Friday, May 27, 2016

Ann Discusses Immigration Reform w/ Chris Matthews and Joy Reid

    On Friday, May 27, 2016, Ann visited Chris Matthews on MSNBC. The transcript is here. There are 2 sections of the hour in which Ann speaks, a total of 3.5 minutes.

    The context of this discussion is while protesters are waving Mexican flags at a Trump rally while Trump fans are waving American flags.

    Here is clip 1:

Minute 0: Which Republicans or Democrats actually want to fix immigration?
Minute 1: The Americans do not want amnesty. Diversity
Minutes 1-2: Matthews' "Americans" slip of the tongue.

    Here is clip 2:

Minute 0: Mandarins.


  1. I used to enjoy Chris Matthews; basically an old Labor Democrat. He reminded me of an Irish version of my NJ Italian uncles. No more. This Democratic party bares no resemblance to the old Democratic party; neither do the Republican's for that matter. My family; some were union labor Democrats, but they were as patriotic as they come. The only real choice is Trump. The Republican party left me; I didn't leave them. How exactly are the Republican establishment conservative? Please explain. Paul Ryan, in my humble opinion deserves the guillotine when Trump and "the boys" cone to D.C. with bulldozers. We're coming, and we're coming hard to drain that cess pool known as Washington,D.C.

  2. James Comey has thoroughly disgraced The Federal Bureau of Investigation. He has zero integrity and is an embarrassment, not only to the Bureau, but to the United States of America. I am ashamed of my country's current government; the Executive branch, the Judicial branch, and the Legislative branch. You have lost any shred of respect that you had left. You are spineless jellyfish. You are dispicable. You are Tyrannical. You are no longer recognized as the government of The United States of America. Blue Lives Matter.

  3. I agree 100 percent. BLUE LIVES MATTER

  4. J. Edgar Hoover was a fruitcake. Some things never change. Semper Fidelis.

  5. By my calculation the F.B.I. claims to have read through over 650,000 deleted e-mails in 9 days. That comes out to about 64 e-mails per second. Mathematically impossible. Apparently Hillary's pathological lieing is contagious. Total B.S.

  6. Yea but King Barrack Hussein Obama brought in 650,000 chinese on work visas to help. And then vote for Hillary.

  7. Apparently the e-mails were in brail. Thanks for nothing Comey. You are a disgrace to America !

  8. Ray Charles could have done a better job ! Is James Comey legally blind, or just illiterate ?
