Sunday, February 14, 2016

Ann Goes on Breitbart News Sunday

    On Sunday, February 2, 2016, Ann went on Breitbart News Sunday with Alexander Marlow to talk about Antonin Scalia and the courts. You can listen on Soundcloud or below:

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-3: Antonin Scalia.
Minute 3: Americans will not vote for liberal policies, so Democrats use the Supreme Court to push things through.
Minutes 4-6: Republicans not handling the problem.
Minute 7: Democrats fight tough.
Minute 8: We should sometimes compromise, but not when we don't need to.
Minute 9: Black Lives Matter.
Minutes 10-11: Hillary's really dumb.
Minute 12: Bernie Sanders is who the Democrats want.
Minute 13: It's good we have Trump.
Minute 14: Close.