.
Minutes 11-12: Is immigration really that important?
Minute 12: Close.
Minute 0: Trump is a Republican.
Minute 1: Trump gets applause when he mentions the wall.
Minutes 2-3: Liberals in education.
Minute 3: Close.
On Friday, February 12, 2016, Ann spoke at the Washington and Lee University during the Washington and Lee Mock Convention. The video is on Facebook and below. It is 49 minutes, but plays twice, so the speech is actually only about 24 minutes.
Here is what Ann talked about:
Minutes 0-3: Ann explains all of the wins that Democrats have gotten, and that they will continue winning unless we stop immigration.
Minute 4: Liberals openly admit that they need immigration.
Minutes 5-6: All our problems are due to immigration.
Minute 7: Third-world immigrants vote tribally.
Minute 8: Ann wants a Republican who can do math.
Minute 9: The elites want immigration.
Minute 10: Can Republicans try to get the white vote?
Minute 11: Anchor babies.
Minute 12: Chain migration.
Minute 13: America should get the best immigrants.
Minute 14: Immigrants and welfare.
Minute 15: Immigrants are not American blacks.
Minute 16: Being called "racist."
Minute 17: Racism and immigration.
Minute 18: Republican donors do not care about blacks, Hispanics, or whites.
Minute 19: Taxpayers are subsidizing the immigrants.
Minute 20: If immigrants were rich and competing with the rich, then the rich would not want them to come in.
Minute 21: Politics is about fixing a problem, not having a career.
Minute 22: Donald Trump is happening and the GOP better deal with it.
Minute 23: We want to live in America, not a Third-world country.
Minute 24: Trump is good enough on the other issues. Close.
On Tuesday, February 2, 2016, Ann spoke before Trump in Milford, NH. You can watch video 1, 2, 3, or below. It's under 9 minutes:
Here's what she talked about:
Minute 0: Trump's campaign is like nothing else.
Minute 1: Trump is winning Evangelicals.
Minute 2: Trump won Ann over when he said "Mexican rapists."
Minute 3: Trump will say anything politically incorrect.
Minute 4: Elites cannot grasp that Trump is winning.
Minute 5: Trump will put Americans before others.
Minutes 6-8: What will Trump say in response to stupid liberal ideas? "No."