Friday, June 5, 2015

Ann Called into the Ben Shapiro Show

    On Friday, June 5, 2015, Ann called into the 3rd and 4th segments of the 2nd hour to talk about ¡Adios America!. You can listen here, here, or below. The total run time is 44+ minutes, but Ann is only on from minute 20 to minute 44.

    Here are some quotes:
"I suppose, if I wanted to sell books, I shouldn't write books about things the media wants to censor." [Quote found in minute 21.]

    On Republicans trying to appeal to Hispanics by accepting amnesty:
"If Romney had won 71% of the Hispanic vote, which is unimaginable for a Republican in a Presidential election... he still would have lost. If he'd won about 4% more of the white vote, he would have won." [Quote found in minutes 22-23.]
"You can win elections by increasing your base vote much more than... chasing people who are never gonna vote a majority for you anyway. And as long as immigrants, unless they start voting 51% for Republicans (and right now it's 8 to 2 against Republicans), that's how, that's how you lose elections. That's not how you win elections... I just want a Republican who can do math. [Shapiro and Ann converse before Ann continues with:] It would be as if Republicans conned the Democrats into spending all their efforts trying to get a tiny slice more of the Evangelical vote. [Shapiro laughs.] And, okay, the feminists will be ticked off, the professors will be ticked off, the media will be ticked off, but maybe we can, we can clip off 1% more of the Evangelical vote. Democrats aren't this stupid." [Quote found in minutes 24-25.]

"The first people in America were English and Dutch settlers, and they're the ones who created the country. They were not immigrants. There was no... America to immigrate to. " [Quote found in minute 26.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full twenty-four minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 20: Introduction.
Minute 21: What is the left's counterargument against Ann?
Minute 22: Establishment Republicans wanting amnesty.
Minute 23: The Reagan comeback.
Minute 24: Hispanics don't vote Republican, so don't waste time trying to appeal to them.
Minute 25: Democrats don't try to appeal to Evangelicals.
Minute 26: Everyone is not immigrants.
Minute 27: Biracial America, not multiracial.
Minute 28: Pre-1970 immigrants did not get government assistance.
Minute 29: Third World corruption.
Minute 30: Family values.
Minutes 31-32: Ann opposes immigrants because of primitive cultures, not skin color.
Minute 33: Immigrants are not victims; they were never in this country to begin with.
Minutes 34-35: Media cover-up of immigrant crime.
Minutes 35-36: Media Decoder Ring: How you can decode whether or not the criminal is an immigrant.
Minutes 36-37: Government statistics on illegal immigrants.
Minute 38: 10-year moratorium, border fence, round them up, stop anchor babies.
Minute 39: Start getting immigrants who are better than us.
Minutes 40-41: Legal immigrants can be just as bad as illegal.
Minute 42: Which Republicans will fix immigration?
Minutes 43-44: Romney was/is our best chance. Closing.

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