Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ann Goes on Race Wars to Talk About ¡Adios America!

    On Wednesday, June 10, 2015, Ann visited Race Wars to talk about her new book. The interview is available on iTunes for free download. It is over 1 hour and 32 minutes. Just select the one entitled "Immigration Tinder w/ Ann Coulter." If you do not have iTunes, you can listen on SoundCloud, watch it on DailyMotion, or below. Contains strong language.

    Here are some quotes:

    On culture:
"[I] don't want to be Europe. I don't want to be Japan. I don't want to be another country. I want to be America." [Quote found in minute 53.]

    On immigration:
"I just want to shut it down for 10 years. Take time to assimilate the ones already here... America needs a little me time... Then come back with, with logical rules. With sane rules... We've had fantastic immigrants to this country... They ought to be... better than us. Not the same as us, not worse than us." [Quote found in hour 2 minute 16.]

    On the Duggars:
"You know, I've been cut every night for 2 weeks from CNN because of the Duggars. I refuse to discuss them... [CNN was] doing the entire hour on the Duggars... Look, this is a family, okay, you're forcing me to talk about this. I'm going to give you 30 seconds and you can all yell at me and make fun of me. This is a family that doesn't allow kissing before marriage... I think what we're all thinking of sexual molestation is not what they think of as sexual molestation." [Quote found in hour 2 minutes 17-18.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 92 minutes, here is what they talked about:

(This was based on the audio, not the video. The video is about 20 seconds ahead.)

First hour:

Minutes 0-3: Introduction.
Minute 4: Politically incorrect comedians.
Minute 5: Seinfeld.
Minutes 6-8: Comedians.
Minute 9: Chris Rock.
Minute 10: Dixie Chicks.
Minute 11: How bad Europe is.
Minute 12: ¡Adios America!
Minute 13: Israel's borders.
Minute 14: What's the book about?
Minute 15: Types of immigrants. Immigrants taking the black experience.
Minute 16: Pre- vs. post-1970 immigrants. Biracial America.
Minute 17: Ridiculous immigration policies.
Minute 18: Pre-1970 immigrants were more diverse than post-1970 immigrants.
Minute 19: Immigrant crime statistics.
Minute 20: Moratorium. Groups that want poor immigrants.
Minute 21: Illegal alien workers.
Minute 22: Illegal alien receiving assistance.
Minutes 22-23: Types of benefits illegals receive. Anchor babies and the 14th Amendment.
Minutes 24-25: Illegals buying phones and getting Social Security cards.
Minute 25: Taxes.
Minute 26: Illegals in New York.
Minute 27: New York prison population.
Minutes 28-29: No immigrants should be getting welfare or committing crimes. Only immigrants who are better than us.
Minute 30: Turning away skilled immigrants, but accepting unskilled immigrants because of "family reunification."
Minute 31: Somalis immigrants joining ISIS.
Minute 32: America was most prosperous during no immigration: 1924-1965.
Minutes 33-34: Employing illegals. Big business. Cheap labor.
Minutes 34-35: Gringos doing unskilled work.
Minutes 36-37: Immigrants getting benefits Americans do not get.
Minutes 37-39: Immigrant corruption and gaming the system.
Minute 40: Minimum wage.
Minute 41: Companies who hire illegals.
Minute 42: Ann knows many immigrants.
Minutes 43-44: Immigrant crimes and hidden statistics.
Minute 45: Marijuana and drug cartels.
Minute 46: The War on Drugs.
Minutes 47-48: Marijuana stops ambition?
Minutes 49-50: Immigrants bringing infectious diseases.
Minutes 51-52: Immigrants and labor laws.
Minute 52: Statue of Liberty.
Minute 53: Culture matters.
Minutes 53-54: Hillary started the suspicion of Obama being a Muslim.
Minutes 55-57: New York segregation and ethnic mixture.
Minutes 58-59: America was biracial. New immigrants bring more poverty and crime than they bring diversity.

Second hour:

Minute 0: Immigrant crime hidden by media.
Minutes 0-1: Similar crimes by blacks and immigrants, but immigrant crimes not reported.
Minutes 1-3: Rape on college campuses. Violence Against Women Act.
Minute 4: Crime, prosecution, and death penalty.
Minutes 5-7: The ACLU protected Lakireddy Bali Reddy, a sex slaver.
Minute 7: Morality of keeping people out.
Minute 8: Immigrant illegitimacy rate. Free contraception.
Minutes 9-10: What does Lakireddy Bali Reddy look like?
Minute 11: Product-specific taxes.
Minute 12: Bloomberg.
Minutes 12-14: The Jewish immigrant perspective.
Minute 15: Immigrant advocacy groups.
Minute 16: Moratorium.
Minute 17: Immigration Tinder.
Minutes 17-20: What about American groups that won't assimilate? The Duggars.
Minutes 21-23: Jehovah's Witnesses.
Minute 23: Is America Christian?
Minutes 24-27: American Christian history being taken out of school.
Minutes 27-28: Austrian mining and Native Americans.
Minutes 29-30: Immigrants destroying National Parks.
Minute 30: Farmers polluting rivers.
Minutes 30-31: Farmers should mechanize produce-picking.
Minute 32: Close.

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