Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ann Interviewed by Paul Bond at RNC

    On Thursday, July 21, 2016, Ann was at the RNC and spoke with Paul Bond of the Hollywood Reporter. It's just over 18 minutes and you can watch it here or below.

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-2: Roger Ailes.
Minute 2: Peter Thiel.
Minutes 3-4: Trump's Orlando speech and RNC speech.
Minute 5: In Trump We Trust.
Minutes 6-7: People booing Ted Cruz's speech.
Minutes 7-8: Melania copying Michelle Obama's speech.
Minute 9: DWTS.
Minutes 9-10: Are all Americans immigrants?
Minutes 11-12: Liberals just ban people they can't argue with, like Milo.
Minutes 13-14: Trump is bringing in more people than he's scaring away.
Minutes 14-15: Alex Jones and Roger Stone.
Minute 15: Ann is not xenophobic because she likes foreigners in their countries.
Minutes 16-17: Ann as FCC chairman in the Trump Administration.
Minute 17: Glenn Beck.
Minute 18: Close.

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