Monday, June 8, 2015

Ann Had an Interview with Tom Piatik

    Ann spoke with Tom Piatik and the transcript was published by Chronicles on Monday, June 8, 2015. Part 1 is available, and part 2 became available on Thursday, June 11, 2015. The interview is "edited for clarity and brevity," but more has been taken out of the first quote (because it would be twice as long otherwise).

    Here are some quotes from part 1:
"I had a Mexican immigrant sound engineer on the audio book... He likes the book... and he said, “...this is really pushing buttons, this book, and if you do any book signings, you should have a bodyguard.” And I laughed and said, “Well I already do...” But other people have told me that too... and I said, I don’t care, I’d lose my life for this, if it got people to read this book. Just read the book. It’s my last words, just read the book."
    I do not doubt the sincerity of Ann, and it is nice to know how important this is to her.

"People act as if all immigrants are black. And somehow white people should be embarrassed about being white because this is a very successful country and we are supposed to be embarrassed about being successful. If we are successful, then we must have done something to other countries, we must have stolen from them, or stolen their ideas, or oppressed them. Well, no we didn’t. We didn’t have any colonies. We were a colony. What is the price for being a successful society? How long do we have to keep engaging in self-flagellation?

And in fact, I’d say if white Anglo-Saxons have a flaw, it is their tendency to sit quietly while others abuse and denounce them. There is no other ethnic group that does that. You know the French think it’s fantastic to be French. Russians are totally chauvinistic about being Russian. Only white Anglo-Saxons always seem to be in the position for apologizing for being white Anglo-Saxons. Well, no: You can come in and you can be part of what is a white Anglo-Saxon-American culture, which is better than the culture that it was created from. I mean we are better than England. Sorry to any British readers, but America did create something even better."
    Ann says that a flaw of white Anglo-Saxon-Americans is that they apologize for success. She ends this quote by apologizing for success. That was most likely not planned, but does prove her point.

    On immigrants being successful in America:
"We can’t do it when we are not allowed to assimilate them to the successful culture. We certainly can’t do it when we’re giving people welfare to live off the successful culture. And we also can’t do it when it is a hate crime to attempt to assimilate people to that successful culture."

    Here are some quotes from part 2:
"The middle class is America. It is the most stunning fact about America, our vast prosperous middle class. England didn’t have that. They have that obnoxious class system. Not America.

[Paragraph removed.]

America’s middle class was what set America apart from every other country on earth. The middle class, this vast enormous 80% of the country, was middle class."

    On picking a Republican candidate:
"Instead of trying to figure out which candidate is right on the precise issues, I’ve been dropping my standards like mad as I see people like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio campaigning. My new demand is I just want a candidate who can do math. That’s all I want. And unless we are getting 51% of the votes of any particular group, we are losing."

    On immigrants eventually becoming Republicans:
"Hispanic families who have been here for 200 years—yeah, they are voting Republican.

But this is the path of all immigrants. It’s not just Hispanics, it’s not just Arabs, it’s not just anybody else. By definition, any immigrant who comes to America is making America less free and more statist because they come from more statist countries."

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