Thursday, July 16, 2015

Ann Discusses Immigration with Dennis Prager

    On Thursday, July 16, 2015, Ann joined Dennis Prager's show to discuss immigration. Ann was on the show about three weeks ago, but Larry Elder was sitting in for Prager. You can listen to the new interview on Stitcher. It is almost 54 minutes.

    Here are some quotes:

    On government crime statistics:
"They count Hispanics as white as perpetrators. They count Hispanics as Hispanics for victims. So you have these crazy hate crime cases where... it appears to be white on white. Wait. How is that a hate crime? Well because the perp was an Hispanic." [Quote found in minute 7.]

"We are bringing in cultures that have extremely non-progressive views on women and children... No people, no minority group, no, no ethnic group or... gender... animals and plants have ever fared so well any place in the world as in this United States of America, and if it changes it will be gone forever." [Quote found in minute 33.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the 53+ minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 1-2: Prager says illegal immigration is a very complex topic.
Minutes 3-4: Prager thinking back about his past.
Minute 5: Debating is how the truth emerges.
Minute 6: Studies do not show that immigrants have less crime.
Minutes 6-7: The government counts Hispanics as white for crime statistics.
Minutes 8-9: Ann references Politifact, a website that rates many of Ann's true statements as "Pants on Fire" (i.e., false).
Minutes 10-15: Break/commercials.
Minutes 16-17: Prager thinks back.
Minute 18: Stopping immigration is not just about crime.
Minutes 19-21: Obama is letting "non-violent drug felons" out (like Rand Paul wants), but those felons have a high recidivism rate because their crimes were more serious and "drug crimes" were just the plea bargains.
Minute 22: Immigration can be good or bad.
Minute 23: All other countries (besides Western European ones) will absolutely not tolerate illegals in their own countries.
Minutes 24-29: Break/commercials.
Minute 29: Prager wants immigrants to be picked specifically by America.
Minute 30: Accepting poor Latin Americans is being racist/unequal/unfair toward poor Asians and Africans, who cannot simply walk here.
Minutes 31-32: Pre- vs. post-1970 immigrants are different.
Minute 32: The Iran deal, Obama's election, Obamacare, and SSM would not be here if we simply controlled immigration.
Minute 33: Liberals bring in cultures that hate women.
Minutes 33-39: Break/commercials.
Minute 39: Crime studies hiding behind paywalls.
Minute 40: Immigrants' representation in the prison system.
Minutes 41-42: Some news outlets say that studies show immigrants commit less crime, but which studies?
Minutes 42-43: The base groups (that immigrants are compared to) for those studies are criminal groups, groups that obviously have higher crime.
Minute 44: Some studies compare immigrants to blacks to make immigrants look like they have little crime.
Minute 45: Prager quotes a study from California, and Ann guesses that its flaw is that criminals self-report their immigration status.
Minutes 46-49: Break/commercials.
Minute 50: Caller has a question on why Reagan gave illegals amnesty. Ann answers.
Minutes 50-51: Anchor babies.
Minute 51: Secure border first.
Minute 52: Hispanics who have been here a long time are Republican.
Minutes 52-53: Commercials/close.

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