Monday, May 23, 2016

Ann and David Corn Go on Hardball

    On Monday, May 23, 2016, Ann went on Hardball w/ Chris Matthews and discussed Trump's taxes with David Corn (there is also a woman there). You can watch the first 10 minutes here and the last 41 seconds below:

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-1: Why did #NeverTrumpers suddenly start liking Trump?
Minute 1: No one cares for Paul Ryan. #NeverTrumpers are elites.
Minute 2: Corn explains why Republicans are flocking to Trump.
Minutes 3-4: Video clip of Hillary wanting Trump to release his tax returns.
Minutes 4-5: Trump is not releasing his taxes probably because he is under audit.
Minute 5: Corn gets upset.
Minute 6: Sanders' taxes.
Minutes 6-7: Bill Clinton's medial report.
Minute 8: Trump not paying taxes in previous years.
Minute 9: Trump taking advantage of tax breaks.
Minute 10: Close.


  1. Response to Chris Stigall; I can beat that pal, I got Ann to put a Cupid heart in my book ! I had the distinct honor and pleasure of seeing Ann and hear her speak at The Reagan Library about her book "In Trump we Trust". I know she already has a book titled "Godless"; another great book, like all of hers. Just as a huge fan of Ann Coulter, I think her next book should be titled "GODDESS-the Ann Coulter Story".

  2. And; Ann signed it and wrote "Go Trump" in it for me. I'll never wash that book again !

  3. Just for the record; so that Millenials may one day know the truth about America if God forbid Hillary wins and I move to Canada;I built the homes across the street from The Reagan Library, yes, it's true; I know it's difficult to comprehend, but American's can and did do those jobs; contrary to popular mythology.

  4. Just out of curiosity; how do you know I'm not a really, really, smart robot ?

  5. Podesta. And my Father got mad when Ragu came out.

  6. On the bright side; if Hillary wins there will be no need for tax payer Halloween decor in the White House.

  7. Podesta is the kind of guy that makes one reminisce for the glory of Rome and the Colliseum. Damned that Constantine !

  8. Hillary and her whole dispicably evil campaign should be fed to the lions for all to cheer.

  9. But, I realize that is unlikely, thank God for Constantine. I'd settle for Hillary executed by firing squad on the White House lawm for Treason and Espionage. No cigarette though !

  10. The F.B.I. is a total joke !

  11. Maybe sicko Podesta should have James Comey over for dinner; as the main course ?!!!

  12. Happy New Year Ann ! You gotta understand; these "people" have to take their shoe off to count to 14; and,I seriously doubt they grew up watching "Mr. Rogers". You can't expect much. Most people are average intelligence at best. Half the public can't find their ass with both hands.

  13. And yes, both my Grandfather and Grandmother were born in America. You know, us pesky European ancestry types.

  14. Well, I can't comment any longer tonight. I'm too busy burning crosses and committing hate crimes for Trump.

  15. You are wanted on the Red Phone though by Vladimir Putin (just a heads up). Remember - NO Vodka in public.

  16. "Ann"-yea right. Nice try Natasha !

  17. Chris Matthews is FAKE NEWS.


  19. F U Chris Matthews ! A beautiful patriotic speech ! You Commie Red Pinko !

  20. Try some of Rachel Maddow's Midols.

  21. Good news for John McCain; today is National Irish Coffee Day.

  22. Start playing ball with The President of the United States Lindsay Graham.

  23. Ahh Berkley! So ironic(I know, big word for Affirmative Action Professors and foreign born non-European descent students), but so appropo. Communist, Anarchist, emasculated maggots - this WAS "the shot heard 'round the world" for the culture war.I know you don't know what that was, U.S. History isn't as popular as Black History Month, ethnic studies, feminist studies, homo studies, etc. But, regardless. You crossed the line. You clubbed a WOMAN over the head,sucked her into the crowd and beat her unconscious.She was hospitalized. You ? You will be morgued. I personally, with many, many,of my brethren ( sorry, big word again),WILL hunt you vermin down. There will be no next time. One thing you had correct; as your banner stated, this IS war now. WE THE PEOPLE will not have our 1st ammendment Right of Free Speech ruined by trash like yourselves. You are sub-human, class-less animals that belong in the zoo; not in Western Civilization. We obviously can't debate with you; so, war is the extension of politics. If you dare harass Ann Coulter in any manner you will regret it, big time. That's a promise, not a threat. You are all douchebags. And this is WAR. You made that abundantly clear. Careful what you wish for scumbag effeminate "boys". The men will finish this war now. Die maggots !

  24. So ironic. When I was a kid U.C. Berkley fought for Free Speech. You WILL NOT police our speech. Obviously your Dimmocrat,Leftist Mayor ordered the police to stand down. This is unacceptable. You declared war. Remember that as your crying for your dyke trans-sexual girlfriend to save you. You're going to be amazed how many straight, white, males there are with guns; and who will NEVER give up our 2nd ammendnent Right. For just this reason; "hunting". Very recreational and outdoorsy. Nor our Right to Free Speech. Neither shall EVER be infringed upon. Just so we know; who's your General? Nancy Pelosi? I heard she grabbed de Blasio's pussy. The two of them are a disgrace to Italians. You picked the wrong foe to go to war with - the Roman's, the civilizers. The heart of Christiandom. You're gonna lose BAD. Capisce? Done and done. Ann Coulter may be from Connecticut, but WE are from north Jersey. We don't screw around. You're on borrowed time now. Enjoy each breath. Arrividerci Muslims! By the way, we have these things called "honor" and "respect"; so in that tradition, our General is Donald J. Trump. The 2nd George Washington (like the bridge), they teach that at Berkley ? Anyway,we beat the Muslims 1,400 years ago; we'll do it again. We don't like our Bocce ball interrupted. Us straight white males built this country, literally, and won World War II, the REAL Nazi's. My uncle had 2 Purple Hearts from the U.S.Marine Corp., Sam Capone. For killing Nazi's. He also fought Mussolini. Get your facts straight if all you know how to do is shout "Nazi !".

  25. Throwing dildos lit on fire ? Really ?! Pathetic, sick in the head, perverted tactic. WE will be "throwing" Beretta shot-gun shells. Much, much, more effective. Think twice. Last chance. If there is a next time; you WILL be met head on by men that don't play Patty Cake.

  26. This isn't the "Flash" Mob.

  27. We're from the Old School. Frickin' hippies !

  28. Just read Ann's new column on - brilliant, witty, and hilarious as usual. Thanks Ann !

  29. I saw Ann on Hannity last night ! The Queen of the Deplorable's ; her Heiness. Thank you for gracing us with your presence on the MSM Ann !

  30. "Les Deplorable" wine now out in white and dago red ( my favorite !). Iredeemable deplorable and proud !

  31. Ann is like a good wine; she get's more delicioso with age !

  32. Who says chivalry is dead ? Ann Coulter for Queen of Amerr-iga !!! ( Bruke-a leen )

  33. American flag burners shall be shot on sight.

  34. What's a nice broad like Ann Coulterio doing in Jersey?

  35. I wish Ann would frequent The Reagan Library. Class. Alfredo sauce. Even "Pesto" ( ? ) on that side of the tracks.

  36. Ann, if you read this; ask Sean next time: "What's an Irish 7 course meal ?" - A six-pack and a potatoe. Just busting balls ! I love Hannity !

  37. If FOX drops Hannity and or Tucker; and doesn't have Ann Coulter on more often, I'm done with FOX - and I speak for many viewers.

  38. Whew! Thank God! CNN's Jake Tapper just fact checked Obama's bugging of Trump. Turns out it was Obama's house down the street that was bugged by the Russian's at behest of President Trump.

  39. The Washington Compost hired Podesta - enough said.

  40. Podesta pushing for child labor at The Washington Compost. Odd.

  41. Warning to all newspaper boys. STAY on your bike at ALL times.

  42. The NYPD should arrest de Blasio immediately.He's a Treasonous Traitor to America and should be treated as such. He needs bracelets NOW !!!!!!

  43. God bless the NYPD.

  44. Blue Lives Matter

  45. Hey Libtards; there's always Citizen's Arrest. You're on very thin ice. You've been warned.

  46. WE THE PEOPLE will not stand down. WE have a First Ammendment, and a 2nd Ammendment. Get ready for pitch forks and torches Paul Ryan and Judas Priebus.

  47. James Comey is a disgrace to America and should resign immediately in dishonor and shame.

  48. Jeff Sessions should not have recused himself.

  49. Scales are "triggering" now to the special snowflakes ?!!! Gimmee a break ! Gen-X didn't even know what "triggered" was, and if we did, it would be a macro-aggression, believe me. We didn't have "micro-aggressions". They didn't even invent feelings yet for boys until about 1976. I remember, I was 7.

  50. Ivanka Trump really scares Chris Matthews? I've lost ALL respect for him. I used to enjoy him.

  51. I really enjoyed seeing and listening to Ann on Lou Dobbs tonight ! ( how could one not ? ) Ann is scheduled, if I heard correctly, to speak at Berkley soon. Should be interesting. I wonder if they'll let her speak or riot ? Probably depends how much "medicinal" dope they've smoked. Anyhow, beauty, brains, and brave ! Go Ann ! God bless. Go Trump ! God bless AMERICA !!!

  52. A shameful day in America when Free Speech is supressed.

  53. The Mayor of Berkely should be arrested, tried, and convicted of Sedition.
