Saturday, June 6, 2015

Ann Visited Red Eye

    On Saturday, June 6, 2015, at 3am EST, Ann appeared on Red Eye with Andy Levy, Joanne Nosuchinsky, John DeVore, and Anthony Cumia. You can watch it here or below.

    Here is a quote of Ann on a white man allegedly being denied a job due to being an "obeese [sic] Christian":
"Well, speaking as an overweight Christian, I do [the others laugh], I'm offended, of course, by this. But what happened to freedom of association? Have Americans just completely given up on that? [The] only time you should be able to sue for discrimination is if you are an African-American. That's it [gestures broadly], that's it. I don't want to hear about anybody else. You can hire whomever you want to, you can fire whomever you want to, and we need to get back to that." [Quote found in minute 17.]

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