Monday, August 22, 2016

Ann Debates James Carville on ABC's Nightline w/ David Wright

    On Monday, August 22, 2016, Ann and James Carville went on ABC's Nightline with David Wright moderating. It's 38 minutes and can be viewed on Facebook, ABC (with transcript), or below.

Minute 0: Trump is sincere and won't back down.
Minute 1: Trump understands average Americans more the rich Americans or Republicans.
Minute 2: Carville on the Republican party.
Minute 3: Carville says Hillary is going forward and Trump is going back.
Minute 4: Ann says Republicans in congress did more for the economy than Democrat presidents.
Minute 5: Special interests.
Minutes 6-7: Carville on how good the Clintons are.
Minute 8: Ann on Clinton speeches.
Minute 9: Carville says Clintons are good.
Minutes 10-11: Ann defends Trump and his finances.
Minute 12: Carville's thoughts.
Minute 13: Hillary's medical problems.
Minutes 14-15: Tax returns.
Minute 15: Trump and blacks.
Minutes 16-17: Trump isn't perfect, but is tough.
Minutes 18-19: Carville says Trump should continue being different if he wants to win.
Minutes 19-20: Trump says what he means.
Minute 21: Ann on how Hillary can win.
Minute 22: Carville says Trump lies.
Minute 23: Bernie Sanders.
Minute 24: Where are the manufacturing jobs?
Minutes 25-26: Trade deals.
Minute 27: Carville says Trump's misinformed.
Minute 28: Carville says immigration is good.
Minute 29: Some immigrants are better than others.
Minute 30: What Trump says.
Minute 31: Trump will let ICE do its job.
Minute 32: Carville on how bad deportations will be.
Minute 33: Deportations.
Minute 34: Trump doesn't need to work with Congress.
Minute 35: Bushes.
Minute 36: Carville says Hillary will win.
Minute 37: Ann says Trump will win.
Minute 38: Close.

Ann Spoke with Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News

    On Monday, August 22, 2016, Ann visited Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News to discuss Trump. It's 19 minutes.

Minute 0: "Mexican Rapist" speech.
Minute 1: Trump meeting with Hispanic advisers.
Minute 2: A deportation force isn't needed.
Minute 3: The wall will be built.
Minutes 4-5: A Muslim ban vs. a Islamic country ban.
Minutes 5-7: Trump's inflammatory comments.
Minutes 8-9: Muslim immigration is not about exceptions, Khans, or constitution-wavers.
Minute 9: The Khans.
Minutes 10-11: Foreign wars and Russia.
Minute 12: Enough with war right now.
Minute 13: Steve Bannon.
Minute 14: Michelle Fields.
Minutes 15-16: Trump slumping in the polls.
Minute 17: Is Hillary sick?
Minute 18: Journalists going after Trump's charitable donations. Mysteries.
Minute 19: Close.

Ann Discusses "In Trump We Trust" with Hannity

    On Monday, August 22, 2016, Ann went on Hannity to discuss her new book. The audio is 96 minutes, but Ann's only on from minutes 37-1:04.

Minutes 37-38: The Republicans are bad too.
Minute 39: Trump is finally picking up on issues no one else is.
Minutes 40-42: The executive amnesty.
Minutes 43-45: Trump extends the olive branch, but is always attacked.
Minutes 46-47: Establishment Republicans want Hillary more than Trump.
Minutes 48-50: Break.
Minute 51: Hillary is a nightmare.
Minute 52: The media has lost all credibility.
Minutes 53-54: Supporting low wage workers.
Minute 55: Trump is the only one with specific policies.
Minute 56: Trump will negotiate trade deals.
Minute 57: When America is a one-party state, it will be the Hispanic Democrats vs. the Asian Democrats: It's all ethnic politics.
Minute 58: Hannity.
Minute 59: The Republican Establishment are only protecting their jobs and donors.

Hour 2:

Minute 00: Getting serious for the general election.
Minute 01: Hillary.
Minute 02: Trump wants votes from regular people.
Minute 03: Blacks will benefit most from the Wall.
Minute 04: Close.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Times Magazine Interviewed Ann

    On Friday, August 12, 2016, Times Magazine published Will Pavia's piece about Ann and Trump. You can read it if you have a subscription.

Ann Goes on Newsmax to Discuss Trump and the Media

    On Friday, August 12, 2016, Ann spoke with JD Hayworth about Trump. The first video is about mainly the media (10 minutes) and the second is about mainly Trump (11 minutes).

Here's what happened:

Minute 0: The media twists Trump's words.
Minute 1: ISIS.
Minutes 2-3: The media lies about both Ann and Trump.
Minute 3: Matt Drudge.
Minute 4: Katrina Pierson.
Minute 5: Assassinating Hillary Clinton?
Minute 6: 1994.
Minute 7: Concealed carry.
Minute 8: Orlando shooter's father, David Duke, Al Sharpton.
Minute 9: Mike Brown's mother.
Minute 10: Close.

Here's what happened:

Minute 0: Trump and Evangelicals.
Minute 1: Trump on debate moderators.
Minutes 2-3: Democrat moderators.
Minute 4: Hillary on trade.
Minute 5: Clinton's history on trade.
Minute 6: We are talking about trade because of Trump.
Minute 7: Trump is not backing down.
Minute 8: Trump is getting people who don't usually vote.
Minute 9: Evangelicals in the Midwest.
Minute 10: Only the people on TV hate Trump.
Minute 11: Close.

Ann Speaks with Artie Lange

    On Friday, August 12, 2016, Ann went on Artie Lange's podcast, but it is only available to subscribers. Here are 7 minutes of Ann and Lange discussing Roger Ailes.

    Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Joking about Ailes.
Minute 1: Joking about the Five.
Minutes 1-2: Ann never really talked to Ailes.
Minute 2-3: Are they true?
Minute 4: People would give anything to be on TV.
Minutes 5-6: More joking.
Minute 7: Close.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Ann Visits Bernie and Sid

    On Tuesday, August 9, 2016, Ann called in to the Bernie and Sid show. The audio is over 16 minutes.

Here is what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Trump is amazing.
Minute 2: Personal attacks.
Minute 3: The media.
Minutes 4-5:  Liberals use human shields to deflect from defending their positions.
Minute 6: Trump will overcome more than any other candidate if he wins.
Minute 7: Media bias.
Minute 8: The election being rigged.
Minute 9: Only Trump, not Republicans or Democrats, cares about Americans.
Minutes 10-11: Trump or Clinton.
Minutes 12-13: Paul Nehlen vs Paul Ryan.
Minutes 14-15: The Mexican judge.
Minute 16: Nikki Haley. Close.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Ann Talks to Breitbart on Facebook Live about Paul Nehlen

    On Sunday, August 7, 2016, Ann spoke with Breitbart on Facebook Live for almost 4 minutes. Ann explains that current Republican elites don't really care about the American people, but Trump does. You can watch it here.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Ann Campaigns For Paul Nehlen

    On Saturday, August 6, 2016, Ann campaigned with Paul Nehlen in Wisconsin against Paul Ryan. She spoke at two events. The one in Kenosha is about 11 minutes (there appears to be a few parts removed) and the one in Janesville is about 12.

Here's what Ann said:

Minute 0: Trump endorsing Paul Ryan.
Minute 1: The Ryan ad where he pushes a little, old lady off a cliff.
Minutes 1-2: Republicans and Democrats support the rich.
Minute 2: Social Security.
Minute 3: Ryan is for the Dream Act and the TPP, but against a wall.
Minutes 4-5: Trump's Muslim ban.
Minutes 6-7: Khizr Khan.
Minute 8: We should use our extra money for supporting our own citizens.
Minute 9: Elites would not want immigration if their jobs were the ones being taken.
Minute 10: The media, Democrats, and Republicans had it all worked out, but we have Trump. Cut.

Here's what Ann said:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 1-2: This year has shaken things up: friends (like Paul Ryan) are now enemies.
Minute 3: America is not defined by its border.
Minute 4: Bringing in legal immigrants who want to kill us.
Minute 5: More Muslims kill Americans than Muslims die for America.
Minute 6: Democrats send out their most emotional examples so you cannot criticize them during debates.
Minutes 7-8: What is the upside to Muslim immigration?
Minute 9: The rich want more cheap labor and nannies.
Minute 10: If you do not need cheap labor, then mass immigration is a net loss for you.
Minutes 10-11: Both political parties want mass immigration.
Minute 11: You're in a train station with only 2 trains left, the Nehlen and the Trump; get on one because it's your last chance. Close.

    Paul Nehlen tweeted this out:

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Did Ann and Stephen Miller Go on Hardball on 7/21/16?

    On Thursday, July 21, 2016, Ann tweeted this:

    There are at least 4 videos deleted from Youtube that have the title resembling "Ann Coulter on Hardball 7/21/16." Not even has a backup of the episode, but it has hundreds of others and MSNBC doesn't have Youtube delete other videos of Chris Matthews.

    It seems like this specific episode was chosen to be deleted, but why?

Ann Interviewed by Paul Bond at RNC

    On Thursday, July 21, 2016, Ann was at the RNC and spoke with Paul Bond of the Hollywood Reporter. It's just over 18 minutes and you can watch it here or below.

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-2: Roger Ailes.
Minute 2: Peter Thiel.
Minutes 3-4: Trump's Orlando speech and RNC speech.
Minute 5: In Trump We Trust.
Minutes 6-7: People booing Ted Cruz's speech.
Minutes 7-8: Melania copying Michelle Obama's speech.
Minute 9: DWTS.
Minutes 9-10: Are all Americans immigrants?
Minutes 11-12: Liberals just ban people they can't argue with, like Milo.
Minutes 13-14: Trump is bringing in more people than he's scaring away.
Minutes 14-15: Alex Jones and Roger Stone.
Minute 15: Ann is not xenophobic because she likes foreigners in their countries.
Minutes 16-17: Ann as FCC chairman in the Trump Administration.
Minute 17: Glenn Beck.
Minute 18: Close.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ann Talks with Yahoo News at the RNC

    On Tuesday, July 20, 2016, Ann was at the RNC and spoke with Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News. The video is over 14 minutes.

    This is what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Trump selecting Mike Pence.
Minute 2: Pence and immigration.
Minute 3: Trump read ¡Adios America!
Minutes 3-4: Ann tried to get the Republican candidates to read her book, but only Trump cared.
Minute 5: Isikoff read ¡Adios America! too.
Minute 6: What about WASPs who commit bad crimes compared to immigrants?
Minutes 6-7: Hispanic child rape.
Minute 8: Cops.
Minute 9: Trump will not alienate Hispanics.
Minutes 9-10: Ann bets Isikoff $100.
Minutes 10-11: Paul Manafort and political consultants.
Minute 11: Blowing up the Republican establishment.
Minute 12: Ann getting airtime on immigration.
Minutes 12-13: Roger Ailes.
Minute 14: Ann is celebrating. Close.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Ann and Milo Speak with Rich Zeoli at the RNC

    OIn Tuesday, July 19, 2016, Ann and Milo Yiannopoulos were at the RNC and spoke with Rich Zeoli. The audio is 40 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Gays love Trump.
Minute 2: Serious positions vs. attitude.
Minutes 3-5: Ann's books.
Minute 6: America comes from Britian.
Minute 7: Cultural chauvanism.
Minute 8: Gays and Islam.
Minute 9: Identity politics.
Minute 10: Gays at the RNC.
Minute 11: Trump conservatives.
Minute 12: Christians and gays.
Minute 13: Feminists.
Minute 14: Milo and Ann, together.
Minutes 15-17: Leslie Jones.
Minute 18: Who to deport.
Minute 19:  What to drink.
Minute 20: Yale.
Minute 21: Rich.
Minutes 21-22: Milo has written two books (soon to be out).
Minute 22: Protestors and bodyguards.
Minute 23: Don't worry about death threats, worry about the obsessed fans.
Minute 24: Getting rid of Amendments.
Minute 25: College speaking being fun.
Minute 26: The gay Republican party later.
Minute 27: Making people mad.
Minute 28: Standing on principle.
Minute 29: Mike Pence.
Minute 30: That's so gay.
Minute 31: An arsenal of racist words.
Minute 32: Hillary Clinton inviting Mike Brown's mother to speak.
Minute 33: Hispanic cops shooting blacks.
Minute 34: Why you aren't a liberal.
Minute 35: Milo has done more for gays than gay liberals.
Minute 36: Ann at the California delegation breakfast.
Minute 37: Getting to the book signing on time.
Minute 38: Trump needs to keep being Trump.
Minutes 38-39: States Trump needs to win.
Minute 40: Close.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ann Debates Sally Kohn: Is American Conservatism Hostile to Women?

    On Tuesday, July 12, 2016, the Comedy Cellar hosted a debate between Ann and Carol Swain, and Sally Kohn and Janus Adams, with Kathleen Parker moderating. The debate is almost 2 hours. You can watch it here or below.

Hour 1:

Minutes 0-6: Introduction.
Minutes 6-10: Ann's opening statement.
Minutes 10-11: Carol Swain's opening statement.
Minutes 12-16: Janus Adams' opening statement.
Minutes 17-19: Sally Kohn's opening statement.
Minutes 20-22: Ann explains identity politics.
Minutes 23-34: Swain's additional statement.
Minutes 35-37: Adams discusses education.
Minutes 37-39: Kohn discusses Republican policies on abortion.
Minutes 40-41: Adams says the parties switched.
Minutes 41-42: Ann explains abortion.
Minutes 42-43: Kohn loves America.
Minutes 43-44: Kohn on guns.
Minutes 44-45: Swain on the parties not switching.
Minute 45: Moderator gives her own thoughts.
Minute 46: Kohn on back-alley abortions.
Minutes 47-51: Ann explains why women should vote for Trump even though he says rude things.
Minutes 51-53: Kohn responds.
Minute 54: Ann explains how to raise wages.
Minutes 55-56: Adams on why Clinton can be a good leader.
Minutes 56-57: Kohn on why you should vote for Clinton.
Minutes 58-59: Adams thinks Trump has bad humor.

Hour 2:

Minutes 0-2: Swain on not voting for Clinton.
Minutes 2-5: Ann says Sanders is somewhat like Trump and she explains why Hillary is only successful because of her husband.
Minutes 5-7: Ann explains why Trump is better than Hillary.
Minutes 6-7: Kohn responds.
Minute 8: Ann explains why Clinton is bad for Libya.
Minutes 8-9: Adams says Ann is wrong.
Minute 10: Adams says the Central Park 5 are innocent and Ann says they are guilty.
Minutes 11-12: Adams on the police.
Minute 13: Lauren asks about Clinton lying to the FBI.
Minute 14: Ann answers.
Minute 15: Kohn answers.
Minute 16: Ann defends Trump.
Minutes 16-17: Kohn discusses Trump.
Minutes 18-19: Kohn on Russia and Georgia.
Minutes 19-20: Why are single, young women voting Democrat?
Minutes 20-21: Ann answers.
Minutes 21-22: Swain answers.
Minutes 23-24: How can people support Trump having control of the nuclear weapons?
Minutes 25-27: Ann answers.
Minute 27: Swain answers.
Minutes 27-28: Kohn answers.
Minute 29: Finding someone to ask a question.
Minute 30: How can Swain say she supports someone because of her religion and not expect to alienate people?
Minutes 30-32: Swain answers.
Minutes 32-33: Do Hillary and Obama hate America?
Minute 34: How can you ignore your candidate's faults?
Minutes 34-36: Ann answers.
Minute 36: Adams is surprised Ann would compare Al Sharpton with David Duke.
Minutes 37-39: The KKK vs. Black Lives Matter.
Minutes 40-41: How can the Republican party reach out to younger people?
Minute 41: Ann answers.
Minutes 42-43: Swain answers.
Minutes 44-45: Kohn's thoughts on gays and Republicans.
Minutes 45-46: Swain on political correctness.
Minute 46: Kohn disagrees.
Minutes 47-48: How can Trump make America safer?
Minutes 48-49: Ann answers.
Minutes 49-50: Adams discusses the KKK and immigration.
Minutes 51-52: Kohn on Muslims.
Minute 52: Ann responds.
Minute 53: Adams responds.
Minutes 53-54: Swain explains how Americans need to be united.
Minutes 54-55: Closing.
Minute 56: Who will win the election? Close.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Ann and Milo Model Shirts for Breitbart

    On Monday, July 11, 2016, an article by Milo Yiannopoulos was posted on Breitbart with a picture of Ann modeling the new "Border Wall" shirt in their store. Here are some pictures people put up on Twitter:

"In Trump We Trust" Cover Revealed

    On Monday, July 11, 2016, Matthew Boyle revealed the cover of Ann's new book, In Trump We Trust, on Breitbart. The article also includes quotes.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Ann Posts Photo

    On Tuesday, July 5, 2016, Ann posted a photo:

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Ann Goes on the Harvard Lunch Club

    On Tuesday, June 28, 2016, Ann went on the Harvard Lunch Club podcast with Todd Feinburg and Mike Stopa to discuss Trump and some of her new book, In Trump We Trust. The audio is 61 minutes, but Ann is only on from minutes 1-22.

    Here is what they discussed:

Minute 1: In Trump We Trust.
Minute 2: Ann still supports Trump.
Minute 3: The convention.
Minutes 4-5: Trump University.
Minutes 6-8: GOP people who won't vote Trump.
Minutes 8-9: Charles Murray.
Minutes 10-11: It's the end of the world if Hillary wins.
Minute 12: Polls excluding "unlikely voters."
Minute 13: Proposition 187.
Minutes 14-15: Brexit.
Minutes 16-19: Trump's VP can be Kris Kobach or Scott Brown.
Minutes 19-20: How Ann writes.
Minute 21: The title and Matt Drudge.
Minute 22: Close.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Ann and Van Jones at Politicon

    On Saturday, June 25, 2016, Ann went to Politicon to discuss Trump on a panel with Eugene Robinson and others, along with a debate with Van Jones. There are only 2 videos to be found for the panel, each about 1 minute, but the whole 47 minutes of the debate with Van Jones is available.

    In this clip Ann explains how both parties ignore the working class:

    Here Robinson acknowledges Democrats and Republicans ignore the people:

    Here (or below) is the debate with Van Jones:

    Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-2: How both parties are betraying Americans.
Minutes 2-3: Jones explains Sanders' campaign.
Minute 4: Ann explains why immigration is bad for the working class.
Minute 5: Ann is against Wall Street.
Minute 6: Everone is upset with Trump.
Minute 7: Jones says Obama is deporter-in-chief.
Minute 8: Brexit and immigration.
Minutes 9-10: Immigrants already here are also hurt from more immigration.
Minute 11: Bringing in poor people to do low-skilled work.
Minutes 12-14:  Latinos are becoming hostile to Republicans they view as hostile.
Minute 15: Ann responds.
Minute 16: The black vote.
Minutes 17-18: Jones explains Republicans getting black votes.
Minutes 19-20: Ann on the media misquoting people and Trump being PC.
Minutes 21-22: Jones says being PC is "civility."
Minutes 23-24: Ann explains the evolution of political correctness.
Minutes 24-26: Jones on shutting down conservative speakers.
Minutes 27-28: Hillary getting Sanders' voters.
Minute 29: SJWs vs. working class Sanders' supporters.

*30 seconds missing, but it's not important except Ann mentions Elizabeth Warren*

Minute 29: Hillary and bankers.
Minute 30: Trump closing tax loopholes.
Minute 31: Should Trump releasing his taxes.
Minute 32: Trump's tax audit.
Minute 33: Bill Clinton was the first president to refuse to release his medical records, but no one cares.
Minutes 33-34: Jones on how Trump and Hillary won't release things.
Minute 35: Hillary is beholden to Wall Street.
Minute 36: Tax deductions don't matter.
Minutes 37-39: Jones on the Clinton Foundation.
Minutes 39-40: Will things get done in the next 6 months?
Minutes 40-41: Jones on Republicans going to discuss drug overdoses and criminal justice reform.
Minutes 41-42: Jones on Paul Ryan.
Minutes 43-44: Ann responds by saying Trump will fix America's drug problem.
Minutes 44-46: Ann responds on criminal justice reform.
Minutes 46-47: Jones says Ann is wrong.
Minute 47: Close.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Ann Reminisces about the Grateful Dead

    On Friday, June 24, 2016, Ann wrote a piece posted on Billboard concerning what she remembers about the Grateful Dead and her experience at their concerts.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Ann Discusses Trump and the Media with Hannity

    On Thursday, June 2, 2016, Ann visited Hannity to discuss how the media is attacking Trump. It is about 15 minutes. You can listen on Youtube or below:

Here are some quotes:
"I think [Trump's policies] could be summarized in a single sentence: 'He will put America first, last, and always.' And he will do it, and he doesn't care that the press and the entire media will scream bloody murder about it. He cares about Americans first, not foreigners first." [Quote found in minute 8.]

    On #NeverTrumpers and how you sometimes need to vote for someone you don't like:
"I was adamantly, ferociously opposed to John McCain, and when it was down to Obama, Hillary, and McCain, I was for Hillary over McCain because McCain would have given us amnesty and that would have been the end of the country... It would have been too late even [for] Trump to save if McCain had gotten in and pushed through amnesty.

In any event, when the time came to it, when it was Obama versus McCain, okay! Okay, I started a website:, but I did it! I voted for McCain. My friend, John Phillips, on radio, got drunk, used a breathalyzer, and filled out his absentee ballot for McCain. We did it, and we weren't happy about it.

And these little brats... They accuse us, conservatives of principle, of being upset when they run excrescences for President and we vote for their guy? Now they're takin' their ball and going home? No, it's outrageous. It shows they never really cared about the 2nd Amendment. They never really cared about abortion. They never really cared about this country." [Quote found in minute 12-13.]

Here is what they talked about:

Minutes 0-1: Ann's new, upcoming book.
Minute 1: How Ann writes.
Minute 2: Republicans being slandered.
Minute 3: Trump, Reagan, and Romney have worse lives by becoming President.
Minute 4: Trump is a problem-solver.
Minutes 4-5: Political correctness.
Minute 5: The corrupt press.
Minute 6: Trump responding to media lies.
Minutes 7-8: Trump's policies.
Minute 8: Trump will put America first.
Minute 9: Obama destroying a successful war.
Minute 10: Sexual assaults and media lies.
Minute 11: What does Ann think about #NeverTrumpers?
Minutes 11-12: Hillary will overturn Heller.
Minutes 12-13: Conservatives like Ann (+John Phillips) try to keep the peace by voting for McCain even though they'd prefer not to, and now brats say Ann isn't principled for not voting third party (French).
Minute 14: Ann's mother. Ann is like the sister Hannity never had. Cut.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Ann Discusses Immigration Reform w/ Chris Matthews and Joy Reid

    On Friday, May 27, 2016, Ann visited Chris Matthews on MSNBC. The transcript is here. There are 2 sections of the hour in which Ann speaks, a total of 3.5 minutes.

    The context of this discussion is while protesters are waving Mexican flags at a Trump rally while Trump fans are waving American flags.

    Here is clip 1:

Minute 0: Which Republicans or Democrats actually want to fix immigration?
Minute 1: The Americans do not want amnesty. Diversity
Minutes 1-2: Matthews' "Americans" slip of the tongue.

    Here is clip 2:

Minute 0: Mandarins.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Ann Speaks with Mark Simone on Hannity

    On Wednesday, May 25, 2016, Ann called in and spoke with Mark Simone for about 14 minutes. You can listen here or below.

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-1: Democrats disrupting Trump crowds.
Minutes 2-3: Hispanics love Trump.
Minutes 4-6: Clinton scandals and Vince Foster.
Minute 7: Hillary is the best wife a husband could have.
Minutes 8-10: Joe Biden and how Democrats rally around their people who have scandals while Republicans attack their own.
Minute 11: It's fun to look back and read about the media freaking out over Trump.
Minute 12: Trump is the soul of the Republican party.
Minute 13: Trump's humor and his recent rally.
Minute 14: Trump is the only one who will talk about immigration. Close.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Ann and David Corn Go on Hardball

    On Monday, May 23, 2016, Ann went on Hardball w/ Chris Matthews and discussed Trump's taxes with David Corn (there is also a woman there). You can watch the first 10 minutes here and the last 41 seconds below:

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-1: Why did #NeverTrumpers suddenly start liking Trump?
Minute 1: No one cares for Paul Ryan. #NeverTrumpers are elites.
Minute 2: Corn explains why Republicans are flocking to Trump.
Minutes 3-4: Video clip of Hillary wanting Trump to release his tax returns.
Minutes 4-5: Trump is not releasing his taxes probably because he is under audit.
Minute 5: Corn gets upset.
Minute 6: Sanders' taxes.
Minutes 6-7: Bill Clinton's medial report.
Minute 8: Trump not paying taxes in previous years.
Minute 9: Trump taking advantage of tax breaks.
Minute 10: Close.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Ann Visits Hannity to Discuss Bill Clinton's Rape

    On Friday, May 20, 2016, Ann visited Hannity on his show for the first time in quite a long while. They speak for about 13 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Ann always gets Hannity in trouble.
Minutes 1-3: Bill Clinton's rape of Juanita Broaddrick and how the media reports it.
Minute 4: Andrea Mitchell audio clip.
Minutes 5-7: The Broaddrick story.
Minute 8: Sally Perdue.
Minutes 9-10: Media trying to take out Trump on his treatment of women.
Minute 10: Trump is the best.
Minute 11: The media acts like people don't know how to get on the Internet and find the truth.
Minute 12: Trump is the first Republican who will fight back.
Minute 13: Close.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Ann Speaks with James Naughtie on BBC

    On Wednesday, May 18, 2016, Ann visited James Naughtie to discuss Trump and immigration. The audio is over 5 minutes.

Here are some quotes:
"Why can't we have a home? Everybody else can have a home... National Geographic [says] 'And oh, the indigenous people, and they love their home...' No! We're the only people on earth who aren't allowed to have a home." [Quote found in minute 0.]
On America keeping other countries safe:
"I care about keeping [America safe]. I don't care about what happens to the Ukraine any more than I think Russia should care what we do to illegals here in Texas. I have an idea: Good luck to the rest of the world, but let's keep America safe." [Quote found in minute 3.]
On the rational of banning all Muslims:
" Ann: The rational is 9/11, Fort Hood, Boston Marathon, San Bernardino... When they're not committing terrorism... what good are they? They're on welfare, they're committing small petty crimes, they're completely ripping off the government.

Naughtie: [You're saying every Muslim is bad?]

Ann: We don't need any of them. Frankly, we don't need the British. I don't know why we're blocking the British and... letting in Somalis who go to Minnesota... 90% are on welfare, they don't have jobs... I don't think we need the British to come in, but if... we got to let somebody in, I know, how about people who speak our language and won't immediately go on welfare... We've been very generous to the rest of the world. It's gotta stop now. America needs a little 'me time.'" [Quote found in minutes 3-4.]

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Trump is driving the establishment crazy. America is a nation of immigrants. Jews.
Minute 1: The wall. Heroin.
Minute 2: No amnesty. America first.
Minutes 3-4: Banning all Muslims.
Minute 4: Trump will maybe win.
Minutes 4-5: Democrats want immigrants for votes.
Minute 5: Cut.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ann Discusses the Establishment with Chris Matthews

    On Tuesday, May 10, 2016, Ann visited Chris Matthews (Robert Costa and Steve Schmidt were also there) for about 6 minutes to discuss Trump and establishment Republicans.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Costa on Republican unity.
Minutes 1-2: Trump does not need to meet the establishment because he is the party.
Minute 2: Ann compliments Matthews and says she might mention him in her new book, In Trump We Trust.
Minutes 2-3: Schmidt explains how Trump is the result of Americans being sick of the establishment.
Minute 4: Trump advertisement.
Minute 5: Costa explains his inside information on Trump ads. Cut.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Ann Goes on Real Time with Bill Maher

    On Friday, May 6, 2016, Ann went on Real Time with Bill Maher, Dan Savage, Bryan Cranston, Richard Taite, and Nick Gillespie. There are three videos. (The red words indicate Ann actually gets a sentence in.)

(Also on Youtube.)

Minute 0-2: Transgender bathrooms.
Minute 3: Ann's thoughts.
Minute 4: Child molesters.
Minute 5: Trump and the Bible. Contraception.

(Also on Youtube.)

Minute 0: Taite on medical costs.
Minute 1: Gillespie on drugs.
Minute 2: Taite on addiction.
Minute 3: Socialized medicine.
Minute 4: Private prisons.
Minute 5: Cranston.
Minute 6: Trump winning Hispanics.
Minutes 7-8: Mexico is not sending their best. The rich want cheap labor.
Minutes 8-9: Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
Minute 10: Libertarians. Close.

(Ann speaks during much of this segment.)

Minute 0: Flashback of Ann.
Minute 1: Can Trump win the general election?
Minute 2-3: Can a split party win?
Minute 4: Trump is winning more votes.
Minute 5: The GOP base is racist.
Minute 6: Trump is great at predicting the media.
Minutes 6-7: Lots of people at rallies.
Minute 8: Trump will crash the markets.
Minute 9: Trump owns a lot of property. Being predictive is bad.
Minute 10: Deportation.
Minute 11: Enforce the laws on the books.
Minute 12: Trump will enforce laws; if you don't like it, elect your own candidate and have them change the laws.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Ann Discusses Trump with Mark Simone

    On Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Ann visited Mark Simone on Hannity's radio show. Here is an audio clip of about 20 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: The Republicans we had this year were a great group, but Trump was better.
Minute 2: Kasich.
Minute 3: Candidates' records.
Minute 4: Trump is not winning because he's un-PC or going to "shake things up," but because of immigration.
Minute 5: Break.
Minute 6: Ann's column.
Minutes 6-7: Audio clip of Ann predicting Trump's rise.
Minutes 8-9: Trump does not back down when the media criticizes him.
Minute 10: Trump talked about being President and that is why no one took him seriously when he did.
Minutes 10-11: Trump and the skating rink, and why Romney failed.
Minute 12: Trump knows when to create chaos in a way so that he will come out ahead.
Minute 13: Trump on the war in Iraq.
Minutes 14-15: Hillary is a bad candidate.
Minutes 16-17: Who will be Trump's VP?
Minutes 17-18: Trump's cabinet.
Minute 19: Close.

Ann Interviewed by the Hollywood Reporter

    On Wednesday, May 4, 2016, at 1:38pm PDT, the Hollywood Reporter published an interview of Ann by Paul Bond. Here are some quotes:

"Bond: If you weren’t supporting Trump, who was your second choice?

Ann: Ted Cruz, until I realized he was born in Canada and couldn’t be president. Other than that, I hated them all and was going to take a year off of politics. I’ve always wanted to learn French, so I thought I might spend the year in France.  Given the refugee crisis, Trump may have saved my life."
    If one keeps up with Ann, it will become noticable that Ann makes more jokes in written interviews than in her video or audio appearances.

"Bond: Can you explain succinctly why you believe Trump is a conservative?

Ann: He loves America and will protect the people who live here first, last and always."

Monday, May 2, 2016

Ann Speaks with Larry O'Connor

    On Monday, May 2, 2016, Ann spoke with Larry O'Connor for over 13 minutes.

Here is what they discussed:

Minute 0: Ann said it would be Trump.
Minute 1: Why a conservative like Ann supports Trump.
Minutes 2-3: How can we trust Trump?
Minutes 4-5: Amnesty.
Minute 6: The people support Trump.
Minutes 7-9: We need the Latino vote.
Minute 10: If Trump can't win, it's over.
Minute 11: Who should be the VP?
Minute 12: Who is easier for Trump to beat?
Minutes 12-13: Sanders supposedly cares about the working class, but also supports open borders.
Minute 13: Close.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ann's Thoughts on Trump's Foreign Policy Speech

    On Wednesday, April 27, 2016, Ann visited Joyce Kaufman for almost 9 minutes to discuss Trump's foreign policy speech.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Trump's speech on foreign policy is great.
Minute 1: Spreading western values.
Minute 2: Hillary's foreign policy failures.
Minutes 3-4: Trump is great.
Minute 5: Felons voting.
Minutes 6-8: #NeverTrump
Minute 8: Close.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Ann and Martin Short on Mark Simone

    On Monday, April 25, 2016, Ann and Martin Short went on Mark Simone's show (they don't actually talk to one another). It's 34 minutes.

Minutes 0-6: Martin Short.
Minutes 6-7: Elections.
Minute 8: Fans yelling, "Go Trump!"
Minute 9: Black man tells people to vote Trump.
Minute 10: The Kochs.
Minute 11: Trump doesn't back down.
Minute 12: Cruz.
Minute 13: How will the Koch's libertarianism work with more Hispanic immigrants?
Minute 14: Break.
Minute 15: Trump's free negative advertising.
Minutes 15-18: John Kasich.
Minute 19: Hillary's destruction around the globe.
Minutes 19-20: Women in politics.
Minute 21: Trump imitating an Indian.
Minute 22: Break.
Minute 23: Nutmeggers.
Minute 24: Trump is really urban.
Minute 25: Cruz won't win.
Minute 26: The state elections.
Minute 27: A Republican Party that stands for the people.
Minutes 28-29: Rich people and taxes.
Minutes 30-31: Indians.
Minute 32: Break.
Minute 33: Caller with good news from Ann's hometown.
Minute 34: Close.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ann Speaks with Chris Stigall

    On Thursday, April 21, 2016, Ann spoke with Chris Stigall for 12 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-1: Chris Matthews.
Minutes 2-3: Sections of New York by votes.
Minute 4: Trump is great on immigration, and mostly everything else.
Minute 5: The media attacking Trump.
Minute 6: Trans bathrooms.
Minute 7: Trump loves fixing problems. Ann and Trump tweet.
Minute 8: No more caucuses.
Minute 9: The Republican elites are out of touch with the base.
Minutes 10-11: Delegates and the Supreme Court.
Minute 12: Cut.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Ann on Mark Simone

    On Monday, April 18, 2016, Ann went on Mark Simone's radio show. It's 34 minutes, but Ann is not on until minute 7.

Quote in minute 10:

"Trump was right. What do conservatives do? We conserve, and what we need to conserve right now is the country."

Minute 7: Intro.
Minute 8: Ann missed her subway stop.
Minute 9: Delegates.
Minute 10: Ted Cruz and donors.
Minute 11: Wisconsin.
Minute 12: Romney and the white vote.
Minutes 13-15: Break.
Minutes 16-17: New York/Jersey caller, Frank.
Minute 18: Connecticut.
Minute 19: Hispanics will vote Trump because they want higher wages.
Minutes 20-21: Many Californians and New Yorkers can't say they are for Trump.
Minutes 21-22: John Kasich.
Minutes 23-24: Lying ads.
Minute 25: Ann is sick of "real Republicans."
Minutes 26-27: Paid political pundits and analysts are not necessarily unbiased.
Minute 28: ¡Adios America!
Minute 29: Why are liberal men sissies?
Minutes 29-30: Autographed photos and book.
Minute 31: Caller asks about illegals and taxes.
Minute 32: Romney was the most attractive Establishment Republican, and he still did not win.
Minutes 33-34: Closing.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Ann Tweets Photos with George Lopez

    On Monday, April 11, 2016, Ann tweeted these:

Ann Speaks with Rusty Humphries

    On Monday, April 11, 2016, Ann spoke with Rusty Humphries for about 16 minutes.

Here's what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Immigration is the most important, but Trump also has other good stances.
Minute 2: Hidden costs of illegal immigration.
Minutes 3-4: Carlos Slim.
Minutes 4-5: Cruz supporters lying.
Minute 5: Lewandowski.
Minutes 6-8: Cruz lying.
Minutes 9-10: Healthcare.
Minutes 10-11: Abortion.
Minutes 12-14: Big-name Cruz supporters are being paid off.
Minutes 14-15: Wisconsin and Cruz.
Minute 16: Close.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ann Speaks with Joyce Kaufman

    On Wednesday, April 6, 2016, Ann visited Joyce Kaufman for about 13 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Ann gets Kaufman in trouble.
Minute 1: Chris Matthews.
Minutes 2-5: Trump and abortion.
Minutes 5-6: Contested convention.
Minutes 7-8: Caucuses vs. elections.
Minute 9: Charlie Sykes.
Minutes 9-10: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.
Minute 11: Establishment Republicans constantly say they'll get things done, yet don't, so now when the people rise up and vote Trump, the establishment complains.
Minute 12: Close.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Ann Visits Charlie Sykes

    On Monday, April 4, 2016, Ann visited Charlie Sykes. The audio is here, here, and below. It is over 11 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-1: Sykes plays an old audio clip of Ann dissing him.
Minutes 1-2: Sykes criticizes Ann.
Minute 3: Sykes says Trump gets good coverage, but Ann says Trump is the most attacked by the media.
Minute 4: If Trump was a tree. Abortion.
Minute 5: Trump wants to talk about policies.
Minute 6: Ann should talk to Trump about being less snarky.
Minute 7: Trump is great with women.
Minute 8: Trump has high disapproval numbers because of constant media attacks.
Minute 9: The whole country will go the way of California.
Minute 10: Voting for Cruz is a vote for the establishment.
Minute 11: Close.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Ann Tweets Out Photo: "Inside Edition... I'LL BE ON TONIGHT"

    On Friday, April 1, 2016, Ann tweeted this, but the footage is unavailable.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Ann Joins PJTV to Discuss Trump

    On Thursday, March 31, 2016, Ann spoke with John Phillips on PJTV about the concerns that she may no longer support Trump. The video is over 17 minutes.

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-1: Ann's support of Trump.
Minute 2: Cruz's affairs.
Minutes 3-6: Michelle Fields.
Minutes 6-7: Republicans against Trump are hypocrites and being ridiculous.
Minutes 8-9:  Rush Limbaugh and corrupt judges.
Minutes 9-10: Heidi Cruz.
Minute 11: People in the media complain about Trump being mean.
Minute 12: Ann was one of the first supporting Trump.
Minute 13: Delegates for Trump.
Minute 14: Trump is the type of Republican that is the only type that will ever win a national election again.
Minutes 15-16: States Trump needs.
Minute 17: Close.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Ann Visits the Drive Home Again

    On Wednesday, March 30, 2016, Ann visited the Drive Home for hours 1 (34 minutes), 2 (37 minutes), and 3 (38 minutes). Ned Rice is also there, but Jillian Barberie is not.

Here is what happened:

Hour 1:

Minute 0: Intro.
Minute 1: Rice's fat.
Minute 2: Ann feels sorry for Muslims.
Minutes 3-4: The more Cruz and Kasich are on television, the more people are for Trump.
Minute 5: Stealing the election from Trump.
Minutes 6-7: Trump wins, but is getting less delegates because there is corruption.
Minute 8: Rubio's people tried to get delegates from Cruz.
Minutes 8-9: Cruz has big, Texas oil people buying him off while Trump does not.
Minute 10: Voters and delegates.
Minute 11: Super-delegates and Democrats.
Minute 12: Lobbyists and political advisors are going to lose their jobs.
Minute 13: Cruz audio clip with Anderson Cooper.
Minute 14: Trump has a winning personality.
Minutes 15-16: Russia, NATO, Kasich.
Minutes 16-17: Charging countries money for saving them.
Minutes 17-18: Break.
Minutes 18-19: Audio of Trump explaining that he didn't start the scuffle with Cruz.
Minutes 20-21: Nexus, super PACs, Obama, Liz Mair.
Minutes 22-23: Trump explaining Michelle Fields.
Minute 24: Ann's thoughts.
Minute 25: Alec Baldwin.
Minute 26: Break.
Minutes 27-29: Ted Cruz's affairs.
Minute 30: Milo's annoying habits.
Minutes 31-32: Trump has the Evangelicals, not Cruz.
Minute 33: Close.

Hour 2:

Minute 0: Intro.
Minutes 1-5: Muslims doing target practice.
Minutes 6-7: Trump, Lewandowski, and Wisconsin.
Minutes 8-9: Abortion.
Minutes 9-10: Lewandowski.
Minutes 11-12: Republican wars.
Minute 13: Muslims.
Minutes 14-15: Michelle Fields.
Minutes 16-20: OJ Simpson, the n-word, and FX.
Minutes 21-24: Hacking iPhones.
Minutes 25-26: Buckley and writing books.
Minutes 27-28: Apple.
Minute 29: Media on Trump.
Minutes 30-32: Break.
Minutes 33-36: People electrocuted in a pool.
Minutes 36-37: Close.

Hour 3:

Minutes 0-4: Commercials.
Minute 4: Judd Apatow.
Minutes 5-9: An author calls in.
Minutes 9-10: Political ads.
Minutes 11-14: Cruz and alcohol.
Minutes 15-18: Geraldo Rivera.
Minutes 18-20: Chris Darden.
Minutes 21-22: OJ.
Minute 23: Cruz.
Minute 24: Break.
Minutes 24-26: Natasha calls in.
Minutes 26-28: Other Ann Coulters, Ned Rices, and John Phillipses.
Minutes 29-30: The Rust Belt and the white vote.
Minute 31: Break.
Minutes 32-33: Game.
Minute 34: Political games. Break.
Minutes 34-35: Cesar Chavez.
Minute 36: Dark superheroes.
Minute 37: Wisconsin, Cruz, Trump.
Minute 38: Close.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Ann Discusses Corey Lewandowski with Rich Zeoli

    On Tuesday, March 29, 2016, Rich Zeoli posted an article explaining Ann's thoughts on the Michelle Fields fiasco. There are 10 minutes of audio also. If you don't want to listen, you can read a partial transcript at the article.

Here is what they discussed:

Minute 0: Commercial.
Minute 1: Milo Yiannopoulos. Ann still loves Trump.
Minute 2: Trump might be mental, but he has the right, winning policies.
Minute 3: White voters.
Minute 4: Cruz speaking in odd patterns.
Minute 5: Romney.
Minutes 6-9: Lewandowski and Fields.
Minute 10: Close.

Ann Discusses Michelle Fields with Chris Matthews

    On Tuesday, March 29, 2016, Ann visited Chris Matthews' show. The video is over 7 minutes and Ann speaks from 4-7.

Here is what happened:

Minutes 0-2: Katy Tur on Lewandowski.
Minute 3: Charlie Sykes on Trump's "problems."
Minutes 4-5: Anyone who sees the video can see Lewandowski is innocent.
Minute 5: Trump is the victim.
Minute 6: Bruises and gang rape.
Minute 7: Fields' face does not make a negative expression. Cut.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ann Co-Hosts The Drive Home Twice

    On Tuesday and Wednesday, March 22 and 23, 2016, Ann sat in for Jillian Barberie on The Drive Home. Tuesday's part 1 is 40 minutes and part 2 is 34 minutes. Wednesday's part 1 is 36 minutes, part 2 is 37 minutes, and part 3 is 35 minutes. They discuss the Islamic attacks in Brussels, Trump, and immigration.


    Here is what they talked about.

    Hour 1:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 1-3: The Islamic attacks in Brussels.
Minute 3: The media hiding the fact they are Muslims.
Minute 4: Airports are randomly checking people rather than profiling.
Minute 5: We know what half of the terrorists look like, so profile.
Minute 6: What would Martians say?
Minute 7: Why aren't the police going in and finding these people?
Minute 8: We must allow people to kill us rather than hurt their feelings.
Minutes 8-9: Trump on Brussels.
Minute 9: Are Europeans letting in hateful cultures to atone for colonization?
Minute 10: Peter Brimelow.
Minute 11: Checking social media posts by potential refugees.
Minutes 12-13: Western secularists are part of a death cult of self-hatred. Only white Europeans and Americans who are embarrassed about having a successful society.
Minute 13: Ted Cruz on Trump and NATO.
Minute 14: Invade the world/invite the world is not working for us.
Minute 15: Stop starting wars and then giving those people visas to come here.
Minutes 15-20: Break.
Minute 21: Hillary Clinton's response to the Brussels attack.
Minute 22: Ann would like to help Europe, but now it is the Third World and the only hope for them is to clone Donald Trump.
Minutes 23-24: America's Christianity is part of the reason we are not falling apart like Europe.
Minute 25: John Kasich.
Minute 26: Why must politicians immediately say nice things about Muslims whenever there is a terror attack?
Minute 27: Caller says that maybe we can have segregated flights for Muslims.
Minute 28: Legal immigrants are the ones committing all of these terrorist attacks.
Minute 29: There are so many costs with resettling refugees.
Minute 30: Should Americans die to save Ukraine?
Minute 31: Isn't it convenient that terrorists using the net for communication makes Hillary want to regulate the internet, which will allow her to shut down Drudge.
Minute 32: Break.
Minutes 32-33: Caller asks if Trump will be our best shot to beat Hillary. ITWITW.
Minute 34: The national vote does not matter.
Minutes 35-36: Trump is going to get votes from the Democrats who have no other option.
Minute 37: Trump is going to get all of the people who haven't voted for decades.
Minute 38: Trump will get more Hispanic and black votes than Romney.
Minutes 38-40: Break.

    Hour 2:

Minute 0: Brussels attack.
Minutes 1-2: Suicide bombing at least kills the bomber.
Minute 3: Use water and electricity for torture.
Minute 4: Obama on Belgium and Cuba.
Minutes 5-6: Obama on Boston.
Minutes 7-10: Chris Burns explains Brussels.
Minutes 11-12: Trump previously said there was a threat of terrorism in Brussels, and Brussels released a pleasant ad about how safe and nice they were.
Minute 13: Reporting earthquakes as fires.
Minute 14: Caller talks about easy targets and routines.
Minute 15: Our immigration policy should not be letting in people who want to kill us.
Minute 16: Break.
Minute 17: Caller asks about Obama saying ISIS can only scare and divide us.
Minutes 17-18: Why are people saying we're "strong" or "standing in solidarity"?
Minute 18: Terrorism is caused by bringing in terrorists; this is not some natural occurrence like an earthquake.
Minute 19: Break.
Minutes 19-20: Bernie Sanders.
Minutes 20-21: You can put a pitbull with a vegetarian, PETA family, but it is still a killing machine.
Minute 22: Many terrorists are regular Muslims until they're radicalized, so let in none of them.
Minutes 23-24: Break.
Minutes 24-25: Caller says anyone harboring the Brussels terrorists should have everything they owned seized and their citizenship stripped.
Minute 26: ITWITW. "America needs a little me time."
Minute 27: Caller says we need to help our allies.
Minute 28: We can avoid dumb things, but don't waste time trying to spread democracy.
Minute 29: Saddam.
Minutes 29-30: Don't try to save people when the Democrats are just going to get them (and us) killed.
Minutes 30-32: Break
Minutes 32-33: Caller says Trump has the courage to call out politician who are failures.
Minutes 33-34: Trump says outrageous things to get headlines and keep the focus on him.
Minute 34: Close.


    Hour 1:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 1-3: Brussels news.
Minutes 4-5: Ann asks about the unidentified man.
Minutes 6-7: More reports.
Minutes 7-8: Will the Belgium government do anything?
Minute 9: It's no longer controversial to state the obvious.
Minute 10: Doing work Americans won't do.
Minute 11: Immigrant welfare and crime is too much.
Minute 12: Stop doing the stupid thing.
Minutes 12-13: Earthquakes.
Minute 13: Brimelow and Hitler.
Minute 14: Pause Muslim immigration.
Minute 15: What happens to cities that are already Muslim?
Minute 16: We need to save America because we are the only country that can save others.
Minute 17: ITWITW. Hillary.
Minute 18: Break.
Minutes 18-19: Gay caller for Trump asks about multiculturalism and how it hurts us.
Minute 20: The weak and vulnerable are safest in America.
Minutes 21-23: Break.
Minute 23: Ann's an Angel fan.
Minutes 24-25: Audio clip.
Minute 26: What are the chances of someone being at 3 terror attacks.
Minute 27: More people are going to experience terror attacks.
Minutes 28-29: Caller says that Ann shouldn't like Trump because he's not conservative.
Minute 30: What's wrong with him?
Minute 31: Cruz can't be president. Cruz is good, but he lies.
Minute 32: Trump does not to want let people die in the streets.
Minute 33: Trump is the only one who does not compare himself to Reagan.
Minutes 34-35: Break. Gawker.
Minutes 35-36: Close.

    Hour 2:

Minutes 0-3: Election results.
Minutes 3-7: Caucuses are different from primaries (and stupid).
Minute 7: Hillary audio clip.
Minute 8: Hillary's voice.
Minute 9: Torture works.
Minute 10: Lyin' Ted and Hollywood's version of Christians.
Minutes 10-11: Preaching to the choir is not brave.
Minutes 11-13: Caller gives thoughts on Trump.
Minutes 13-15: Ann says Trump is "mental" and "vulgar," but he's the best on immigration.
Minute 16: Just let ICE do their job.
Minute 17: Trump actually listens to Americans and is not beholden to donors, so Ann believes Trump will do what is right.
Minutes 18-19: Caller.
Minute 20: Trump takes the popular position.
Minute 21: Megyn Kelly, Rubio, and Todd Akin at the first debate.
Minutes 21-22: Iraq War and Bill Kristol.
Minutes 23-26: Break.
Minutes 27-30: Hulk Hogan.
Minutes 30-31: Photos and free speech.
Minute 32: Public figures.
Minute 33: Caller asks how Trump gets the black vote.
Minutes 34-36: Ann explains that black people actually want jobs, so they're voting Republican.
Minutes 36-37: Close.

    Hour 3:

Minutes 0-2: News.
Minute 2: Terrorism.
Minute 3: Refugees.
Minute 4: Crime and Muslims.
Minute 5: The Rotherham rapes.
Minute 6: Proactive policing.
Minute 7: Unions.
Minute 8: Jobs are not coming back unless we vote for Trump.
Minutes 9-10: Our country has a lot of resources, but now we buy things from Europe and China.
Minute 11: People are losing their jobs to robots, so we don't need more immigrants.
Minutes 12-13: Caller says Republicans are to blame for immigration and our problems in China, so Ann should not blame Democrats.
Minute 14: Ann says that Trump will give incentives for companies to stay in America.
Minute 15: Farmers should use machines to pick food, but can't until immigration is stopped (which would force farmers to buy machines).
Minute 16: Americans can handle a 5¢ increase in produce if they don't need to subsidize the schools, hospitals, and cheap labor of immigrants.
Minute 17: Break.
Minutes 18-19: Trump loves everyone.
Minutes 19-20: Trump is funny, but the media chops off parts of his jokes.
Minutes 20-27: Break. News. Break.
Minutes 27-29: Florida or Not Florida.
Minute 30: Break.
Minutes 30-32: David Letterman looks like Santa.
Minute 33: Hot wives.
Minutes 33-34: Spilling the beans on Cruz.
Minute 35: Close.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Ann Explains Why Building the Wall Is Trump's Easiest Goal

    On Sunday, March 20, 2016, Opie and Jim posted this 2-minute video about cutting aid to Mexico and taxing remittances in order to pay for the wall.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Ann Visits Bernie and Sid

    On Friday, March 18, 2016, Ann spoke with Bernie McGuirk and Sid Rosenberg. The audio is over one hour, but Ann is only on from minutes 0:19-1:02.

Hour 1:

Minute 19: Introduction.
Minute 20: Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz.
Minute 21: Trump says supposedly outrageous things to keep the media focused on him.
Minute 22: Trump attacking the media and being the alpha male version of Ann.
Minute 23: Trump is the only one who is going to build the wall.
Minute 24: The GOP is teaming up with the Democrats to bash Trump.
Minute 25: We might owe blacks, but no one else.
Minutes 26-27: Hecklers and rioters at Trump speeches.
Minute 28: Break.
Minute 29: Cruz's preacher video calling for the death of homosexuals.
Minutes 30-31: Kris Kobach as Trump's running mate, because tall, white males are good.
Minutes 31-32: Break.
Minute 33: Working out.
Minute 34: Trump will get more black votes.
Minute 35: How to get votes.
Minutes 36-37: Rich Republicans.
Minute 38: Iowa and Cruz.
Minutes 38-39: Constant war Republicans and John Bolton.
Minutes 40-41: Neocons were Democrats first. Syria, Israel, and Iraq. Mark Simone.
Minute 42: Bush and the Iraq War.
Minutes 43-44: Caller asks about Trump saying he would pay protestor's legal fees.
Minute 45: Break.
Minute 46: Making bets on whether Trump will win the black vote or the presidency.
Minute 47: Democrats voting for Trump.
Minute 48: Getting white votes.
Minute 49: Little Marco.
Minute 50: Carly Fiorina and Joyce Kaufman.
Minute 51: Nicotine is good for you. (Ann has went 13 years without a cigarette.)
Minutes 52-54: Al Franken stealing his election.
Minutes 55-56: Different cultures have different crimes and our system is not made to deal with other types of crime.
Minutes 57-58: Deportations.Minute 59: Caller loves Ann.

Hour 2:

Minute 0: Nikki Haley.
Minute 1: Schools can't handle immigration.
Minutes 1-2: Christie, Cruz, Romney. Close.

Ann Discusses Trump on Race Wars

    On Friday, March 18, 2016, Ann visited Race Wars with Kurt Metzger, Sherrod Small, and Tom Shillue. The video and audio is over 1 hour 40 minutes, but Ann is only has a few minutes of speaking time (besides a few short comments) since there are 8 people involved. WARNING: VULGAR.

    Here's what they talked about:

Hour 1:

Minutes 0-1: Underwear ad intro.
Minutes 2-4: Ann arrives and explains her commute.
Minute 5: Agoraphobia.
Minutes 6-7: MLK.
Minute 8: MLK & BLM.
Minute 9: BLM.
Minute 10: Race and crime.
Minutes 11-12: Blacks support police.
Minute 13: Shillue.
Minute 14: Comedians and racism.
Minute 15: Samantha Bee.
Minute 16: Liberals and blacks.
Minute 17: Black comedians.
Minute 18: Subsidize hipsters.
Minutes 19-20: Black comedians.
Minutes 21-23: Cabs and blacks.
Minute 24: Racism in the US vs everywhere else.
Minute 25: Cab drivers.
Minute 26: Nothing.
Minute 27: Racist comedy.
Minute 28: The media cuts up quotes to make people look racist.
Minute 29: PC culture, Trump, and neo-nazis.
Minute 30: David Duke and Al Sharpton.
Minute 31: Context matters.
Minute 32: Trump is great.
Minutes 33-35: Philly Girl phones in.
Minute 36: Facebook.
Minutes 37-42: Uber stories.
Minute 43: Shillue leaves.
Minute 44: Leftists are ridiculous.
Minutes 45-46: Politics and comedy.
Minutes 46-47: Facebook bans.
Minutes 47-49: Milo Yiannopoulos' fans.
Minute 50: Journalists.
Minute 51: Gavin McInnes.
Minutes 51-52: Amy Schumer.
Minutes 53-54: Jezebel and snowmanning.
Minute 55: Trolls.
Minutes 56-57: Modeling.
Minute 58: Rappers.
Minute 59: Philly Girl.

Hour 2:

Minute 0: Australians.
Minute 1: Accents.
Minutes 1-2: Astrology.
Minute 3: Ann.
Minutes 3-5: Break.
Minute 5: Music.
Minutes 6-8: Unfunny insulting jokes.
Minute 9: Borat.
Minutes 10-11: Using the left's language.
Minute 12: Tommy.
Minutes 13-16: MFK.
Minutes 15-16: Ann would kill Ryan, f--- Kennedy, marry Obama.
Minute 16: Lesbians.
Minute 17: Ann's ring.
Minutes 17-18: The Supreme Court and SSM.
Minutes 18-19: Cruz.
Minutes 19-20: Thurgood Marshall.
Minutes 20-23: Clarence Thomas.
Minutes 23-26: The real fight for civil rights.
Minutes 26-27: MLK.
Minutes 27-28: Women's rights.
Minutes 29-32: Erin Gloria Ryan asks about #NeverTrump.
Minute 32: Rubio.
Minutes 32-34: Fox News.
Minute 34: Cruz.
Minutes 35-37: The Michelle Fields hoax.
Minute 38: Future planning.
Minute 39: Trump is great.
Minute 40: Close.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ann Speaks with Opie and Jim

    On Thursday, March 17, 2016, Ann visited Opie and Jim. The audio is over 27 minutes.

    Here's what they talked about:

Minute 0: "Kevin" asks about Trump being Hitler.
Minute 1: Comedy and Hitler.
Minutes 1-3: David Duke vs. Al Sharpton.
Minute 4: Will Hillary disavow rapists?
Minutes 4-5: Trump is alpha.
Minute 6: Caller.
Minutes 7-11: Protestors at Trump rallies.
Minutes 12-13: Another show.
Minutes 13-16: Garland.
Minutes 17-20: Laughing, music, and transitioning.
Minute 21: Trump is amazing.
Minute 22: It's all about immigration.
Minutes 22-24: Abortion and rape.
Minutes 25-27: Trump is running a great campaign.

Ann Speaks with Lisa Lampanelli

    On Thursday, March 17, 2016, Ann went on Mark Simone's show. The audio is 35 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 8-35.

    Here's what they talked about:

Minute 8: Ann's purse.
Minute 9: Traffic.
Minute 10: Without Trump, the Republicans would just roll over.
Minute 11: Merrick Garland.
Minute 12: Liberals just make their issues "Constitutional rights" in order to win.
Minute 13: Conservative judges become more liberal.
Minutes 14-15: "Break."
Minute 15: Trump's recent speech.
Minutes 16-18: Rubio and Hispanics.
Minute 19: Ted Cruz. (Lampanelli's graphic roast of Donald Trump.)
Minutes 20-27: Laughing with Lampanelli.
Minute 29: Saudi Arabia is building a border wall.
Minute 30: People are sick of being lied to (walls do work).
Minutes 31-33: Chuck Schumer and Rubio.
Minute 34: Allergies, colds, and the flu. Close.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Ann Ambushes Carly Fiorina

    On Monday, March 14, 2016, Ann joined Joyce Kaufman in studio with Carly Fiorina on the line. The audio is over 13 minutes. (Ann may have been on the show longer than this clip, but Kaufman's interviews are deleted after a few months and this is the only copy found.)

    Here is what was discussed:

Minutes 0-5: Introduction and discussion with Fiorina.
Minutes 5-6: Ann explains to Fiorina why Trump is better than Cruz.
Minute 7: Fiorina explains why Ann is wrong.
Minute 8: Ann explains why Fiorina is wrong.
Minutes 9-10: Fiorina explains why Trump is like Hillary Clinton.
Minute 10: Kaufman asks about Cruz dissing Trump.
Minutes 11-12: Fiorina explains and leaves.
Minutes 12-13: Ann continues.
Minute 13: Close.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Debate Day Photos

    On Thursday, March 10, 2016, Joyce Kaufman tweeted:

    Ann later tweeted:

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Ann Visits Reddit for an AMA

    On Thursday, March 3, 2016, Ann visited Reddit so fans could ask her anything they wanted. To read it all, click the link above and Ann's name is in red next to each of her posts.

(Link in tweet does not link to the discussion.)

    When asked about Fox's coverage of Trump:
"Fox is for amnesty, open borders, cheap labor for the plutocrats. That's why they pushed for McCain, didn't cover the senate GOPs attempt to defund Obama's executive amnesty and they've been pushing little Marco for president. To paraphrase Hannity's bold call to US senators, the country is more important than my career."

    Here's a screenshot:

    When asked about who should be Trump's VP:
"KRIS KOBACH! Harvard, Yale, Oxford, tall, handsome, lovely family and a total stalwart on immigration. I anything happened to Trump, the country would still be safe in Kobach's hands."

    Ann on diversity and the declining percentages of white people in white countries:

Ann Speaks with Pat Miller

    On Thursday, March 3, 2016, Ann spoke with Pat Miller. It is over 10 minutes.

    Here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Romney.
Minutes 1-2: Trump and the Establishment.
Minutes 2-3: Will Trump actually do what he says?
Minute 4: Trump will dance with the one who brought him.
Minutes 5-6: Just let ICE do their job.
Minute 6: Will Trump be able to do the job?
Minute 7: Ann will denounce Trump.
Minute 8: Kris Kobach or Scott Brown as VP.
Minutes 9-10: Ann might write a book, but for now she is doing Reddit.
Minute 10: Close.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Did Ann Speak with Joyce Kaufman?

    Ann tweeted this...

...but the interview cannot be found anywhere.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Ann Speaks with Bernie and Sid

    On Friday, February 19, 2016, Ann spoke with Bernie McGuirk and Sid Rosenberg. The audio is one hour, but Ann is only on from minutes 33-43.

    Here is what they discussed:

Minute 33: Introduction.
Minute 34: Trump is the only one who will build the wall.
Minute 35: Trump's attacks on other Republicans.
Minute 36: Trump talks like a normal person.
Minutes 37-38: Even Fox News is going after Trump.
Minute 39: Ann's tweets.
Minutes 40-41: The pope.
Minute 42-43: Nikki Haley. Close.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ann Tweeted Two Photos

    On Thursday, February 18, 2016, Ann tweeted these:

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ann Goes on Hardball with Al Cardenas and Mark Sanford

    On Tuesday, February 16, 2016, Ann went on MSNBC with Chris Matthews to discuss the war in Iraq. (Here is shorter, yet higher quality, additional video in case the other is deleted.)

    Here's what they discussed (the red is when Ann speaks):

Minute 0: Who cares about the Quds and Kurds?
Minute 1: Cardenas' thoughts.
Minute 2: Sanford's thoughts.
Minute 3: Rush Limbaugh.
Minute 4: Trump is winning on trade, war, and immigration.
Minute 5: Racial profiling and 9/11. Bush's amnesty.
Minute 6: Dick Cheney.
Minute 7: Cardenas.
Minute 8: Sanford.
Minute 8-10: Why the war in Iraq was good.
Minute 10: Close.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Ann Goes on Breitbart News Sunday

    On Sunday, February 2, 2016, Ann went on Breitbart News Sunday with Alexander Marlow to talk about Antonin Scalia and the courts. You can listen on Soundcloud or below:

Here's what they discussed:

Minutes 0-3: Antonin Scalia.
Minute 3: Americans will not vote for liberal policies, so Democrats use the Supreme Court to push things through.
Minutes 4-6: Republicans not handling the problem.
Minute 7: Democrats fight tough.
Minute 8: We should sometimes compromise, but not when we don't need to.
Minute 9: Black Lives Matter.
Minutes 10-11: Hillary's really dumb.
Minute 12: Bernie Sanders is who the Democrats want.
Minute 13: It's good we have Trump.
Minute 14: Close.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Ann Interviewed by Washington and Lee Spectator

    On Monday, February 15, 2016, Washington and Lee Spectator posted these videos with Ann (they are assumably from Friday, February 12, when Ann gave a speech there). The first video is 13 minutes and the second is 3.

Here's what they discussed:

Minute 0: Ann explains Cruz's citizenship.
Minutes 1-2: Fox and Cruz lying and being against Trump.
Minute 3: Will Trump be more moderate after the primaries?
Minute 4: Hillary talking about BLM and cops.
Minute 5: Hispanics love him.
Minutes 5-6: Evangelicals.
Minute 6: The military.
Minute 7: Michael Bloomberg.
Minute 8: Ann's birthday.
Minute 9: Trump playing chess.
Minute 10: Trump is getting everyone.
Minutes 11-12: Is immigration really that important?
Minute 12: Close.

Minute 0: Trump is a Republican.
Minute 1: Trump gets applause when he mentions the wall.
Minutes 2-3: Liberals in education.
Minute 3: Close.