Friday, May 6, 2016

Ann Goes on Real Time with Bill Maher

    On Friday, May 6, 2016, Ann went on Real Time with Bill Maher, Dan Savage, Bryan Cranston, Richard Taite, and Nick Gillespie. There are three videos. (The red words indicate Ann actually gets a sentence in.)

(Also on Youtube.)

Minute 0-2: Transgender bathrooms.
Minute 3: Ann's thoughts.
Minute 4: Child molesters.
Minute 5: Trump and the Bible. Contraception.

(Also on Youtube.)

Minute 0: Taite on medical costs.
Minute 1: Gillespie on drugs.
Minute 2: Taite on addiction.
Minute 3: Socialized medicine.
Minute 4: Private prisons.
Minute 5: Cranston.
Minute 6: Trump winning Hispanics.
Minutes 7-8: Mexico is not sending their best. The rich want cheap labor.
Minutes 8-9: Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
Minute 10: Libertarians. Close.

(Ann speaks during much of this segment.)

Minute 0: Flashback of Ann.
Minute 1: Can Trump win the general election?
Minute 2-3: Can a split party win?
Minute 4: Trump is winning more votes.
Minute 5: The GOP base is racist.
Minute 6: Trump is great at predicting the media.
Minutes 6-7: Lots of people at rallies.
Minute 8: Trump will crash the markets.
Minute 9: Trump owns a lot of property. Being predictive is bad.
Minute 10: Deportation.
Minute 11: Enforce the laws on the books.
Minute 12: Trump will enforce laws; if you don't like it, elect your own candidate and have them change the laws.


  1. If Hillary wins, I'll kill Bill Maher.

  2. When is Bill Maher going to kill Anthony Weiner like he promised too ?

  3. I never realized that Hollywood was so Canadianist ! All a bunch of irredeemable, despicable, Canadaphobes !

  4. Please, please go. We beg you. The Canadian's are extremely nice people. Nothing to be afraid of. Face your fear. Only you can stop Canadaphobia.

  5. I always thought child molesters would make good practice targets at the shooting range.

  6. Her Majesty; Ann Coulter is on Sean ( Hannity ) today !!!
