Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ann Spoke with Simon Conway about ¡Adios America!

    On Thursday, June 4, 2015, Ann went on Simon Conway's show during the 1st hour. You can listen here. The audio file is over 35 minutes, but Ann is only on from 16 to 34.

    If you do not have time to listen to the full nineteen minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 16: Introduction.
Minute 17: Immigration is changing the culture to one that has less equality and less freedom.
Minutes 18-20: Immigration ceremonies.
Minute 21: America should not bring in people who are going to be a burden.
Minute 22: Hyphenated Americans.
Minute 23: Problems current immigrants bring with them. Anchor babies.
Minute 24: America needs a fence like Israel's.
Minute 25: Break.
Minute 26: ¡Adios America! is easy to read.
Minute 27: Immigration is the #1 issue.
Minute 28: Romney needs to be drafted. Scott Walker is the only alternative, but should be Romney's VP first.
Minutes 29-30: Romney couldn't win because Obama was an incumbent, but Romney can win now.
Minutes 30-31: Biden.
Minutes 31-34: Carlos Slim.
Minutes 34-35: Close.

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