Minute 0: Trump is sincere and won't back down.
Minute 1: Trump understands average Americans more the rich Americans or Republicans.
Minute 2: Carville on the Republican party.
Minute 3: Carville says Hillary is going forward and Trump is going back.
Minute 4: Ann says Republicans in congress did more for the economy than Democrat presidents.
Minute 5: Special interests.
Minutes 6-7: Carville on how good the Clintons are.
Minute 8: Ann on Clinton speeches.
Minute 9: Carville says Clintons are good.
Minutes 10-11: Ann defends Trump and his finances.
Minute 12: Carville's thoughts.
Minute 13: Hillary's medical problems.
Minutes 14-15: Tax returns.
Minute 15: Trump and blacks.
Minutes 16-17: Trump isn't perfect, but is tough.
Minutes 18-19: Carville says Trump should continue being different if he wants to win.
Minutes 19-20: Trump says what he means.
Minute 21: Ann on how Hillary can win.
Minute 22: Carville says Trump lies.
Minute 23: Bernie Sanders.
Minute 24: Where are the manufacturing jobs?
Minutes 25-26: Trade deals.
Minute 27: Carville says Trump's misinformed.
Minute 28: Carville says immigration is good.
Minute 29: Some immigrants are better than others.
Minute 30: What Trump says.
Minute 31: Trump will let ICE do its job.
Minute 32: Carville on how bad deportations will be.
Minute 33: Deportations.
Minute 34: Trump doesn't need to work with Congress.
Minute 35: Bushes.
Minute 36: Carville says Hillary will win.
Minute 37: Ann says Trump will win.
Minute 38: Close.
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