Monday, August 22, 2016

Ann Spoke with Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News

    On Monday, August 22, 2016, Ann visited Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News to discuss Trump. It's 19 minutes.

Minute 0: "Mexican Rapist" speech.
Minute 1: Trump meeting with Hispanic advisers.
Minute 2: A deportation force isn't needed.
Minute 3: The wall will be built.
Minutes 4-5: A Muslim ban vs. a Islamic country ban.
Minutes 5-7: Trump's inflammatory comments.
Minutes 8-9: Muslim immigration is not about exceptions, Khans, or constitution-wavers.
Minute 9: The Khans.
Minutes 10-11: Foreign wars and Russia.
Minute 12: Enough with war right now.
Minute 13: Steve Bannon.
Minute 14: Michelle Fields.
Minutes 15-16: Trump slumping in the polls.
Minute 17: Is Hillary sick?
Minute 18: Journalists going after Trump's charitable donations. Mysteries.
Minute 19: Close.

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