Thursday, July 16, 2015

Ann Joined Varney & Co. on Fox Business

    On Thursday, July 16, 2015, Ann spoke with Stuart Varney about immigration. The video is also on Youtube and embedded below. It is under 6 minutes long. It ends with Varney telling Ann that (he believes) it was her first appearance on the show.

    The title of the video is misleading. It is more about sanctuary cities rather than Greece or entitlement spending.

    Here is a quote:
"Ann: I found it odd. I heard some politicians saying, saying yesterday that this aggressive stand on sanctuary cities (um, protecting people who've broken our laws and protecting, uh, criminals), or talking too much about the Kate Steinle case: "Well this is going to upset the, the Hispanic community." Why is this going to upset the Hispanic community? I mean, it's not like white people leapt up and defended the, the shooter at the Charleston church... We're talking about criminals. Why should this be upsetting to any community other than a community of criminals?

Varney: ...The judgement is that if the Republicans go after sanctuary cities then they will be labeled anti-Hispanic and they'll lose even more of the Hispanic vote... Would you disagree with that?

Ann: Yeah! [Laughs.] And if that's true, it's a pretty awful statement about the Hispanic vote, isn't it? [Varney begins speaking, but Ann continues.] "...You can't say something mean about the illegal alien who murdered Kate Steinle because we'll be upset."

[Varney says (while Ann tries to cut in) that the left will go after anyone who opposes sanctuary cities.]

Ann: What I'm saying is, you do not see white people saying, "Don't you dare go after Jeffrey Dahmer. We're gonna be very upset if you go after, you know, Charles Manson cause he's a white guy... The white people are done with you if you go after a white criminal." There's something a little disturbing about that when we're talking about murderers." [Quote found in minutes 3-5.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the almost 6 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: The Greek economy crisis.
Minute 1: America changing under Obama.
Minutes 2-3: Sanctuary cities.
Minutes 3-5: Whites didn't rush to protect the Charleston shooter, Charles Manson, or Jeffrey Dahmer, so why would Hispanics/Democrats rush to protect felons in sanctuary cities?
Minute 5: ¡Adios America! The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole, or Greece.

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