Thursday, July 16, 2015

Ann Visited the Reagan Library and Discussed Immigration with Larry Elder

    On Thursday, July 16, 2015, Ann joined Larry Elder at the Reagan Library to discuss immigration. You can watch it on Youtube or below. It is over 59 minutes, but Ann does not appear until minute 5.

    Here are some quotes:

    On Republican presidential candidates supporting Israel having a fence, but not America having a fence (and anchor babies):
"[Minute 17]

    I'm a big fan of Israel, but I don't, you know, can we also like America? [Chuckles.] And when we're voting for a president of America, wouldn't that be kind of relevant? So, you know, how about asking Chuck Schumer, Jeb Bush, and Rick Perry, "Who's wrong, us or Israel?" Because if we did what Israel does, you'd call us monsters, um, intolerant, fascist. So why don't you say that to Netanyahu? [Elder tries to get a word in.] I would like to put Israel [on the northernmost] portion of Mexico. Good for them, good for us. [Audience claps and laughs.] They know how to defend the country. So number one: triple layer fence. Make it as difficult to get into the United States as it used to be to get out of East Germany. And I do, I do love these guy-. Every one of them, every one of them, their argument is: fences don't work. And I'm always looking at the TV set like a dog listening to a high pitched noise...

[Minute 18]

...[Ann tilts head and Elder laughs.] What do you mean...? ...It's like hearing buckets don't work. What does this mean? ...Rick Perry has said his big line that I quote him, he said it like seventeen times. Um, never give Rick Perry a quip, um. "Show me a thirty-foot fence, I'll show you a thirty-five foot ladder." And then I saw Chris Christie on Fox News Sunday last Sunday saying, "Well, I don't care how high the fence is. I've seen the human spirit." What? No, don't use that bucket. I've seen the human spirit. Somebody'll get through that bucket. It's gonna spring a leak, Larry. I don't know. Let's just try a fence, cause they seem to work other places. [Audience claps.] And also, I think you should all keep in mind, you are being lied to by any politician who says he wants to secure the border and, and then comes up with an excuse for not buil- building a fence. You are being lied to. Build the fence: point one...

[Minute 19]

...Point two: not only do we have to repeal the anchor baby policy, invented by Justice Brennan in 1982 [audience claps], um, but I want to make it retroactive. [Audience claps louder.] I mean, if we had, if we had a mentally delusional Supreme Court justice who said, you know, "All the citizens of China are now citizens and eligible to vote in America," would we all just say, "Oh well. Damn! We lost that one. Oh well." No, you'd say, "This is insane!" And the anchor baby policy is insane. And um, I think you [Elder] should be takin' up the cudgel on this, you being someone who is probably aware of what the Fourteenth Amendment was about. I mean, to get an Amendment attached to a constitution takes a mass feeling about a big subject. It isn't a trap door slipped into the Constitution for fun... It was, you know, immediately after the Civil War...

[Minute 20]

...We have the Fourteenth Amendment specifically to get the Democrats to, to stop treating [black] Americans like second-class citizens. It is about freed blacks and freed blacks alone. It is not about lesbians taking dates to the high-school prom, it is not about two gay guys getting married, it is not about abortion, and it absolutely is not about someone who arrived yesterday, dropping a baby and becoming an, an American citizen. I mean, it's the craziest thing, to turn the most precious gift in, in the world, American citizenship, into a game of red rover with the border patrol. "Ha ha. You didn't catch me. I dropped a baby, nothing you can do now." Yeah, there is something we can do!" [Quote found in minutes 17-20.]

    Here is the exchange when Elder asked Ann for a quick response to each presidential candidate:

"[Minute 47]

Elder: Trump.

Ann: Magnificent. [Plus a two-minute explanation.]

[Minute 49]

Elder: Huckabee.

Ann: Oh, he's a disaster. He's ridiculous.

Elder: Pataki.

Ann: Also ridiculous.

Elder: Perry.

Ann: Completely ridiculous and stupid and I warned you about that before...

Elder: Santorum.

Ann: [Long pause.] Um, not ridiculous, but no, I don't think he's gonna cut it.

Elder: Paul. Rand Paul.

[Minute 50]

Ann: Utter preposterous. No, no. Libertarians, no. Please.

Elder: I'm a libertarian. [Chuckles.]

Ann: [Shakes head.] We're gonna have a lot of discussions on that radio show of yours.

Elder: Jeb, Jeb Bush.

Ann: Is your big thing releasing non-violent drug felons?

Elder: I think the war on drugs should be called off. I know how you feel about that.

Ann: [Pretends to fall asleep.]

[They shortly discuss Kate Steinle and releasing non-violent drug felons.]

Elder: Chris Christie.

[Minute 51]

Ann: Used to be good... [Elder tries to get a word in] ...and then he betrayed me on immigration and now all I do is attack him. And he just keeps getting worse and worse...

[They shortly discuss Christie and Rubio.]

Elder: Lindsey Graham.

Ann: Pfft.

Elder: Okay. 'Nuff said.

Ann: No, I'm sorry. All the clichéd jokes, three dollar bill, he'll be his own first lady. They just all keep going through my head and-.

Elder: Cruz. Ted Cruz.

[Minute 52]

Ann: ...I like him. I don't love him... I don't think he can be president [because of his birth].

[Ann explains that Cruz would be a nice president, but if we accept a "born out of the country, only one American parent" as president, that would allow too many un-American people to become president.]

Elder: Marco Rubio.

Ann: Go, Trump, go. [Audience laughs.]

Elder: Carly Fiorina.

[Minute 53]

Ann: Usually I'm against novelty candidates.. and I am against her for that. Same thing with Ben Carson. If you follow my work assiduously you know. Um, I'm always warning you. It's got to be a governor or at least a senator. Um, so no to Carly, no to Ben Carson, no to Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, and Herman Cain, but yes to Donald Trump.

Elder: Scott, Scott Walker.

Ann: Um, I lo- like him. Is anyone tape recording this? [Everyone besides Ann laughs.] I like him. I was hoping to love him. I may have to love him, Scott Walker. I saw his announcement speech the other day and I was hoping he had, he'd been working on that whole charisma thing. So I'm back to saying, no, listen to me. Watch, watch the debates. You are going to be so sorry we're not running Mitt Romney and we're gonna demand [audience claps] that he get back in [audience claps]...

[Minute 54]

...because Mitt Romney would crush Hillary Clinton. You have no idea. [Audience claps.] You have no idea how good you had it...

Elder: Who will be the nominee?

Ann: Mitt Romney.

Elder: ...Hillary.

Ann: Total glass jaw...

[Ann then says that Obama is charismatic, but Hillary is the opposite.]

[Minute 55]

Elder: ...Is Joe Biden gonna get in the race?

Ann: I think so.

Elder: So do I.

Ann: ...I noticed... Hillary's trying to keep Bernie Sanders out of the New Hampshire primary, cause I think he beats her in the New Hampshire primary. And that's when Biden jumps in and, as long as you're not tape recording me, I'll tell you how Biden does it. Because the problem the Democrats have, um, are the feminists. That's their Achilles' [heel.]...

[Minute 56]

...You cannot cross the feminists. You cannot cross the feminists, and the feminists are insane. Um, so the way Biden gets in is when he announces he's running, he announces simultaneously with saying something like, "And Elizabeth Warren will be my vice presidential candidate." But he's got to protect himself from the feminist flank.

Elder: Sanders.

Ann: Oh, he's just a dirty old man. [Ann references the time when Sanders' wrote about sex.] He's also a fraud... He's a fake phony fraud and a hypocrite [on immigration].

Elder: O'Malley. Martin O'Malley.

Ann: Oh, he's, I would love to, I'd actually. Hillary would be the funnest one to run against, but O'Malley comes a very close second...

[Minute 57]

...He's very, very, very left wing and, ha ha, he's also retarded. He really is. [Crowd bursts out laughing.] It's the, it is the most dynamite combo platter.

Elder: He was on Morning Joe show after the shooting in Charleston, and, commiserating, and someone turned to him and said, "What would you do about this racial problem?" He goes, "Well, we need to address it." "Yes, but what would you do about it?" And he goes, "Well, I uh, I, well. [Ann and the crowd begin laughing]. Uh, I don't really know what we oughtta do about it." 'Credible.

Ann: See, I know what we'd do about it. Cut off immigration.

Elder: I thought you were gonna say, "Deport Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton." [Crowd laughs.]

Ann: You know, when we do the "rounding 'em up" thing, some mistakes might be made. [Crowd laughs.]

Elder: Lincoln Chafee.

Ann: Also retarded.

Elder: Finally, Ann, have you ever considered running for office yourself?

[Minute 58]

Ann: No! Have you people been listening to me? No! I'm exactly what you don't want to run. [Ann pauses and the crowd laughs.] Because I have no diplomatic skills. [More laughs.] I've no political skills. No. I am the shock troops.*

Elder: ...Which is exactly what we need. That's why Trump is doing well.

Ann: [Unintelligible.]

Elder: That's why Trump's doing well.

Ann: Well, he did read my book and it would really do me a solid if he'd mention that. He got an advance copy of my book, Trump did. He asked for it. Um, where do you think all that spicy stuff about Hispanic rape came from? [Ann points to her book and the crowd laughs.] Um, but I really wish he'd mention, he did at a private meeting here on Friday night, a private meeting with about five hundred people, so that was very nice. But I really wish he'd mention it publicly because it would help him, the more people who read this book. But no. That's my role: to influence them, and annoy them.

[Minute 59]

Elder: Ann and I thank you. We had a great time.

Ann: Thank you! [Ann waves as Elder and the crowd clap.] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

[End of video. Quote found in minutes 47, 49-59.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the almost 1 hour, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: John Heubush, Executive Director of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, leads the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes 1-2: Heubush discusses bullfighting while introducing Ann, and then a (fake) picture of Ann being a matador pops up in the video. Heubush says that, in the political field, Ann is the matador and liberals are the bull.
Minute 3: Heubush continues his introduction with saying that Ann debates liberals and the end result is Ann stabbing them and blood being everywhere.
Minute 4: Heubush begins introducing Larry Elder.
Minute 5: Ann and Elder appear from behind the audience and walk up to the stage (but not before Ann mysteriously hands a man a card). After arriving onstage, Elder asks Ann for a hug (referencing the Gaby Pacheco encounter).
Minutes 6-8: Ann explains the real number of illegal immigrants.
Minutes 8-10: The cost of illegal immigration for Americans, e.g. remittances, schools, roads, government assistance.
Minute 11: The Chattanooga shooter today was an immigrant.
Minutes 12-13: Ann's estimate on 1/4 of Mexico's population being in America.
Minute 13: The MSM's lack of interviews for Ann.
Minute 14: Kate's Law is pointless because there are already stricter laws on the books, yet they are not being enforced.
Minute 15: The MSM will not interview Ann, except for Jorge Ramos and Bill Maher, because she can beat them in a debate.
Minute 16: What would President Coulter do about illegals?
Minute 17: Politicians support Israel's border, but not America's.
Minute 18: Rick Perry and Chris Christie think fences do not work.
Minute 19: The anchor baby policy should be removed and retroactive.
Minutes 19-20: The Fourteenth Amendment is about blacks, not gays, abortion, or immigrants.
Minute 21: President Coulter would round 'em up, but self-deport is better and will work fine.
Minute 22: Total moratorium on all immigration.
Minute 23: Some organizations are specifically dedicated to destroying America through immigration.
Minute 24: The Chattanooga shooter should have never been allowed into America.
Minutes 24-25: Immigration hurts blacks.
Minutes 25-27: Donald Trump and Mitt Romney.
Minutes 27-28: Ann answers a question about the Confederate flag controversy.
Minute 29: The Birmingham bombing then, the Charleston shooting now.
Minute 30: Charlie Manson.
Minutes 30-31: Sanctuary cities.
Minutes 31-32: Democrats disobey federal law on immigration and marijuana, but Republicans don't set up sanctuary cities for traditional marriage.
Minutes 32-33: Republicans talk about immigration when they run for office, but then do not do anything about it once elected.
Minutes 34-35: Democrats do not focus on Republican constituencies, so Republicans should not focus on Democrat constituencies.
Minute 36: Republicans should focus on the white vote.
Minute 37: Appeal to your base.
Minute 38: Harry Reid used to be against anchor babies. Jesse Jackson.
Minute 39: Cesar Chavez was against illegal immigration.
Minutes 40-41: Ann answers question on why some Republicans see Hispanics only for their skin color.
Minute 41: Ann answers question on the Iran trade deal.
Minute 42: The Iraq war.
Minute 43: Why are people complaining about ISIS if they think the Iraq War was a mistake?
Minute 44: Does America stand a chance?
Minute 45: Republicans and the media don't care about immigration because whenever they do the right thing they are ignored.
Minutes 46-47: The GOP needs to appeal to whites.
Minute 47: We will not win with Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio.
Minutes 47-48: Donald Trump.
Minutes 48-49: CPAC will not let Ann speak on immigration. Mickey Kaus.
Minutes 49-59: Quick response on presidential candidates. Close.

*Ann said she never considered running for office, but once (back in 2000) she said she wanted to run as a Libertarian to intentionally take votes away from a (bad-ish) Republican so the Democrat would win. Unfortunately, Ann's column archive only goes so far back, but has an archive that goes back further. We can assume the columns are legitimate because Ann once tweeted a link to one of her older columns from that same website.

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