Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ann Visited the Buck Sexton Show

    On Wednesday, June 10, 2015, Ann joined the Buck Sexton Show (the intro says "the Buck Sexton show," but Chris Salcedo is the interviewer and says "the Chris Salcedo show") and Salcedo is apparently filling in for Sexton. The interview is 12 minutes 29 seconds (it seems to cut off rather than finish). You can listen on TuneIn, SoundCloud, or below.

        If you do not have time to listen to the "full" 12+ minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 0-1: The MSM is not willing to interview Ann.
Minute 1: Why immigration is the #1 issue.
Minute 2: Democrats bragging about winning through immigration.
Minute 3: Obama's administration is literally bringing illegals into America.
Minute 4: Why does Ann blame the culture of Third Worlder's rather than totalitarian, failed governments?
Minute 5: Ann responds with saying the culture and people voted and chose those failed governments.
Minute 6: It is difficult to make a country's population honest and wholesome, like America. Democracy does not necessarily mean a country will succeed. British culture and Protestantism are the best traits.
Minute 7: People genetically identical, like people from Britain vs. Ireland, or the Netherlands vs. Belgium, or Germany vs. Austria, can fail or succeed simply based on the fact the former countries all have Protestantism and the latter countries all have Catholicism.
Minute 8: Make other countries more similar to America. Don't bring other countries here.
Minutes 8-9: People bring their cultures with them (even migration within America).
Minute 9: Some people cannot succeed in countries without democracy.
Minutes 9-10: The people make the country/government, not the other way around.
Minutes 10-11: Illegals getting amnesty and welfare. Rubio.
Minute 12: Cut off.

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