Friday, May 27, 2016

Ann Discusses Immigration Reform w/ Chris Matthews and Joy Reid

    On Friday, May 27, 2016, Ann visited Chris Matthews on MSNBC. The transcript is here. There are 2 sections of the hour in which Ann speaks, a total of 3.5 minutes.

    The context of this discussion is while protesters are waving Mexican flags at a Trump rally while Trump fans are waving American flags.

    Here is clip 1:

Minute 0: Which Republicans or Democrats actually want to fix immigration?
Minute 1: The Americans do not want amnesty. Diversity
Minutes 1-2: Matthews' "Americans" slip of the tongue.

    Here is clip 2:

Minute 0: Mandarins.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Ann Speaks with Mark Simone on Hannity

    On Wednesday, May 25, 2016, Ann called in and spoke with Mark Simone for about 14 minutes. You can listen here or below.

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-1: Democrats disrupting Trump crowds.
Minutes 2-3: Hispanics love Trump.
Minutes 4-6: Clinton scandals and Vince Foster.
Minute 7: Hillary is the best wife a husband could have.
Minutes 8-10: Joe Biden and how Democrats rally around their people who have scandals while Republicans attack their own.
Minute 11: It's fun to look back and read about the media freaking out over Trump.
Minute 12: Trump is the soul of the Republican party.
Minute 13: Trump's humor and his recent rally.
Minute 14: Trump is the only one who will talk about immigration. Close.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Ann and David Corn Go on Hardball

    On Monday, May 23, 2016, Ann went on Hardball w/ Chris Matthews and discussed Trump's taxes with David Corn (there is also a woman there). You can watch the first 10 minutes here and the last 41 seconds below:

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-1: Why did #NeverTrumpers suddenly start liking Trump?
Minute 1: No one cares for Paul Ryan. #NeverTrumpers are elites.
Minute 2: Corn explains why Republicans are flocking to Trump.
Minutes 3-4: Video clip of Hillary wanting Trump to release his tax returns.
Minutes 4-5: Trump is not releasing his taxes probably because he is under audit.
Minute 5: Corn gets upset.
Minute 6: Sanders' taxes.
Minutes 6-7: Bill Clinton's medial report.
Minute 8: Trump not paying taxes in previous years.
Minute 9: Trump taking advantage of tax breaks.
Minute 10: Close.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Ann Visits Hannity to Discuss Bill Clinton's Rape

    On Friday, May 20, 2016, Ann visited Hannity on his show for the first time in quite a long while. They speak for about 13 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Ann always gets Hannity in trouble.
Minutes 1-3: Bill Clinton's rape of Juanita Broaddrick and how the media reports it.
Minute 4: Andrea Mitchell audio clip.
Minutes 5-7: The Broaddrick story.
Minute 8: Sally Perdue.
Minutes 9-10: Media trying to take out Trump on his treatment of women.
Minute 10: Trump is the best.
Minute 11: The media acts like people don't know how to get on the Internet and find the truth.
Minute 12: Trump is the first Republican who will fight back.
Minute 13: Close.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Ann Speaks with James Naughtie on BBC

    On Wednesday, May 18, 2016, Ann visited James Naughtie to discuss Trump and immigration. The audio is over 5 minutes.

Here are some quotes:
"Why can't we have a home? Everybody else can have a home... National Geographic [says] 'And oh, the indigenous people, and they love their home...' No! We're the only people on earth who aren't allowed to have a home." [Quote found in minute 0.]
On America keeping other countries safe:
"I care about keeping [America safe]. I don't care about what happens to the Ukraine any more than I think Russia should care what we do to illegals here in Texas. I have an idea: Good luck to the rest of the world, but let's keep America safe." [Quote found in minute 3.]
On the rational of banning all Muslims:
" Ann: The rational is 9/11, Fort Hood, Boston Marathon, San Bernardino... When they're not committing terrorism... what good are they? They're on welfare, they're committing small petty crimes, they're completely ripping off the government.

Naughtie: [You're saying every Muslim is bad?]

Ann: We don't need any of them. Frankly, we don't need the British. I don't know why we're blocking the British and... letting in Somalis who go to Minnesota... 90% are on welfare, they don't have jobs... I don't think we need the British to come in, but if... we got to let somebody in, I know, how about people who speak our language and won't immediately go on welfare... We've been very generous to the rest of the world. It's gotta stop now. America needs a little 'me time.'" [Quote found in minutes 3-4.]

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Trump is driving the establishment crazy. America is a nation of immigrants. Jews.
Minute 1: The wall. Heroin.
Minute 2: No amnesty. America first.
Minutes 3-4: Banning all Muslims.
Minute 4: Trump will maybe win.
Minutes 4-5: Democrats want immigrants for votes.
Minute 5: Cut.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ann Discusses the Establishment with Chris Matthews

    On Tuesday, May 10, 2016, Ann visited Chris Matthews (Robert Costa and Steve Schmidt were also there) for about 6 minutes to discuss Trump and establishment Republicans.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Costa on Republican unity.
Minutes 1-2: Trump does not need to meet the establishment because he is the party.
Minute 2: Ann compliments Matthews and says she might mention him in her new book, In Trump We Trust.
Minutes 2-3: Schmidt explains how Trump is the result of Americans being sick of the establishment.
Minute 4: Trump advertisement.
Minute 5: Costa explains his inside information on Trump ads. Cut.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Ann Goes on Real Time with Bill Maher

    On Friday, May 6, 2016, Ann went on Real Time with Bill Maher, Dan Savage, Bryan Cranston, Richard Taite, and Nick Gillespie. There are three videos. (The red words indicate Ann actually gets a sentence in.)

(Also on Youtube.)

Minute 0-2: Transgender bathrooms.
Minute 3: Ann's thoughts.
Minute 4: Child molesters.
Minute 5: Trump and the Bible. Contraception.

(Also on Youtube.)

Minute 0: Taite on medical costs.
Minute 1: Gillespie on drugs.
Minute 2: Taite on addiction.
Minute 3: Socialized medicine.
Minute 4: Private prisons.
Minute 5: Cranston.
Minute 6: Trump winning Hispanics.
Minutes 7-8: Mexico is not sending their best. The rich want cheap labor.
Minutes 8-9: Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
Minute 10: Libertarians. Close.

(Ann speaks during much of this segment.)

Minute 0: Flashback of Ann.
Minute 1: Can Trump win the general election?
Minute 2-3: Can a split party win?
Minute 4: Trump is winning more votes.
Minute 5: The GOP base is racist.
Minute 6: Trump is great at predicting the media.
Minutes 6-7: Lots of people at rallies.
Minute 8: Trump will crash the markets.
Minute 9: Trump owns a lot of property. Being predictive is bad.
Minute 10: Deportation.
Minute 11: Enforce the laws on the books.
Minute 12: Trump will enforce laws; if you don't like it, elect your own candidate and have them change the laws.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Ann Discusses Trump with Mark Simone

    On Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Ann visited Mark Simone on Hannity's radio show. Here is an audio clip of about 20 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: The Republicans we had this year were a great group, but Trump was better.
Minute 2: Kasich.
Minute 3: Candidates' records.
Minute 4: Trump is not winning because he's un-PC or going to "shake things up," but because of immigration.
Minute 5: Break.
Minute 6: Ann's column.
Minutes 6-7: Audio clip of Ann predicting Trump's rise.
Minutes 8-9: Trump does not back down when the media criticizes him.
Minute 10: Trump talked about being President and that is why no one took him seriously when he did.
Minutes 10-11: Trump and the skating rink, and why Romney failed.
Minute 12: Trump knows when to create chaos in a way so that he will come out ahead.
Minute 13: Trump on the war in Iraq.
Minutes 14-15: Hillary is a bad candidate.
Minutes 16-17: Who will be Trump's VP?
Minutes 17-18: Trump's cabinet.
Minute 19: Close.

Ann Interviewed by the Hollywood Reporter

    On Wednesday, May 4, 2016, at 1:38pm PDT, the Hollywood Reporter published an interview of Ann by Paul Bond. Here are some quotes:

"Bond: If you weren’t supporting Trump, who was your second choice?

Ann: Ted Cruz, until I realized he was born in Canada and couldn’t be president. Other than that, I hated them all and was going to take a year off of politics. I’ve always wanted to learn French, so I thought I might spend the year in France.  Given the refugee crisis, Trump may have saved my life."
    If one keeps up with Ann, it will become noticable that Ann makes more jokes in written interviews than in her video or audio appearances.

"Bond: Can you explain succinctly why you believe Trump is a conservative?

Ann: He loves America and will protect the people who live here first, last and always."

Monday, May 2, 2016

Ann Speaks with Larry O'Connor

    On Monday, May 2, 2016, Ann spoke with Larry O'Connor for over 13 minutes.

Here is what they discussed:

Minute 0: Ann said it would be Trump.
Minute 1: Why a conservative like Ann supports Trump.
Minutes 2-3: How can we trust Trump?
Minutes 4-5: Amnesty.
Minute 6: The people support Trump.
Minutes 7-9: We need the Latino vote.
Minute 10: If Trump can't win, it's over.
Minute 11: Who should be the VP?
Minute 12: Who is easier for Trump to beat?
Minutes 12-13: Sanders supposedly cares about the working class, but also supports open borders.
Minute 13: Close.