Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ann Live Tweets the Third Republican Debate of 2016

    On Wednesday, October 28, 2015, Ann live tweeted the third Republican debate for the 2016 presidential election. Here are some of the tweets:

    According to the Washington Post's transcript of the debate, "Israel", "Jew", and "abortion" were mentioned zero times, while "Reagan" was mentioned 6 times (3 of those were the moderators). Carson mentioned Reagan in the beginning, Cruz later mentioned Reagan, and then Kasich mentioned Reagan at the end. It is quite interesting because Carson, Cruz, and Kasich mentioned Reagan without being asked about him, and when the moderators mentioned Reagan, the answers the candidates gave did not mention Reagan. (This furthers the claim that "COULTER GETS RESULTS!")

    This is in response to Huckabee saying that he was wearing a Trump tie.

Column: "The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth, but They Shouldn’t Be President"

    On Wednesday, October 28, 2015, Ann published her latest column. It is about people saying Trump isn't very Christian. Here are some quotes:
"The idea that Christians are supposed to be milquetoasts is liberal propaganda. Ask the money-changers how meek Jesus was... God commanded the Israelites to go to certain cities and kill "every living thing.""
"This is not an election about who can check off the most boxes on an evangelical lifestyle list. This is an election about saving the concept of America, the last hope for Christianity on the planet."
"Some Christians want proof that a candidate has memorized Bible verses. I want a candidate who lives by this verse: "So do not be afraid of them."" [Quote from Matthew 10:26.]

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Ann Speaks with John Gibson

    On Thursday, October 22, 2015, Fox published John Gibson's interview with Ann.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 12+ minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 0-1: Does Gibson like Trump?
Minute 1: Trump's comments on 9/11.
Minutes 2-3: Before 9/11 Bush was against Arab profiling. Trump's immigration plan would most likely have kept the terrorists out of America.
Minute 4: How is Ann's dream ticket (Trump/Romney) going to work out?
Minute 5: Ann's next book signing. Ann loves Twitter.
Minute 6: Ann on the View with Raven.
Minute 7: Ann does not necessarily disagree with Raven "disliking" ghetto names; Ann disliked Raven's "that's mean!" argument.
Minute 8: Ann going into the lions' den.
Minute 9: Liberals can go their whole lives without hearing conservatives' views.
Minutes 10-11: Why Paul Ryan is bad.
Minute 12: Close.

Ann Visited Eric Metaxas' Show

    On Thursday, October 22, 2015, Ann spoke with Eric Metaxas about the Benghazi scandal and more. The audio is almost 41 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 10-39.

    Ann retweeted Metaxas:

    If you do not have time to listen to the 30 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 10: Ann's divisive.
Minute 11: Hillary Clinton is cynical.
Minute 12: Clinton will insult Americans' intelligence.
Minutes 12-13: Democrats lied about Benghazi and they (like always) blamed America first.
Minute 14: Clinton is cynical.
Minute 15: Joe Biden just said we are on the cusp of an economic recovery.
Minute 16: Clinton's cynicism.
Minutes 17-18: Clinton blaming Innocence of Muslims for the Benghazi attack.
Minutes 19-20: The problems with congressional hearings.
Minutes 20-21: Break.
Minutes 21-22: Jim Webb is cranky and a little nutty.
Minutes 22-23: Paul Ryan is an amnesty disaster.
Minutes 23-24: Ann explains why Ryan failed on stopping poverty.
Minutes 24-25: The most prosperous time in American history was when immigration was halted.
Minute 26: Mitt Romney.
Minutes 26-27: We don't need to search for female candidates in order to "find" the next Margaret Thatcher; she will arise on her own.
Minutes 27-28: Break.
Minutes 28-29: Ann went to Rush Limbaugh's wedding with Matt Drudge, but did not meet Elton John.
Minute 29: Daniel Webster for House Speaker.
Minute 30: Ann wants Steve King for House Speaker.
Minute 31: Private jobs before political careers.
Minute 32: Kevin McCarthy is not smart.
Minute 33: Jack Kemp got less Hispanic votes than Proposition 187.
Minute 34: Is Donald Trump compatible with Mitt Romney.
Minutes 34-35: Reagan, Romney, and Trump (by becoming President), would be stepping down on society's ladder; that shows Ann how much they love America.
Minutes 35-36: Break.
Minutes 36-37: Ann's Glendale, CA event.
Minute 37: Americans will understand everything about the Trump phenomenon if they read ¡Adios America!
Minutes 37-38: Trump and Romney.
Minute 39: Trump only attacks when he is attacked first.
Minutes 39-40: Close.

Ann Discusses ¡Adios America! with Dr. Drew

    On Thursday, October 22, 2015, Ann visited Dr. Drew to discuss ¡Adios America! and Trump. The audio is just over 4 minutes.

Minute 0: Ann's event this Saturday.
Minute 1: It was a "two-book deal"; Ann had an advance and is not making any more money even when more books are sold. People need to read ¡Adios America!
Minutes 1-2: We can assimilate immigrants, but not at this speed.
Minute 2: Are Trump's plans not detailed enough?
Minute 3: Trump on abortion. Trump always put Americans first.
Minute 4: Cut.

Ann Accepts Dinner Invitation from Tweeter

    On Thursday, October 22, 2015, @BattleCrane tweeted...

...and Ann replied:

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

New Column: "Save Us from Paul Ryan and the Kemp Boys"

    On Wednesday, October 21, 2015, Ann posted her new column. Here are some quotes:
"In the 1996 vice presidential debate, Al Gore repeatedly praised Kemp for not being a racist -- unlike the rest of his party. After Gore called Kemp a "lonely voice" in the GOP, "who says we ought to be one nation," Kemp did not say:


No, Kemp's response was: "Well, I thank you, Al. I mean that very, very sincerely.""
"Two years ago, Ryan bragged to a Catholic radio station: "I actually campaigned with Jack Kemp against a thing called Prop 187."

That "thing" was an overwhelmingly popular initiative to prevent illegal aliens from collecting government benefits. It gave Republicans their biggest victory in California in the last 30 years, was supported by a majority of blacks, a majority of whites, a majority of Asians and 31 percent of Hispanics.

Two years later, the Dole-Kemp ticket got only 21 percent of the Hispanic vote. That's worse than Romney!" [Hyperlink removed.]

Monday, October 19, 2015

Ann Wrote an Article for the Hill

    On Monday, October 19, 2015, (at 4:55pm EDT) Ann wrote a piece for the Hill about Trump and polls, called: "Trump is like Reagan and the media is clueless about it."

    It is full of quotes and stats/polls from when Reagan was running and how they parallel Trump now. Here are some quotes:
"Even Reagan wasn’t dominating the polls then the way Trump is now. In the Post’s poll, Reagan was at 27 percent, compared to 13 to 15 percent for everybody else, including undecideds. Since announcing his candidacy four months ago by talking about Mexican "rapists," Trump has been polling at around 20 percent to 30 percent, with nearly every other candidate stuck in the single digits."
"It all worked out in the end. Reagan was elected and saved the nation, allowing liberals and traitorous businessmen to spend the next couple of decades trying to wreck it — requiring a new, intensely supported front-runner, bashed as unelectable, to come in and save it again."

Friday, October 16, 2015

Ann Visits the View to Discuss ¡Adios America!

    On Friday, October 16, 2015, Ann sat down with the View to discuss immigration, Trump, and ¡Adios America! There are 4 places to watch it:

    1. The full episode (with terrible audio designed to avoid copyright infringement, most likely) is on Youtube.

    2. The "full" episode with clear audio is on Youtube (Ann is on from minutes 9-18).

    3. The single section with only Ann was posted by the Blaze on Youtube. It is almost 9 minutes and...

    ...4. Embedded below:

    If you do not have time to watch the 9~ minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction and Snooki.
Minute 1: Trump vs. Hillary. Trump does not have donors. Scott Walker.
Minute 2: Jeb Bush. Hedge fund managers.
Minutes 2-3: Novelty candidates.
Minute 3: Height and hair requirements (and divorcees.)
Minute 4: Trump has no hidden scandals because everyone already dug into his past.
Minutes 4-5: What does ¡Adios America!'s title mean?
Minute 5: Native Americans.
Minute 6: Raven says Ann should be nice. Ann says Raven's a hypocrite for dissing people for their names (such as Watermelondrea).
Minutes 6-7: Is Ann against all or illegal immigration.
Minute 7: One co-host says there are good immigrants too. Ann explains why that is not an argument.
Minute 8: Is Ann only for rich immigrants? We need to stop immigration so we can start assimilation. Close.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ann Being Trump's Consultant "Would Be Very Relaxing"

    On Thursday, October 15, 2015, @wedaleyiii tweeted:

    Ann replied with:

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Ann and Hugh Hewitt Speak at Houston Baptist University

    On Wednesday, October 14, 2015, Hugh Hewitt joined Ann in speaking at Houston Baptist University.

    L. Fabry has 8 pictures of Ann and a post detailing the event. Here are some quotes:
"Hugh Hewitt enthusiastically [endorsed] Ted Cruz for president, and [got] Ann to admit he was her second choice."
"[Ann thinks] if it’s okay to pander and ask the Hispanic community for votes, why can’t they do the same for white people (this got one of the largest rounds of applause of the night)."

    Lana Shadwick (at Brietbart) wrote this piece about the event. Here are some quotes:
"At the beginning of her speech she told them, "If you have been following my work, you know that I think there is one overriding issue for the entire country for all-time." She quipped, "And no matter what the question is, you could ask me about my meatloaf recipe and I could turn it back to immigration.""
    If one wants to actually hear Ann say "meatloaf," she did at the end of minute 26 of this interview with Mark Simone.

"She asked, "So tell me how you are going to win on any of these issues then Republicans? Tell me how you are going to win on the export-import bank, or how you are going to overturn Roe v. Wade when you can never elect another president? How is Israel going to be protected then, when we can never have another Republican president when we are looking at nothing but President Obamas?" She answered her own question -"It won’t be. That’s why everything comes down to immigration."" [Emphasis original.]
"Turning to the issue of winning the election, she said, "Liberals are always talking about turning Texas blue." She said Texas has as many Hispanic voters as they do in California and that Hispanics block vote for Democrats. The difference she said is that white people in California split their vote among Republicans and Democrats, but Whites in Texas voted 80 percent for Mitt Romney."
    Speaking of turning Texas blue, maybe Republicans should turn California red.

Column: "Hispanics Wouldn't Vote GOP If You Held a Gun to Their Heads"

    On Wednesday, September 14, 2015, Ann's new column came out. Here are some quotes:
"But Democrats have made a calculated decision that they are not going to win a majority of gun owners, so they denounce them with abandon, making no concessions at all.

Why don't Republicans do that with the Hispanic vote? Somehow, the left has convinced the GOP to obsess over winning people who will never give us a majority of their votes, which is the exact opposite of the Democrats' strategy for themselves.

I would wager that Democrats get more votes from NRA members than Republicans do from La Raza members (0). But try to imagine a Republican answering the "enemies" question: "La Raza."

Republicans don't need to treat Hispanics with the contempt that Democrats treat gun-owners."
"Donald Trump opened his campaign talking about Mexican rapists, pledged to build a wall and deport illegals -- and has soared to the top of the polls.

The massive Hispanic blowback consists of this: Trump is getting about the same percentage of the Hispanic vote as Romney did."

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ann Live Tweeted the First, 2015 Democrat Presidential Debate

    On Tuesday, October 13, 2015, Ann live tweeted the first Democrat presidential primary debate of the 2016 presidential election. Here are some of the tweets:

(Ann retweeted the tweet above.)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ann Tweets Photo at the Halfway House Cafe

    On Sunday, October 11, 2015, Ann tweeted:

Ann Speaks with Matthew Boyle

    On Sunday, October 11, 2015, Ann spoke with Matthew Boyle on Breitbart News Sunday. The audio is over 16 minutes and is below.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 16+ minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Marco Rubio is supposedly "surging" in the polls.
Minutes 2-3: Trump and polls.
Minute 4: Rubio loves amnesty and endless immigration and hates a border.
Minutes 4-5: All Republican candidates in 1996 were against legal immigration in order to stop illegal immigration.
Minutes 5-6: Candidates keep lying to the voters by campaigning against immigration, but then supporting it when they are elected.
Minutes 6-8: Paul Ryan is for amnesty; why are people pushing him for Speaker?
Minute 8: Because donors want immigrants for cheap labor.
Minutes 8-9: Trump will be the richest president, yet the one who spends the least money.
Minutes 9-10: Voters matter and they are sending a message.
Minute 10: Will Ryan debate Ann?
Minutes 10-11: Jack Kemp.
Minutes 11-13: Blacks perhaps deserve compensation (not how the Democrats did it), but giving Hispanics amnesty is not "civil rights" and will not attract blacks to the Republican party.
Minute 14: Republicans cannot use a Hispanic to attract blacks (or even other Hispanics).
Minutes 14-15: Marsha Blackburn for Speaker, maybe.
Minutes 15-16: We need to look at the congressmen's history to see who to pick for Speaker.
Minute 16: Cut.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Ann Debates Cenk Uygur at Politicon

    On Saturday, October 10, 2015, Ann went to Politicon to debate/be interviewed by Cenk Uygur.

    Here is a photo Ann tweeted:

    Here is a video of Ann talking to Red State Update (comedy group) (10 minutes long, but Ann is only on from 6:18-8:09):

        If you do not have time to watch the 3 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 6: Trump. Will Ann run for president?
Minute 7: Trump would be a funny horse (and presidential). We want a hot 1st lady. Sex with liberals.
Minutes 7-8: Who is dating Ann? 1000s. Cut.

    After the (Uygur) interview, Ann tweeted (and Buck Sexton replied):

    The debate with Uygur is on Youtube here, here, and below (59 minutes):

    If you do not have time to watch the 59 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 0-1: Introduction.
Minute 2: Uygur explains rules.
Minute 3: Is Ann's life just an act?
Minute 4: Ann does not write about feminism and women because she is a woman.
Minute 5: Ann makes outrageous comments.
Minute 6: What does Ann mean when she says these comments?
Minutes 6-8: Sometimes it is serious, sometimes it is a hyperbole. Maybe marketing.
Minute 8: Does it hurt the Republican base?
Minute 9: Immigration matters.
Minute 10: Is Ann just selling books.
Minutes 11-12: Do not go to war (like the Iraq war) if liberal presidents will give away our victories.
Minutes 12-15: Should we use nuclear weapons in the Middle East?
Minutes 15-17: Reasons to go to war in Iraq.
Minute 18: Would Ann drop a nuke on Iraq.
Minute 19: Uygur asks about the 9/11 widows quote.
Minute 20: Ann answers.
Minute 21: Liberals use victims to make political points.
Minutes 22-25: Child rape in Latino culture.
Minutes 26-28: Uygur uses 1 example of a white criminal to "prove" that whites commit just as much crime as immigrants.
Minute 29: White and black Americans do not do clitorectomies.
Minute 30: Is Ann against "the browning of America."
Minute 31: First world countries do not have the crimes Third world countries have.
Minute 32: Uygur attempts to explain why Ann is wrong. Ann replies.

    There is a gap in the video (about peasant cultures), which can be viewed here below:

Minutes 32-33: Rich people push immigration for low wages.
Minute 33: Bringing in peasant cultures will destroy America.
Minute 34: Uygur criticizes Ann for saying "peasant culture."
Minute 35: The "browning of America."
Minutes 36-38: Income inequality.
Minute 39: Tax cuts for the rich.
Minute 40: Trump's tax plans. Donors.
Minutes 41-42: Women's right to vote.

    There is a gap in the video (about what happens when America falls and is no longer the top dog; will people that we bombed then bomb us?), which can be viewed here below:

Minute 42: Immigrants calling America racist.
Minute 43: America is the country that saves other countries; immigration is going to cause that to stop.
Minutes 43-44: When whites become a minority, will the new majority be as kind as whites have been?
Minute 45: The audience cheered when Uygur said whites will become a minority; can one imagine if a white audience cheered at someone saying the US will be all white? The answer proves Ann's point.
Minutes 46-47: Attendee asks how to raise American wages.
Minutes 47-48: Ann answers.
Minutes 48-51: Attendee says Ann is like ISIS if she wants to drop nukes on people.
Minute 51: Uygur came to America because he "loves it."
Minutes 51-53: Ann gives her thoughts.
Minute 53: Attendee asks about the Iran deal.
Minute 54: Uygur implies he loves the Constitution more than Ann.
Minute 55: Close.

    Truthdig posted these 3 videos of Ann:

1. About who can be the Speaker of the House. (26 seconds and available here.)

2. (Almost 3 minutes.)

Minute 0: Why did Ann start writing books?
Minute 1: Ann explains what her books are about.
Minutes 1-2: Immigration is destroying America.

3. It is about Republicans always taking back America from liberal control, but that will not happen again since immigrants will be outvoting Americans. It is 48 seconds long. At the end Ann says that if Trump is not elected, it will be the end of America and there will be no reason for Ann to write another book (but if she does write one, it will be a cookbook).

Ann Was Photographed with Al Sharpton

    Ann tweeted this:

    @findit89 replied to Ann:

    Ann replied with:

    So @ABWriter22 tweeted:

    So Ann replied:

Friday, October 9, 2015

Ann Speaks with Howie Carr about the Future Speaker

    On Friday, October 9, 2015, Ann joined Howie Carr to discuss the future Speaker of the House. The audio is 17.5 minutes long. (The audio is on Youtube, but it is only 14.5 minutes and the 3 lost minutes seem to be a mystery because it begins and ends the same as the original audio.) Breitbart has a pseudo-transcript.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 17 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Paul Ryan should not be the new Speaker of the House because he lost his debate with Joe Biden.
Minute 1: The current pursuers for Speaker are for amnesty and bad anyway.
Minutes 2-3: Kevin McCarthy dropped out; was it because of the rumors or amnesty and his stupidity?
Minute 4: The new Speaker should not be for amnesty.
Minute 5: Dumb, pro-amnesty Republicans are pushed by the media.
Minutes 6-7: Ann says she will debate Ryan (since he says he will debate anyone on amnesty).
Minute 7: Jack Kemp.
Minute 8: Ryan constantly works for amnesty.
Minutes 8-9: The more Hispanic America becomes, the richer rich Hispanics become; that's why rich Hispanics push amnesty.
Minute 9: Hispanics voting for Trump.
Minute 10: It is only the American people + 3 bloggers who are trying to save America from immigration.
Minute 11: Ann hopes Ryan will not be the Speaker.
Minute 12: We need a Speaker who can speak! Maybe Ted Cruz.
Minute 13: Donations to the Republican candidates.
Minute 14: An immigrant robber (after being released) robbed again.
Minute 15: The American hero who stopped terrorism on a French train was stabbed.
Minute 16: There was a car wreck (in Cape Cod) that slowed traffic (crash was caused by an immigrant).
Minute 17: Close.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ann Talks to Mark Simone

    On Wednesday, October 7, 2015, Ann visited Mark Simone. The audio is over 34 minutes, but Ann is only on from minutes 21-32.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 12 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 21-22: Ann is in a Phoenix hotel (she uses fake names when she stays in hotels).
Minute 22: Ann went to Phoenix with her parents.
Minutes 22-23: Trump is doing good and the other Republicans are only paying attention to donors.
Minute 23: Both parties are the party of the rich.
Minute 24: The media dislikes Trump, but loves Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Minute 25: Obama received the most money from Wall Street than any other president.
Minute 26: Jay Leno. Meatloaf=Trump?
Minute 27: Trump leading in the polls.
Minute 28: Trump is great on taxes. All Republicans in Congress are bought.
Minutes 29-30: Are there any Republicans (in Congress) that are articulate? Maybe Dave Brat, Steve King, and Mo Brooks.
Minute 31: If Trump wins, the Republicans in Congress will do what he says.
Minute 32: Close.

Column: "The Problem Isn't Guns or White Men"

    On Wednesday, October 7, 2015, Ann posted her new column. It is about the recent Oregon college shooting. In one paragraph she seems to misunderstand a statistic (mistaking 17 Americans per 100,000 as 17 Americans in total (the number should be 50,000~)). Anyway, here are some quotes:
"There's a rigid formula in media accounts of mass shootings: If possible, blame it on angry white men; when that won't work, blame it on guns."
"When will the public rise up and demand that the therapeutic community stop loosing these nuts on the public? After the fact, scores of psychiatrists are always lining up to testify that the defendant was legally insane, unable to control his actions. That information would be a lot more helpful before the wanton slaughter.

Product manufacturers are required by law to anticipate that some idiot might try to dry his cat in the microwave. But a person whose job it is to evaluate mental illness can't be required to ascertain whether the person sitting in his office might be unstable enough to kill?" [Emphasis original.]
"Liberals will howl about "stigmatizing" the mentally ill, but they sure don't mind stigmatizing white men or gun owners. About a third of the population consists of white men. Between a third and half of all Americans have guns in the home. If either white men or guns were the main cause of mass murder, no one would be left in the country."

Monday, October 5, 2015

Ann Spoke at UTC

    On Monday, October 5, 2015, Ann went to UTC to discuss immigration and talk about ¡Adios America! The whole video is not available, but here is what is:

1. A Times Free Press article by Tim Omarzu called "Ann Coulter tells Chattanooga student to 'grow a pair, babycakes.'" It is a report on Ann's visit and has 1 picture. Here is a quote:
"Pre-1970s, the United States screened immigrants better, and they wound up making more money and being better-educated than the average American, Coulter said.

We want immigrants who are "better than us, not the same as us and definitely not worse than us," she said. "A country has a right to choose its own citizens in the same way you can't force your way onto the New England Patriots.""

2. WCTV has a 38 second video (also available on Youtube):

3. Mocs News (a UTC-specific college news source) has a short news segment of Ann (video is almost 13 minutes, but Ann is discussed and shown from the time 0:14-2:42). Here are 2 Tubechops of the specific parts (1: College student asks question; 2: Ann speaking).



Saturday, October 3, 2015

Ann Visits Eagle Forum Radio

    On Saturday, October 3, 2015, Ann visited Phyllis Schlafly on Eagle Forum radio. You can listen on Youtube, find it on Eagle Forum Radio's website, listen to it directly, or listen below. It is over 53 minutes. The audio seems (perhaps) to have been edited; it has blunt stops/switches/shifts throughout.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 53 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Trump and Schlafly have read ¡Adios America!
Minute 2: Immigrant child rape and backward culture.
Minute 3: The weakest members of society suffer the most.
Minute 4: The media hiding immigrant crime.
Minutes 4-5: Mexico benefits from immigration to the US.
Minute 5: Jeb Bush.
Minute 6: Rich companies want cheap labor to replace Americans.
Minutes 7-8: Blacks can claim discrimination, but America does not owe foreigners or immigrants anything.
Minutes 8-9: Trump is appealing to people because of immigration.
Minutes 9-12: Break.
Minutes 12-13: "Neil" asks Ann about Kate Steinle.
Minutes 13-14: Ann answers.
Minute 14: Rand Paul appealing to criminals is not appealing to blacks.
Minutes 14-15: Law and order is a boon to Republicans.
Minutes 15-16: Ann had sent an immigration campaign platform email to a candidate a year ago explaining how to win the election, but that person did not listen and is, now, not winning.
Minutes 16-17: "Fred" says immigrants working in America could be considered slaves.
Minutes 17-18: Ann explains how the employers benefit from this while immigrants are sucking up American public services.
Minutes 18-19: The Republican elites love immigration.
Minutes 19-20: So many costs, like remittances and facial reconstruction, are never brought up.
Minute 20: What about a path to citizenship?
Minutes 20-21: Immigration helps rich Hispanics, but hurts poor ones.
Minutes 21-22: Cesar Chavez and Jesse Jackson spoke out against illegal immigration.
Minute 22: Illegal immigrants doing the jobs Americans will do.
Minutes 22-23: America is going robotic/automatic in every sector except agriculture.
Minutes 23-24: The Mexican government encourages illegal immigration. Carlos Slim.
Minutes 24-27: Break.
Minutes 27-28: "Patrick" asks why Republicans adopt Democrat language.
Minutes 28-29: As a writer, Ann sometimes uses wrong terms (i.e. Democrat terms) because those are the only ones people know and it is less confusing.
Minute 29: Republicans used to be for abortion and the ERA.
Minute 30: Democrats do not try to appeal to Republican voters. GWB hispandering.
Minute 31: "John" asks about American whites becoming a minority and how it hurts the Republican party.
Minutes 31-33: Ann answers.
Minutes 33-34: Illegal and legal immigrants are the same.
Minute 34: Pre- vs post-1970 immigrants.
Minutes 35-37: Another "John" asks about tax benefits going to immigrants who then send them out of the country, and Ann answers.
Minute 38: "Bob" asks if the LGBT community supports immigration.
Minute 39: Ronald Reagan says you can trust the American people's vote, but Ann worries about foreigners voting.
Minutes 39-42: Break.
Minute 43: "Kelly" asks about Kate's Late (which Ann already discussed, but does again).
Minute 44: Why we need an immigration moratorium.
Minute 45: The most prosperous time in American history was when immigration was paused.
Minute 46: Immigrants don't learn English and ballots are printed in 100+ languages.
Minutes 46-47: "Bill" says half of Americans don't care about our Constitution.
Minute 48: There are a lot of bad things happening, but Ann still has hope.
Minute 49: Democrats cannot win white votes. Trump will win people who don't usually vote.
Minute 50: "Daryl" says immigration hurts American jobs.
Minute 51: "John" asks about Carson and Cruz.
Minutes 51-52: Ann discusses novelty candidates.
Minute 52: Cut.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Ann Joins WMAL in Studio...

...but the audio is no where to be found. Here's a picture though:

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ann Discusses Immigration

    On Thursday, October 1, 2015, Amanda Ota posted a video (and pseudo-transcript) of Ann discussing immigration.

    If you do not have time to watch the 6.5 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Ann explains the origins of ¡Adios America!
Minute 1: The 1965 Immigration Act has changed the country for the worse.
Minute 2: Immigration is changing the votes and the culture.
Minute 3: Immigrants are bringing in crime that America has never seen before.
Minute 4: How to fix it (deportation and Operation Wetback).
Minute 5: Immigration is a national issue and not a natural process.
Minute 6: Legal and illegal immigration. Close.