Here are some quotes:
Video 1:
"I think a nation's [immigration] policies should be concerned with the people already here, and that includes the immigrants who came last year and the year before." [Quote found in minute 2.]
"The point and issue is: Should America's immigration policy be used to benefit the people already here or should it be benefiting Pakistani pushcart operators, illiterate in their own language, never mind ours, who come here, go on welfare, commit terrorism, engage in crimes... Why wouldn't you look out across the world like a sports team does and try to get the crème de la crème. Not like this audience [points at Maher's audience], we don't want these people. We want the crème de la crème. [Audience, Maher, and Lewis all laugh, and Ann joins in.] We wanna up the average. Up the average. [Ann says this while motioning with both thumbs up.]" [Quote found in minute 5.]
When Maher asks if Jesus Christ approves of Ann's stance on immigration:
"Yes, of course. You don't have to take homeless people to sleep in your bed to prove you're a Christian. This is our home." [Quote found in minute 11.]
Video 2:
"We know [amnesty's] not popular, which is why I prefer Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton..." [Quote found in minute 3.]
"Why would Republicans have to obsess with winning Democratic constituencies? ...Why don't we start haranguing the Democrats? When've you guys tried to cut off more of the Evangelical vote, cause you are losing... 40% of Americans?" [Quote found in minutes 5-6.]
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