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Here are some quotes:
"...At some point African-Americans... are gonna wake up and realize, um, although they put the Democratic Party through law school, the Democratic Party is now running off with their Ranchero Mistress, now that Hispanics are more numerous than blacks in America." [Quote found in minute 8.]
"Of course we should be skimming the cream from the world, taking the best and the brightest across the world." [Quote found in minute 11.]
"...It's like that Al Sharpton line... 'Republicans only care about the baby until it's born.' Well, Democrats only care about the immigrant until he can vote. They don't care that they're driving down the wages of the tens of millions of low-wage, uneducated immigrants they've been bringing into the country for the past 50 years. No, that's okay. That's okay, just ground them into the ground, as long as they're voting." [Quote found in minutes 12-13.]
"We're supposed to be embarrassed about getting the white vote. ...It's interesting. They certainly don't mind calling the Republican Party 'the party of white people,' so okay... why don't people recognize the Democrats as the party [of] non-white people, of minorities?" [Quote found in minute 14.]
If you do not have time to listen to the full 15 minutes, here is what they talked about:
Minutes 0-3: Audio clips of Obama speaking on amnesty.
Minute 4: Hannity introducing Ann. Tuberculosis patient.
Minute 5: The cost of a border fence is cheaper than the government assistance illegals receive.
Minute 6: Stupidity of Republicans (on immigration).
Minutes 6-7: Republicans need to focus on their base (whites) and stop Hispandering.
Minute 8: Lesbians, Hispanics, and blacks have interests that aren't coextensive, thus leading to infighting between groups, causing Republicans to win.
Minute 9: Demographics of California.
Minute 10: Open borders, but only for skilled people?
Minutes 10-11: Sharia law.
Minute 11: Taking the best immigrants.
Minute 12: Who suffers most from immigration?
Minutes 13-14: Don't try to get more votes by supporting liberal causes, focus on your base.
Minute 14: Asking for the white vote isn't racist.
Minutes 14-15: Conservative principles help everyone. Nixon did more for blacks than any other president.
Minute 15: Close
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