Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Ann Speaks at Another Trump Rally

    On Tuesday, February 2, 2016, Ann spoke before Trump in Milford, NH. You can watch video 1, 2, 3, or below. It's under 9 minutes:

    Here's what she talked about:

Minute 0: Trump's campaign is like nothing else.
Minute 1: Trump is winning Evangelicals.
Minute 2: Trump won Ann over when he said "Mexican rapists."
Minute 3: Trump will say anything politically incorrect.
Minute 4: Elites cannot grasp that Trump is winning.
Minute 5: Trump will put Americans before others.
Minutes 6-8: What will Trump say in response to stupid liberal ideas? "No."


  1. Elites will understand the guillotine.

  2. Jeb lost me when he said "hola".
