Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ann Visits Mark Davis' Radio Show

    On Wednesday, June 3, 2015, Ann spoke with Mark Davis about immigration and her new book, ¡Adios America! You can listen here, here, here, or below. It is over 33 minutes, but Ann is only on from minutes 1-13. Here is a transcript that is about 95% of interview. It was transcribed by Robert Wright and published by the Dallas Morning News.

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 13 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: The Jorge Ramos interview.
Minute 2: Demographics changing artificially.
Minutes 2-3: Immigration is the most important issue.
Minute 4: 90% of legal immigrants are also part of the problem.
Minutes 4-5: Pre- vs. post-1970 immigrants.
Minute 6: How to fix the problem? (Hint: the border fence, English only, deporting criminal aliens, and other laws have been passed, but nothing is enforced.)
Minute 7: Moratorium.
Minutes 7-10: Black Americans.
Minute 10: America doesn't owe the rest of the world the right to move here.
Minutes 10-11: Scott Walker is the only nominee that isn't a disaster.
Minute 11: Americans want to send a message on immigration.
Minutes 11-12: Romney.
Minute 13: Close.

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