Saturday, June 27, 2015

Ann Was Interviewed by PJMedia

    Nicholas Ballasy wrote a piece about Ann's interview with PJMedia. It was published on June 27, 2015, at 9:25pm. Embedded in the article is a video (just audio) of part of the interview. The video was put on Youtube on June 22, 2015, and it is embedded below. The article has most of the transcript, including a few paragraphs not in the video.

    Here are some quotes, as transcribed by Ballasy:

"There’s a law on the books that says if a country will not take a criminal back the attorney general shall, not may, shall deny visas, any visas coming from that country – that is on the books right now. Has it been enforced by Republicans or Democrats? No, it has not[.]"
"It’s not just Obama; Bush was the same way. Bush didn’t enforce it, either. The entire immigration bureaucracy is corrupt."
"Particularly it’s African-Americans who are hurt the most by all of this low-wage immigration. It’s driving their wages down."
"Immigration both legal and illegal is killing African-Americans... I wouldn’t hang my hat on winning with the black vote or winning with some sliver of the Hispanic vote but whites, number one, are still a majority in this country and number two, they are still Republican voters... [and] the Democrats can’t get white voters to vote for them and three, basically since Ronald Reagan, Republicans have been ignoring the white vote."

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