Monday, June 22, 2015

Ann Visits The Kelly File

    On Monday, June 22, 2015, Ann joined Megyn Kelly on her show to discuss a circulating photo of Ted Cruz that was taken with a poster of a gun in the background, making it appear as if the gun was pointing at Cruz's head. Ann and Kelly discuss how the left would be going crazy if someone took a picture like this of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Ann also reminds everyone how liberals take these types of occurrences (when they are the victims) and use them for their benefit (primarily by fueling demagoguery).

    The video is slightly less than 5 minutes.

    Here are some quotes:

    On the photographer and publisher (Associated Press) of the photos acting as if it was not intentional:
"That is so outrageous. Don't insult our intelligence by saying, 'Oh, we didn't even notice.'"

"I have a whole chapter in my book, Mugged, about racial demagoguery, on the... claims that, that Obama was at particular risk of assassination, you know, because he's black and we're a country teeming with racism. Everything reminds liberals that this is a racist country. It could be a warm summer's breeze."
"During Bush's presidency, there was both a book, um, fantasizing about his assassination and a documentary portraying his assassination, which got, you know, rave reviews in the Washington Post. Nation magazine called it the best date movie of 2006... You can go to this website, ZombieTime. I don't know if it's still up, but it was all of the assassinations, decapitations, guns to Bush's head, at liberal protests, um. Obama comes along, there's a Tea Party protest and there's a picture of Obama that, you know, looks like a monkey [Ann fakes a gasp]. 'We're in the grips of racism once again!' Oh my gosh! Could we compare the two presidents?" [Emphasis implied.]
    Ann is most likely referring to this article by ZombieTime, and this documentary.

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