Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ann Speaks with Chicago's Morning Answer

    On Thursday, June 4, 2015, Ann spoke with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson. The full program on Soundcloud is 2 hours long, in which Ann is on from 1:34-1:45. The video only has Ann's portion, so it is embedded below. (95% of the first 5 minutes is Ann quickly relaying all of her talking points. Usually the interviewers do at least a third of the talking, but not these ones.)

Minutes 0-3: How our immigration policy should and should not be.
Minutes 3-4: What about children brought by illegals.
Minute 5: Anchor babies.
Minute 6: Would Ann be okay with immigrants if they did not receive government benefits?
Minute 7: The law making immigrants wait 5 years for welfare was the single, biggest savings of welfare.
Minute 8: Minorities in the UK.
Minute 9: Republicans cannot get the immigrant vote, so don't even try.
Minutes 9-10: George W. Bush and the Hispanic vote.
Minute 10: Close.

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