Monday, June 22, 2015

Ann Spoke with WMAL about Her New Book

    On Saturday, June 20, 2015, WMAL published a Youtube video (it's only audio) of Larry O'Connor's (with Dan Bongino and sitting in for Brian Wilson) interview of Ann on Wednesday, June 17, 2015. You can listen to it on WMAL's site or below. It is over 26 minutes long.

    Ann has a strict governor-only policy for Republicans running for President because others like Carson or Fiorina (who will not win) sidetrack us and take up our time. Here is a quote of Ann on Donald Trump entering the race:
"So on one hand... I don't like someone else getting in who is not a governor. On the other hand, oh my gosh, he's magnificent! And I think... it raises the possibility of forcing the media to talk about [immigration]..." [Quote found in minute 7.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 26 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction. Ann implies that she stayed up all night before the interview.
Minutes 1-2: Republicans appealing to Latinos.
Minute 2: Bush had Spanish weekly addresses and a Spanish website, but still only got 40% of the Hispanic vote.
Minute 3: The Equal Rights Amendments and gun control.
Minute 4: Republicans shouldn't be embarrassed about getting the white vote.
Minutes 4-5: The poor are hit the hardest by immigration.
Minute 6: Jeb Bush speaking in Spanish vs. Donald Trump saying he will make Mexico pay for the border fence.
Minute 7: Only governors (currently or previously) should run for President because others only sidetrack us. The media determines the national conversation and only lets people talk about what is on the "menu."
Minute 8: Trump is big enough to force the media to talk about immigration.
Minutes 8-10: The MSM will not interview Ann, but Jorge Ramos did.
Minutes 10-11: ISIS is not as bad as Saddam or Assad.
Minute 12: The 1965 Immigration Act was meant to bring poor, uneducated people into America to vote Democrat.
Minute 13: Democrats would not be able to call Republicans racist if the poor immigrants were coming from Poland.
Minute 14: The first American, black President will be Republican.
Minute 15: Illegals don't answer government surveys, so you need to look at other factors.
Minutes 15-16: Somalis coming to America.
Minute 16: Caller says illegals being here causes people to become elected officials when they should not have been.
Minutes 17-18: Break. Bill Maher interview (has not occurred yet).
Minute 18: Joy Reid and Matt Lewis. Ann wants to go on MSNBC.
Minute 19: Debates are more interesting when you actually hear both sides.
Minute 20: An interview of Ann on MSNBC will go viral, so it would be good for MSNBC.
Minute 21: Ann has written so many bestsellers that, if she was a liberal, she would be on magazine covers, a postage stamp, etc.
Minutes 21-23: Caller asks about Republicans winning in urban places ran completely by Democrats, and Ann responds.
Minutes 23-24: Caller asks why post-1970 immigrants are not assimilating, and Ann responds.
Minutes 24-25: Caller asks if Ann has met the Grateful Dead and what song she likes most. Ann says she has met them and she likes all of the songs. Ann's first book has chapter titles similar or identical to Grateful Dead song titles.
Minute 26: Close.

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