Friday, July 24, 2015

Ann Explains Why Race Relations Aren't Good

    On Friday, July 24, 2015, Ann joined Stuart Varney to talk about how race relations are worse under Obama's presidency.

    If you do not have time to watch the almost 6 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: A New York Times and CBS poll says the majority of Americans think race relations are bad under Obama.
Minutes 0-1: The left's babying of black Americans caused these problems, but things started getting better after the OJ Simpson verdict because white people saw how blacks celebrated the verdict.
Minutes 1-2: Obama brought the problem back by ginning up dislike between races.
Minute 3: America was biracial for most of its history (and racism was bad), but liberals think bringing in more diversity will make racism go away.
Minute 4: America is not a racist country, but immigration is bringing in more racism.
Minutes 4-5: People like Muhammad Youssuf* Abdulazeez should be happy simply to live here.
Minute 5: Sharknado 3. Close.

*Or Youssef.

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