Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ann Talks with Yahoo News at the RNC

    On Tuesday, July 20, 2016, Ann was at the RNC and spoke with Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News. The video is over 14 minutes.

    This is what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Trump selecting Mike Pence.
Minute 2: Pence and immigration.
Minute 3: Trump read ¡Adios America!
Minutes 3-4: Ann tried to get the Republican candidates to read her book, but only Trump cared.
Minute 5: Isikoff read ¡Adios America! too.
Minute 6: What about WASPs who commit bad crimes compared to immigrants?
Minutes 6-7: Hispanic child rape.
Minute 8: Cops.
Minute 9: Trump will not alienate Hispanics.
Minutes 9-10: Ann bets Isikoff $100.
Minutes 10-11: Paul Manafort and political consultants.
Minute 11: Blowing up the Republican establishment.
Minute 12: Ann getting airtime on immigration.
Minutes 12-13: Roger Ailes.
Minute 14: Ann is celebrating. Close.

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