Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ann Defends Trump in Email to Breitbart

    Breitbart published an article explaining what Ann thinks about the media's backlash to Trump. It was published on Tuesday, June 30, 2015, and written by Caroline May.

    Here are some quotes:

"The point is: Why should America be taking in ANY RAPISTS? ...Were we short on rapists?  By definition, we’re talking about people who have no right to be here. If Mexico is sending us 2 rapists – THEY’RE SENDING US RAPISTS."
"Why don’t we know exactly how many drug dealers in our prisons are foreigners? Why is our [government] refusing to tell us how many immigrants have been convicted of rape or murder in the U.S.?  The [government] won’t tell us and the media cover up immigrant crime, while broadcasting every immigrant who wins a spelling bee. the [sic] facts that exist suggest that the immigrant crime wave is enormous..."
"Incidentally, if Trump and I were wrong, the media wouldn’t have to censor us. But whenever anyone speaks the truth about our current immigration policies: BANNED. Yes, that’s how many facts they have on their side!..."

Ann Joins Megyn Kelly to Defend Donald Trump's Comments about Mexicans

    On Tuesday, June 16, 2015, Donald Trump gave a speech to announce his presidential run for 2016. Critics said he was racist toward Mexicans. Geraldo Rivera joined Megyn Kelly to discuss Trump's comments. Kelly suggested that Ann should debate Rivera on immigration and Trump's comments, so Ann did and the video was posted on Tuesday, June 30, 2015.

    On Wednesday, July 1, 2015, at 8:05am, Billy Hallowell of the Blaze released a pseudo-transcript.

    On Wednesday, July 8, 2015, at 2:26 pm, James Beattie credited Ann with raising Kelly's viewership into the #1 spot.

    On Thursday, July 9, 2015, Ann and Rivera visited Hannity to debate once more.

    Here are the last comments before the close of the debate:

"Kelly: We can end with that point of agreement... in a very nice debate. I have to say... they were civil...

Ann: Everything Geraldo said was false.

[Kelly laughs.]

Rivera: Everything Ann has written is false, but I like her." [Quote found in minute 6.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the almost 7 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 0-1: Recap of Trump's comments on immigration and Rivera's comments on Trump.
Minute 1: Illegals do not have a right to be here, so none should be criminals.
Minute 2: Who is on LA's most wanted list?
Minutes 2-3: Rivera explains how rude Ann is, but he does not think she is racist.
Minute 4: Ann says Rivera is probably not a racist either, but he is dangerously close to being one. Immigrants are piggybacking on black history.
Minute 5: California prisons don't have that many white or black inmates, so who else could the inmates be besides Hispanics? Rivera explains immigrants pay in more to the government than they take out.
Minutes 5-6: Rivera says we all are immigrants.
Minute 6: Rivera mentions the Italians and Irish. Kelly defined polemicist. Close.

Ann Spoke with Tom Leykis

    Tom Leykis reports that Ann visited The Tom Leykis Show on Tuesday, June 30, 2015.

    Listen HERE, but you need a membership.

    If you had Leykis' app or went to the website, you could have listened to the live stream, but it is now over. You can listen to a 3 minute 55 second clip on Youtube, which is embedded below. It goes back and forth between a caller saying immigrants cannot receive government assistance and Ann saying that they can. Contains foul language.

    Here is a quote:
"I am stating that it is a fact that immigrants, both legal and illegal... consume government benefits at 18% above the native rate, which is kind of surprising, considering as we're always being taunted, again, on MSNBC, that, um, immigrants are so young and vital, whereas the white people, they're old; they're dying off. Well... you would think, in your later years, that's when you might need a little more government assistance, not when you're... at the peak of your earning power." [Quote found in minute 1.]

Monday, June 29, 2015

Ann Speaks with Breitbart News

    Breitbart News reports on Monday, June 29, 2015, that Ann joined Breitbart News Sunday and discussed Marco Rubio's record on immigration.

    Here are some quotes:

    On why Ann does not support Rubio becoming president:
""I really don’t like liars," Coulter said, reminding listeners that Rubio ran as a Tea Party candidate against Charlie Crist in 2012 and "campaigned over and over again" by attacking [McCain's] comprehensive amnesty legislation and even declaring that "a path to legalization is a code word for amnesty."

[Paragraph removed.]

She reminded listeners that Rubio then "gets to Washington and spends three years pushing nothing but amnesty.""

    On the 2014 elections:
"And Coulter said "the greatest night of my life" was when "Dave Brat took out [House Majority Leader] Eric Cantor" in the primary, which was the first time in history a sitting House Majority leader was ousted in a primary. Brat defeated Cantor because he hammered Cantor for pushing amnesty legislation on behalf of the permanent political class." [Formatting original.]

    On the 2016 Presidential election:
""If Rubio or Jeb gets the nomination, it’s going to be President Hillary and expect a full Supreme Court of Ruth Bader Ginsburgs," Coulter said."

    UPDATE: Breitbart News reports on Tuesday, June 30, 2015, that Ann joined Breitbart News Sunday to discuss immigration.

    Here are some quotes:

"...Americans are still largely in the dark about... Ted Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act, which Coulter said "was a civil rights bill for the entire world." She said the bill... declared that "everyone in the world has a civil right to move to America and American taxpayers have to take care of them." Coulter pointed out that Democrats and editorial pages at the time "swore that this will not change the demographics of America" and there would not be a "sudden infusion of immigrants" when that is exactly what happened in the subsequent years."
"Coulter said her secret desire is a "Romney-Walker ticket, but i’ll [sic] take a Walker-Romney ticket."" [Original quote did not have "[sic]." It was added.]

Ann Coulter Speaks with Dr. Drew

    On Monday, June 29, 2015, at about 12pm-3pm, Ann joined Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood to discuss immigration. Ann is on from minutes 22-36 of the first hour, minutes 0-22 of the second hour, and minutes 21-35 of the third hour. You can listen below and download each audio file.

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 55 minutes, here is what they talked about:

First hour:

Minute 22: Introduction.
Minute 23: Going to the doctor.
Minute 24: Donald Trump got his ideas on immigration from Ann, not the other way around.
Minute 25: Stop immigration and we won't have to worry about Democrats winning.
Minutes 26-27: It is natural for people to want to be near their own.
Minute 27: Break.
Minute 28: Other cultures coming in are not good and Americans do not flock en masse to countries like Bangladesh.
Minute 29: The Hmong culture.
Minute 30: The American culture is being changed without anyone agreeing to it.
Minute 31: American culture is the most successful, but immigrants are not assimilating to it.
Minutes 32-33: Immigrants are taking resources (schools, welfare, etc.) that are meant for Americans.
Minute 34: Break.
Minute 35: Democrats "point and sputter" (as Steve Sailer says) when Republicans point out things like immigrant rape.
Minute 36: Governors have experience, so they should be the next presidents.

Second hour:

Minute 0: Hispanic family values vs. immigration.
Minutes 1-2: Ann discusses how immigrants and blacks vote Democrat even though they have family values.
Minute 3: Ann thinks Rubio and Cruz being of Cuban descent hurts their chances with voters of Mexican descent.
Minute 4: Millenials and marriage.
Minute 5: SSM.
Minute 6: Will the gays vote Republican since the Supreme Court ruled on SSM?
Minutes 6-7: Caller asks about immigrant hygiene.
Minute 7: Ann answers and discusses Mexicans littering.
Minute 8: Mexico is in the slash and burn stage of capitalism.
Minutes 8-9: Break.
Minutes 9-10: Caller says Democrats are convincing voters that Republicans are hateful (which are ideas that people like Trump and Ann reinforce) and that Lindsey Graham should be the nominee.
Minutes 10-11: Black, lesbian caller says jobs are more important than marriage.
Minute 12: Ann responds to the first caller.
Minute 13: The minimum wage rises naturally when immigration is stopped.
Minute 14: The immigration moratorium is the first thing we need.
Minutes 14-15: Black, lesbian caller continues with saying Americans cannot illegally immigrate to other countries.
Minutes 16-17: Break.
Minute 18: Caller says immigrants are using back doors to get though immigration policies.
Minutes 19-20: Chinatown and other ethnic-specific towns.
Minute 21: Latin American countries sometimes show promise, but then they fall back down (probably because of Catholicism.)
Minute 22: Ann leaves, but will be back.

Third hour:

Minute 21: Ann returns to the studio.
Minutes 22-23: Drugs used for the death penalty.
Minute 24: Drugs fail in executions sometimes because we cannot buy the drug of choice (the best one) because liberal companies/Europe won't sell them to us, which in turn makes us use junk drugs (that cause "botched" executions), which then lets liberals say it's cruelty.
Minutes 24-25: Ann likes firing squads (including the convict's crimes being graphically published in the newspaper) with the option for Americans to volunteer for their desired executions.
Minute 26: Executions should taken seriously and not be shows/disrespectful.
Minute 27: Ann is against SSM, but mostly against losing our democracy.
Minute 28: The point of marriage is protecting children.
Minute 29: Ann likes real gay rights.
Minute 30: People who oppose SSM, like Ann, also oppose the divorce culture and illegitimacy.
Minute 31: Ann is not part of the south, but understands their history (in relation to the Confederate flag).
Minute 32: It is a new idea to be offended by the Confederate flag, which the NAACP even defended at one time.
Minutes 32-33: The Confederate flag represents the Southern warrior culture.
Minute 33: Most civil wars last decades and end with the participants as enemies, but not the America Civil War.
Minute 34: The flag represents heroism, chivalry, and the South's over-representation in military history.
Minute 35: The Democratic Party represents slavery more than the Confederate flag. Ann departs.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Ann Tweets about the Two Inmates Who Escaped from Prison

    On Sunday, June 28, 2015, Ann tweeted about the one police officer who killed a prison escapee, Richard Matt, while another officer captured Matt's partner, David Sweat.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Ann Was Interviewed by PJMedia

    Nicholas Ballasy wrote a piece about Ann's interview with PJMedia. It was published on June 27, 2015, at 9:25pm. Embedded in the article is a video (just audio) of part of the interview. The video was put on Youtube on June 22, 2015, and it is embedded below. The article has most of the transcript, including a few paragraphs not in the video.

    Here are some quotes, as transcribed by Ballasy:

"There’s a law on the books that says if a country will not take a criminal back the attorney general shall, not may, shall deny visas, any visas coming from that country – that is on the books right now. Has it been enforced by Republicans or Democrats? No, it has not[.]"
"It’s not just Obama; Bush was the same way. Bush didn’t enforce it, either. The entire immigration bureaucracy is corrupt."
"Particularly it’s African-Americans who are hurt the most by all of this low-wage immigration. It’s driving their wages down."
"Immigration both legal and illegal is killing African-Americans... I wouldn’t hang my hat on winning with the black vote or winning with some sliver of the Hispanic vote but whites, number one, are still a majority in this country and number two, they are still Republican voters... [and] the Democrats can’t get white voters to vote for them and three, basically since Ronald Reagan, Republicans have been ignoring the white vote."

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ann Speaks with Sid Rosenberg

    On Thursday, June 25, 2015, Ann spoke with Sid Rosenberg about ¡Adios America! Contains language.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 10 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Ann loves Joyce Kaufman.
Minutes 1-2: The SPLC's "anti-Muslim" list.
Minute 2: Ann wants to form a group specifically for being anti-SPLC.
Minute 3: Mass immigration is a secret plan to get more votes for the Democrats.
Minute 4: The immigrants are from poor cultures.
Minutes 4-5: Pre- vs post-1970 immigrants.
Minutes 5-6: Republicans should try to get the white vote.
Minute 7: Donald Trump.
Minutes 7-8: Trump won't be the nominee, but he's bringing the issue of immigration to the public's view.
Minute 9: Every other issue is decided by immigration. Ann says she'll be back in a couple of weeks; she came back after two months.
Minute 10: Close.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Ann Spoke with Larry Elder

    Ann spoke with Larry Elder on Wednesday, June 24, 2015. Here is the audio file on Stitcher. Elder is sitting in for Dennis Prager. The running time is almost 54 minutes, but Ann is only on from minutes 2-23. "Pamela" is in the studio also.

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 21 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 0-2: Introduction.
Minutes 2-3: What happened with Jorge Ramos?
Minute 3: ¡Adios America! interviews are mainly on Fox News and talk radio. (Along with the Internet.)
Minute 4: Pat Buchanan wrote a similar book years ago, so why is Ann being received better by the public?
Minute 5: Ann used to be naive on the topic of immigration, but then she learned the problems it brings.
Minute 6: Donald Trump read ¡Adios America! We should not bring the poor or criminal into America.
Minute 7: Legal immigration is also a problem.
Minute 8: What do blacks think about immigration?
Minutes 9-10: Immigrants taking advantage of benefits and affirmative action that were meant for blacks.
Minutes 11-15: Break with commercials.
Minute 16: Nothing.
Minute 17: The Congressional Black Caucus should not support immigration.
Minute 18: Tea Parties.
Minutes 18-19: Pamela says that C-SPAN will be filming Ann on July 13 at the Nixon Library. (Video here.)
Minute 19: Peter Kirsanow.
Minute 20: Reagan's amnesty.
Minute 21: We need a wall first. George Bush.
Minute 22: Stop illegals now, discuss amnesty later.
Minute 23: Close.

Ann Visits Race Wars Again

    Ann visited Race Wars with Kurt Metzger and Sherrod Small on Wednesday, June 24, 2015. You can listen on SoundCloud or download it on iTunes. The discussion is over 86 minutes, but Ann is only speaking about 7% of the time since there are 8 people in total vying for time. Also visiting are Carolyn Castiglia, Erin Gloria Ryan, Robin Tran by phone, and two others on the couch.

    The bulk of Ann's participation in the conversation is at the end. At one point Ann gets on her computer, goes through her purse, and stands up from the table to plug in her laptop (seemingly because she is not getting the chance to give any input). You can watch the video on DailyMotion or below. Contains explicit language.

    Here are some quotes:

    On the n-word:
"That's the only word I won't say... There's probably other words I won't say. I won't say, 'I'm offended,' but that's two words." [Quote found in hour 2 minute 11.]

    On LBJ's Great Society programs and the Democrats destroying blacks' success:
"...First blacks have um, you know, hundreds of years of slavery, then a hundred years of discrimination. They're just clawing their way into middle-class respectability, and when you look back at that, at that time period... at the Martin Luther King marches, it was all middle-class... blacks. They were middle-class doctors and lawyers, and they were all wearing suit and tie... Blacks were so, leaping ahead at that point, and then suddenly we start paying, paying black people to have illegitimate children and that destroyed the black family and, and the rest is history... It was a very bad thing to do." [Quote found in hour 2 minutes 18-19.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 86+ minutes, here is what they talked about:

    (This was based on the video, not the audio. The audio is about 20 seconds behind.)

    The parts written in red are the parts where Ann participates in the conversation for more than 15~ seconds.

Hour 1:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 1-2: A lot of laughing about bathrooms.
Minute 3: Ann is on the SPLC's list of extreme women who are anti-Muslim.
Minutes 4-6: The others talk about feminism.
Minutes 7-8: The others talk.
Minute 9: Choosing pen names.
Minutes 10-11: Feminism and comedy.
Minute 12: Ann's thoughts on comedy.
Minutes 13-16: White males in comedy.
Minute 17: Ann's thoughts on the relationship between Seinfeld and blacks.
Minutes 18-19: The others talk.
Minutes 20-21: Metzger's experience starting in comedy.
Minutes 22-24: The others talk.
Minute 25: People on Twitter saying bad things about Ann.
Minutes 26-29: The others talk about feminism and comedy.
Minutes 30-31: The Internet and feminism.
Minutes 31-33: Selfies.
Minute 33: Ann's thoughts on people using suffering to shield themselves from criticism.
Minutes 34-35: Death threats.
Minute 35: Ann on Nazi block watchers.
Minutes 36-37: Someone threw a drink on Metzger.
Minute 38: As a [fill in the blank]...
Minute 39: Boring people can find "purpose" in life by bossing others around.
Minutes 40-43: Rape jokes and Tosh.
Minute 44: Rape jokes aren't funny.
Minutes 45-47: Slam poetry finals.
Minutes 48-50: Second poem.
Minute 51: Nothing.
Minutes 52-04: Robin Tran on the phone.

Hour 2:

Minute 05: Ann talks about the SPLC.
Minute 06: Hate groups didn't grow in number simply because Obama was a black running for President.
Minutes 07-08: Leftist media scaring elderly Jews into giving them money.
Minute 09: Obama and the n-word.
Minute 10: Obama's white half said it.
Minute 11: They try to get Ann to say the n-word.
Minute 12: It is not the word, it is the way you use it.
Minute 13: Who can say the n-word.
Minute 14: Ann's slavery reparation is not saying the n-word.
Minute 15: Changing the past.
Minute 16: Why Democrats are the racists.
Minute 17: Nixon desegregated more schools than any other President.
Minutes 18-19: Blacks were doing so well, but then Democrats ruined everything.
Minutes 19-20: Ann should debate an atheist.
Minutes 21-22: Saudi power structure.
Minutes 22-23: Supposed "Hispanic family values."
Minute 23: American nepotism.
Minute 24: Ann only works one hour a week (publishing her column).
Minute 25: More rape jokes and the close.

Ann's New Column Is Out: There's a Reason We Mostly Hear about White 'Micro–Aggressions'

    Ann released a new column about the media's obsession with white-on-black violence, in spite of it being so rare.

    Here are some quotes on white-on-black violence and the Charleston shooting:

"In a country of more than 300 million people, everything will happen eventually. That doesn't make it a trend."
"...columnist Brit Bennett recently complained in The New York Times that "white violence is unspoken and unacknowledged" by the media.

Yes, I barely heard a thing about... Tawana Brawley (hoax), the Duke lacrosse gang rape (hoax), Trayvon Martin (self-defense), Ferguson (hoax) and Eric Garner (justified police arrest)...

The media will pounce on any suspicion of a white-on-black crime, spend a year being hysterical about it, and, if it turns out to be a false alarm, refuse to apologize, before quickly moving on to the next hoax."
"The Charleston attack was a hideous, sickening crime. But that's why we should thank our lucky stars that it was so unusual. White-on-black violence is freakishly rare everywhere in America, except liberal imaginations."

    In the second quote, Ann was most likely referring to this article where Brit Bennet wrote:
"I understand the comfort of this silence. If white violence is unspoken and unacknowledged, if white terrorists are either saints or demons, we don’t have to grapple with the much more complicated reality of racial violence."

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Ann Went on C-SPAN to Speak with John McArdle

    On Tuesday, June 23, 2015, Ann visited the Washington Journal with John McArdle on C-SPAN to discuss her new book, ¡Adios America! The video is over 48 minutes long. A computer generated transcript is available also. You can watch the video below.

    Here are some quotes:

"The wealthy places of America are white and getting whiter while the suburbs are filling up with their servants." [Quote found at 9:04am ET.]
"[Before answering your question] I wanted to say, Michael, if your watching in the next room... I'm incinerating in here. Could you possibly turn up the air conditioning, um. Sorry, I didn't think I would need it on. Usually I'm, I'm always cold." [Quote found at 9:08am ET.]
"Look, this is a country... If we just let everyone into our successful society, it won't be that successful society... anymore." [Quote found at 9:16am ET.]
"[People think we're] a public hospital in an urban neighborhood and just because someone needs our help we're required to take them in. Well, no. This is a lifeboat... We're sinking if this doesn't stop soon. Um, no country has the, the insane policies we have. The idea of immigration, like any other government policy, ought to be to help the people already living here. We can't take all of the world's poor... I'm sure they'd all like to live here. We can't. What, how many people live in the... world? 4, 5 billion? [Actually 7+ billion.] ...There are a few [Ann furrows brow] billion who live on, on $2 a day? Yeah, I'm sure they'd love to access our, our welfare programs. We can't! We can't do that. So, at what point do we stop?" [Quote found at 9:16-17am ET.] [Emphasis implied.]

    When a caller asked if Ann could write a book about how Republicans are not racist:
"I think you're being a little defensive. Yeah, of course Republican policies help African-Americans... Why are you being defensive about it? It's not that "We're not racist." The point is: Democrats are racist." [Quote found at 9:23am ET.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 48+ minutes, here is what they talked about:

(Time is kept by the clock in upper right corner and the time zone being used is ET.)

8:37: Introduction.
8:38-39: The Confederate flag controversy.
8:40: Gun control will not succeed in spite of Charleston shooting.
8:41: Republicans being stupid on immigration. The subtitle of ¡Adios America!
8:42: The left thinks America is bad.
8:43: Democrats tricking Republicans.
8:44: Democrat caller says more people like Ann should be on TV so Republicans look bad.
8:45: Immigrants will not help Social Security.
8:46: The media censors immigrant crimes.
8:47-49: Republican caller asks a couple of questions.
8:50: Ann's answer.
8:50-51: Republican caller says America needs E-Verify, a fence, and prison terms for illegals.
8:51-53: Ann responds.
8:53-55: Democrat caller says Republicans love cheap labor and are essentially causing illegals to come to America.
8:55: Ann explains how she does go after rich Republicans.
8:56-57: Which Republican is talking about immigration? Answer: Donald Trump, but Romney should join the race.
8:57-58: Self-deport is compassionate.
8:59: Obama would not be elected unless the demographics were changed. Immigration decides everything.
9:00: Independent caller says immigration is okay, but not with a welfare state.
9:01: Ann's answer. (Ann implies that she owns guns and she almost says which ones she owns.)
9:02: Immigration groups are intentionally trying to bring in bad/poor people.
9:03: Laws say criminals should be sent back to their countries, but no one sends them back.
9:04: Citizenship ceremonies are being held in Spanish.
9:05: Democrat caller says Ann shouldn't be on C-SPAN or anywhere else.
9:06: Ann responds.
9:07: Republican caller says protecting borders is fundamental and obvious.
9:08: Ann asks air conditioning to be turned on.
9:08-11: Ann explains why the number of illegals is really around 30 million rather than 11 million.
9:12: Democrat caller asks about the difference between Republican and Democrat presidents in processing immigration.
9:12-14: Ann responds and also explains how Democrats are registering as many immigrants as possible so they can win elections.
9:15: Independent caller asks what Ann thinks about the Dominican Republic deporting Haitian immigrants.
9:16: Ann explains how America is the only country who lets just anyone come in and stay.
9:17: We cannot bring in all the poor, so when will we stop?
9:18: Democrat caller suggests a third party.
9:18-19: Ann says a third party might be necessary.
9:19: Republicans won in 2014 because of opposition to amnesty, but are now turning their backs on Americans.
9:20-21: Conservatives stay home on voting day when Republicans do ridiculous things the recent "free trade" bill, which is actually amnesty.
9:21-23: Republican caller says Ann's next book should be on how Republicans are not racist and that their policies help blacks. The caller mentions the high abortion rate of blacks and school choice for blacks.
9:23: Ann answers that the "Republicans are not racist" book has been written, but as a "Democrats are racist" book. She says it is Mugged.
9:24: Ann explains the option on her site where people can send a copy of ¡Adios America! to their own Congressman, or Rubio, Boehner. or McConnell.
9:24-25: ¡Adios America! in audio format is the director's cut.
9:25: Close.

    Here is a clip at 9:23am ET:

    Ann pulls a Marco Rubio:

Ann Joins Kennedy on Fox Business

    Ann spoke with Lisa Kennedy Montgomery on Kennedy. Fox Business published the video the day after Tuesday, June 23, 2015. It is almost 9 minutes. You can also watch it on Youtube or below.

        If you do not have time to listen to the full 8+ minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 0-1: What does Ann think about the Confederate flag?
Minute 1: Charleston shooting.
Minute 2: Does Ann consider herself a Southerner? Nikki Haley is an immigrant.
Minute 3: The Confederate Flag was not for slavery. The Confederate Army was the greatest.
Minute 4: The book is about all immigration.
Minutes 5-8: Disagreement between Kennedy and Ann on whether immigrants contribute more money than they take.
Minute 8: Unions and close.

    Here is the backlash Ann received for saying Haley is an immigrant. The link also includes critical responses to people's claims about Ann, along with Ann's own explanation.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Ann Visits The Kelly File

    On Monday, June 22, 2015, Ann joined Megyn Kelly on her show to discuss a circulating photo of Ted Cruz that was taken with a poster of a gun in the background, making it appear as if the gun was pointing at Cruz's head. Ann and Kelly discuss how the left would be going crazy if someone took a picture like this of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Ann also reminds everyone how liberals take these types of occurrences (when they are the victims) and use them for their benefit (primarily by fueling demagoguery).

    The video is slightly less than 5 minutes.

    Here are some quotes:

    On the photographer and publisher (Associated Press) of the photos acting as if it was not intentional:
"That is so outrageous. Don't insult our intelligence by saying, 'Oh, we didn't even notice.'"

"I have a whole chapter in my book, Mugged, about racial demagoguery, on the... claims that, that Obama was at particular risk of assassination, you know, because he's black and we're a country teeming with racism. Everything reminds liberals that this is a racist country. It could be a warm summer's breeze."
"During Bush's presidency, there was both a book, um, fantasizing about his assassination and a documentary portraying his assassination, which got, you know, rave reviews in the Washington Post. Nation magazine called it the best date movie of 2006... You can go to this website, ZombieTime. I don't know if it's still up, but it was all of the assassinations, decapitations, guns to Bush's head, at liberal protests, um. Obama comes along, there's a Tea Party protest and there's a picture of Obama that, you know, looks like a monkey [Ann fakes a gasp]. 'We're in the grips of racism once again!' Oh my gosh! Could we compare the two presidents?" [Emphasis implied.]
    Ann is most likely referring to this article by ZombieTime, and this documentary.

Ann Shared a Picture by Regnery Publishing

A great photo of Ann Coulter talking to a crowd at Brietbart about #AdiosAmerica!

Posted by Regnery Publishing on Monday, June 22, 2015

Ann Spoke with WMAL about Her New Book

    On Saturday, June 20, 2015, WMAL published a Youtube video (it's only audio) of Larry O'Connor's (with Dan Bongino and sitting in for Brian Wilson) interview of Ann on Wednesday, June 17, 2015. You can listen to it on WMAL's site or below. It is over 26 minutes long.

    Ann has a strict governor-only policy for Republicans running for President because others like Carson or Fiorina (who will not win) sidetrack us and take up our time. Here is a quote of Ann on Donald Trump entering the race:
"So on one hand... I don't like someone else getting in who is not a governor. On the other hand, oh my gosh, he's magnificent! And I think... it raises the possibility of forcing the media to talk about [immigration]..." [Quote found in minute 7.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 26 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction. Ann implies that she stayed up all night before the interview.
Minutes 1-2: Republicans appealing to Latinos.
Minute 2: Bush had Spanish weekly addresses and a Spanish website, but still only got 40% of the Hispanic vote.
Minute 3: The Equal Rights Amendments and gun control.
Minute 4: Republicans shouldn't be embarrassed about getting the white vote.
Minutes 4-5: The poor are hit the hardest by immigration.
Minute 6: Jeb Bush speaking in Spanish vs. Donald Trump saying he will make Mexico pay for the border fence.
Minute 7: Only governors (currently or previously) should run for President because others only sidetrack us. The media determines the national conversation and only lets people talk about what is on the "menu."
Minute 8: Trump is big enough to force the media to talk about immigration.
Minutes 8-10: The MSM will not interview Ann, but Jorge Ramos did.
Minutes 10-11: ISIS is not as bad as Saddam or Assad.
Minute 12: The 1965 Immigration Act was meant to bring poor, uneducated people into America to vote Democrat.
Minute 13: Democrats would not be able to call Republicans racist if the poor immigrants were coming from Poland.
Minute 14: The first American, black President will be Republican.
Minute 15: Illegals don't answer government surveys, so you need to look at other factors.
Minutes 15-16: Somalis coming to America.
Minute 16: Caller says illegals being here causes people to become elected officials when they should not have been.
Minutes 17-18: Break. Bill Maher interview (has not occurred yet).
Minute 18: Joy Reid and Matt Lewis. Ann wants to go on MSNBC.
Minute 19: Debates are more interesting when you actually hear both sides.
Minute 20: An interview of Ann on MSNBC will go viral, so it would be good for MSNBC.
Minute 21: Ann has written so many bestsellers that, if she was a liberal, she would be on magazine covers, a postage stamp, etc.
Minutes 21-23: Caller asks about Republicans winning in urban places ran completely by Democrats, and Ann responds.
Minutes 23-24: Caller asks why post-1970 immigrants are not assimilating, and Ann responds.
Minutes 24-25: Caller asks if Ann has met the Grateful Dead and what song she likes most. Ann says she has met them and she likes all of the songs. Ann's first book has chapter titles similar or identical to Grateful Dead song titles.
Minute 26: Close.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Ann Coulter's ¡Adios America! Book Tour (IT'S OVER)

Some locations on Eventful.
Westlake Village, California, June 27.
Ontario, July 9
Here are some locations, according to Jared Taylor:
"Saturday, June 27 – Los Angeles (Ventura), CA Young Republicans
Wednesday, July 1 – Costa Mesa, Barnes & Noble book signing
Thursday, July 9 – Los Angeles, AM590 event – Ontario
Saturday, July 11 – New Hall, Oak Tree Gun Club
Sunday, July 12 – San Diego, Salem event
Monday, July 13 – Los Angeles, AM870 event – Nixon Library
Tuesday, July 14 – Los Angeles, Lincoln Club Luncheon
Thursday, July 16 – Los Angeles, AM870 Event – Reagan Library
Friday, July 24 – Washington, DC, Phyllis Schafly event" [Hyperlinks added.]
A location change for the July 13, Nixon Library event:
Also, July 17 at 300 S Doheny Dr, Los Angeles, California 90048.
Ann said (in minute 30 of the audio clip) that her July 16 event at the Reagan Library will be her last one.
Ann will be at YAF's Washington, DC conference on July 31, 2015
Ann will be at the Heritage Foundation July 24.
Northvale New Jersey Books & Greetings August 15, 2015
The Villages, FL September 26, 2015
Ann is going to be in Chattanooga on Monday, October 5, 2015.
Debate with Cenk Uygur October 10 at Politicon.
October 14 event in Houston.
Ann will be in California October 24.
Ann was in Glendale, California, October 25.
November 12 with Hugh Hewitt in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Trailer for the Freedom Summit, November 14.

March 10 in Coral Gables, FL.
On July 20, Ann tweeted that she and Milo will be at Case Western Barnes & Noble at 12:30. Here's an article about the appearance.
The Daily Independent reports that Ann will be at the Bakersfield Business Conference on Oct 8 2016. The location is reportedly not decided yet.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Ann Visits Bill Maher to Talk about Immigration

    On Friday, June 19, 2015, at 10:00pm, Ann joined Bill Maher. Luis GutiĆ©rrez, Joy Reid, and Matt Lewis were also on the show (Bernie Sanders does not appear in the videos, but he was supposed to be there). The full episode is not available, but two videos are. You can watch Video 1 on Mediaite (11+ minutes) and Video 2 here (9+ minutes).

    Here are some quotes:

    Video 1:

"I think a nation's [immigration] policies should be concerned with the people already here, and that includes the immigrants who came last year and the year before." [Quote found in minute 2.]
"The point and issue is: Should America's immigration policy be used to benefit the people already here or should it be benefiting Pakistani pushcart operators, illiterate in their own language, never mind ours, who come here, go on welfare, commit terrorism, engage in crimes... Why wouldn't you look out across the world like a sports team does and try to get the crĆØme de la crĆØme. Not like this audience [points at Maher's audience], we don't want these people. We want the crĆØme de la crĆØme. [Audience, Maher, and Lewis all laugh, and Ann joins in.] We wanna up the average. Up the average. [Ann says this while motioning with both thumbs up.]" [Quote found in minute 5.]

    When Maher asks if Jesus Christ approves of Ann's stance on immigration:
"Yes, of course. You don't have to take homeless people to sleep in your bed to prove you're a Christian. This is our home." [Quote found in minute 11.]

    Video 2:

"We know [amnesty's] not popular, which is why I prefer Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton..." [Quote found in minute 3.]
"Why would Republicans have to obsess with winning Democratic constituencies? ...Why don't we start haranguing the Democrats? When've you guys tried to cut off more of the Evangelical vote, cause you are losing... 40% of Americans?" [Quote found in minutes 5-6.]

Ann Visits Need To Know

    On Friday, June 19, 2015, Ann joined Mona Charen and Jay Nordlinger on Need To Know to "debate" immigration with Clint Bolick. The audio clip is over 75 minutes, but Ann is only on from minutes 0-34. You can also listen here, or below. Unlike other recent interviews or debates, Ann is only speaking for about 30% of the time. Much of the time is taken up by the others. Also unlike Ann's other interviews and debates, there is almost no crosstalk.

    Here is a quote on why Romney lost:
"It is just very hard to take out an incumbent, and especially an extremely articulate, charming incumbent as Obama... You have to lobotomize your brain from all of Obama's policies [though]. I have never seen such a charming Democratic candidate, or a Republican... Without the, the gift of incumbency, Romney would crush Hillary Clinton." [Quote found in minute 32.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 35 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 0-1: Introduction.
Minutes 1-2: Ann's elevator speech on immigration.
Minutes 3-4: Bolick's response.
Minutes 4-6: Charen saying Mexican immigration to America is slowing so much it may eventually stop.
Minutes 6-9: Ann's response.
Minutes 9-10: Asian immigrants are now the majority of immigrants.
Minutes 10-11: Asians and whites won't do back-breaking jobs that Hispanics and blacks will.
Minute 12: Immigrants based on familial relationships vs. skill.
Minute 13: Republicans are at fault with immigration problems.
Minutes 13-14: Do immigrants really drive down wages of the native born?
Minutes 14-15: Ann's response.
Minutes 15-16: Lakireddy Bali Reddy.
Minute 16: H1B visas and indentured servitude.
Minute 17: Israel and First World immigrants.
Minutes 17-18: Bolick says immigration is the best job-creator.
Minute 19: German immigrants became Americans, so others will too (who are not white).
Minutes 20-21: Ann responds with saying Germans (pre-1970 immigrants) were forced to assimilate, but post-1970 immigrants are not assimilating.
Minutes 22-23: Bolick's stance on open borders.
Minutes 24-25: Bolick's stance on a welfare state having open borders and his belief that America needs immigrants because of America's low fertility rate.
Minutes 26-27: Nordlinger asking what will happen to illegals already here.
Minutes 27-29: Ann avoiding the question.
Minutes 29-30: Republicans should not try to appeal to Democrat constituencies.
Minute 30: Fake polls on immigration.
Minutes 31-32: Romney.
Minute 33: Who should Republicans focus on for votes?
Minute 34: Close.

Ann Discusses Sharknado 3 with Paul Bond

    Ann is playing the Vice President of the United States in the upcoming Sharknado film. The Hollywood Reporter released an interview of Ann by Paul Bond on Friday, June 19, 2015, at 6:00am PDT. The interview is chocked full of Ann making jokes, so just read the whole thing.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ann Visits Laura Ingraham to Discuss ¡Adios America!

    On Thursday, June 18, 2015, Ann spoke with Laura Ingraham about her new book, ¡Adios America! The show is 70~ minutes long and can be listened to on Podcast One, but Ann is only on from minutes 0:56-1:10.

    If you do not have time to listen to the 14 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 56: Introduction.
Minute 57: The MSM is avoiding Ann.
Minute 58: Immigration is changing America.
Minute 59: Lakireddy Bali Reddy.
Hour 1:
Minute 0: Immigrants commit heinous crimes.
Minute 1: Fancy promises about immigration.
Minute 2: Drones on the border.
Minute 3: The people who are trying to pass amnesty.
Minute 4: Rich people (who love America) are being led astray.
Minute 5: Republicans cannot win the immigrant vote.
Minute 6: Break.
Minute 7: People saying bad things about Ingraham and Ann.
Minute 8: Caller asks about the constitutionality of anchor babies.
Minutes 8-9: Ann answers.
Minute 10: Close.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ann's New Column Is Out: First Mary Jo Kopechne, Then America

    On Wednesday, June 17, 2015, Ann released a new column.

    Here are some quotes:

"Sen. Ted Kennedy's 1965 immigration act allowed the Democrats to start winning elections the same way they win recounts: by enlarging the pool of voters."
"The American people aren't changing their minds. Americans are becoming a minority to other, new people."
"We don't have an obligation to bring in people who need government assistance intended for our own people."
"If tolerance is so important, why aren't Third World immigrants asked to be tolerant of American laws and morals? To the contrary, in any cultural conflict, Americans are expected to give way to immigrant values -- or be accused of opposing "inclusivity."

Why does all the bending and conforming have to come from us? Americans didn't move to Somalia; Somalis moved here."

Ann Joins the Federalist Radio Hour

    Ann spoke with Ben Domenech and David Harsanyi on Wednesday, June 17, 2015. It is 49 minutes. This interview presents challenges to Ann's claims, unlike most current radio interviews.

    Here are some quotes:

    On immigrants being statist and voting for the Democrats when they arrive in America:
"...America is the freest, least statist country in the world. So, by definition, any immigrant who comes in is making us more statist and less free, the same way any immigrant to Finland makes Finland less white." [Quote found in minute 19.]

"I want to be 100% in charge of all of our immigration and I can decide before breakfast every morning. Yeah. I just need a picture, age, country of origin, that's about it... I'm a looksist [sic] and I like 'em tall. Those are the two primary factors, and obviously English-speaking... I want... more British and Dutch." [Quote found in minutes 35-36.]
    This makes sense. The British speak English, and the Netherlands (where Dutch people come from) is considered the tallest country in the world.

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 49 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Media ignoring Ann.
Minutes 1-2: Basic thesis of ¡Adios America!
Minute 3: Reasons Democrats and rich Republicans want immigration.
Minutes 4-5: Problems with current immigrants. (Includes bleep.)
Minutes 5-8: Good things one hears about immigrants? Not true.
Minutes 8-9: Asians outperform whites.
Minute 9: Jason Richwine and immigrant IQs.
Minutes 10-11: H1B visas are indentured servitude.
Minute 12: Immigrants vs. African-Americans.
Minute 13: Cultural and economic problems with immigrants.
Minute 14: Machines picking produce.
Minutes 15-16: Immigrant crime and impact on the environment.
Minutes 16-17: Break.
Minutes 17-18: Focusing on whites for votes.
Minutes 19-20: America is the freest and least corrupt country.
Minute 20: Mexican statutory rape.
Minutes 21-23: How Republicans can win with whites. Romney.
Minute 24: Policies desired by white middle-class workers.
Minutes 24-25: Australia.
Minute 25: Break.
Minutes 26-29: Republicans losing elections by trying to appeal to Democrat voters.
Minute 30: Why is no one stopping illegal immigration if it is so important?
Minutes 30-31: Anti-amnesty groups.
Minute 32: Donald Trump asked Ann for a copy of ¡Adios America!
Minute 33: Ten years of no immigration so we can shut down the immigration bureaucracy.
Minute 34: Ann is the only person advocating for "rounding 'em up."
Minute 35: Immigration Tinder.
Minute 36: British and Dutch immigrants. Political refugees.
Minute 37: Break.
Minutes 38-42: 2016 candidates. Romney: yes. Walker: maybe. Only Governors (but the Donald is okay because he will get people talking about immigration).
Minutes 42-43: Christie and Romney.
Minute 44: Huckabee.
Minute 45: Santorum. Perry is a disaster.
Minute 46: Fiorina could maybe be the VP, but it should be Romney/Walker.
Minute 47: Will immigration be front and center in 2016? (Only if Ann is the debate moderator.)
Minute 48: Trump is the only way the topic of immigration will come up in 2016.
Minutes 48-49: Close.

Ann Was Interviewed by the Daily Caller

    The Daily Caller published a piece by Vince Coglianese on Wednesday, June 17, 2015. There is a short video, but the whole interview should be out tomorrow morning.

UPDATE: The full interview was released on Thursday, June 18, 2015, at 11:57pm.

    Here are some quotes (from the full interview):

    On why Rubio (who is of Cuban descent) is not the answer to the GOP's "Latino Problem":
"All these Hispanic groups hate one another... Blacks [and] Mexican gangs constantly having huge gang blowouts... Everybody hates the Cubans... They're like the Jews of the Hispanics... The idea that, oh, Marco Rubio... he'll just be catnip." [Quote found in minute 16.]

    On Republicans using identity politics:
"How many times have Republicans tried to play this, this identity politics game? Oh, if we run Michael Steele blacks will love him because he's black. If we run Sarah Palin, women will rush to Sarah Palin. No! Identity politics isn't our game. It never works... [Ann paraphrases Romney hoping we might have a Republican ticket with two women.] Oh, knock off the identity politics. I promise you when Margaret Thatcher comes along we will know it. You won't have to look around and say, 'Oh, we found a woman!'" [Quote found in minute 17.]

"Republicans, as a whole, are being very, very disappointing. [They're] going to be, as Jack Nicholson said in The Shining, 'They have to be corrected.'" [Quote found in minute 27.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 28 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 1-2: Media avoiding Ann even though she is a 10-time New York Times bestseller.
Minute 3: First use of phrase "illegal immigrant."
Minutes 4-5: Legal immigrants are just as bad.
Minutes 5-6: Pre- vs. post-1970 immigrants.
Minutes 6-7: How leftists are destroying America with immigration.
Minute 8: Immigration is the most important issue.
Minute 9: Union groups don't care about immigrants taking American jobs.
Minute 10: Is the media lazy or intentionally avoiding reporting problems with immigration?
Minute 11: The "immigrant experience" is not the "black experience."
Minute 12: Only WASP societies (the best ones) apologize for success.
Minute 13: Border security first, conversations later.
Minute 14: Amnesty might be necessary?
Minute 15: Amnesty is/will be a disaster.
Minute 16: Rubio is not the Republican answer to Hispanic voters.
Minute 17: Republicans can't win the identity politics game, so don't waste the time.
Minute 18: All low wage workers dislike immigration because of the competition.
Minutes 19-20: Public voices and people who take Ann's side.
Minute 20: Americans have shut down proposed amnesties 3 times in the past decade.
Minute 21: Younger Republicans who are elected are smarter on immigration because they are going to be alive in the future and have to deal with the consequences.
Minute 22: Liberals gloating about the "browning of America" and whites dying off.
Minute 23: The Democrats are pushing for this. Immigrants are a tool.
Minute 24: Recent, low-skilled immigrants are hit hardest by immigration.
Minute 25: Income inequality comes with poor immigrants.
Minute 26: Republican candidates for 2016.
Minutes 26-27: Republicans lost elections when they supported the ERA, abortion, and gun control, but then they realized they should focus on their base to win. This is happening now with immigration.
Minute 28: Close.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ann Releases an Article

    On Tuesday, June 16, 2015, at 6:20pm EDT. It is entitled "You’re barking up the wrong tree, GOP."

    Here are some quotes:

    On Republicans (failing by) supporting left-wing positions:
"It’s important to review how stupid Republicans were in the past because they’re being stupid in the exact same way again today."

"It’s ordinary white men and their wives who get discouraged and stay home. The only two Republican landslides for president in the last century were won by candidates who drove up the white working-class vote: Nixon and Reagan. Will elected Republicans ever notice that working-class whites are the only swing voters?"

Friday, June 12, 2015

Ann Speaks with IJReview

    Ann spoke with Kyle Becker of IJReview and 2+ minutes of audio were uploaded to Youtube on Friday, June 12, 2015. You can also listen to it on IJReview and read a short article. You can listen below:

    They talk about Wikileaks revealing the recent free trade agreement having amnesty hidden in it.

Ann Visits the Jen and Don Show

    Ann spoke with Jennifer Horn and Don Dix on Friday, June 12, 2015, to talk about ¡Adios America! and immigration. You can listen here, on SoundCloud, or below. The episode is 44 minutes long, but Ann is only on from minutes 10-35.

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 25 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 10: Introduction.
Minute 11: Jorge Ramos.
Minutes 12-13: Words considered offensive.
Minutes 13-14: Ann writing her book.
Minutes 14-15: Immigration statistics and information on criminal activity is hidden or not studied.
Minutes 15-16: Hispanics counting as white for crime statistics.
Minute 16: Legal aliens are just as, if not more, important.
Minute 17: Immigrants need to be the best people possible.
Minutes 17-18: Anchor babies.
Minutes 18-20: H1B visas are indentured servitude. Immigrants and IQ.
Minute 20: Lakireddy Bali Reddy.
Minutes 21-22: Break with commercial.
Minute 23: Most shocking discovery during book research.
Minute 24: Immigrants comes to America because it is the best, but it won't be if too many Third Worlders come here.
Minutes 25-26: Lakireddy Bali Reddy.
Minute 26: A few immigrant rapists is okay (although not preferable), but thousands like America currently has is not okay.
Minute 27: What America will be like if we fix immigration.
Minute 28: A border fence.
Minute 29: Teddy Kennedy and the 1965 Immigration Act.
Minutes 30-31: The current attempt at fast track trade is amnesty.
Minutes 31-33: June 9 book signing.
Minute 33: When will the "hellhole" be here?
Minute 34: ¡Adios America! is an easy read, funny, and well-researched.
Minutes 34-35: Close.

Ann Visits Fox Business to Discuss ¡Adios America! with Lou Dobbs

    On Friday, June 12, 2015, Ann appeared on Fox Business to talk with Lou Dobbs about immigration and ¡Adios America! The video is just over 71/2 minutes.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Ann Visited Opie & Jim Norton to Discuss ¡Adios America!

    The Thursday, June 11, 2015, interview is available whole, but was also split into 3 videos with Ann's part on the first 3/4 the 3rd video. It has many ads sprinkled throughout, but here is a video of only Ann and it is without ads. It is over 69 minutes long and embedded below the tweet. Contains inappropriate dialogue.

    Here is a quote in response to a caller saying that immigrants are cheap labor and food prices will skyrocket if farms become mechanized:
"They are hard workers and this is no ill will toward them, but they are also accepting a lot of government benefits. That cheap labor isn't so cheap if you take away the welfare, which will not be done." [Quote found in minute 42.]

Hour 1:

Minute 0: Introduction
Minute 1: Breaking news is distracting America from immigration.
Minute 2: Police issues are good for Republicans.
Minute 3: Two escaped convicts on the news. (Richard Matt and David Sweat.)
Minute 4: ISIS is only America's problem when brought by immigration.
Minute 5: Saddam was worse than ISIS. Assad and the red line.
Minutes 6-7: Iraq War and ISIS.
Minute 8: Immigrants and genital mutilation.
Minute 9: Even rich Republicans like immigration.
Minutes 10-11: Iraq and Afghanistan.
Minute 12: Peter Brimelow's article is the first time Ann realized the importance of immigration.
Minute 13: 1965 Immigration Act.
Minutes 14-15: Post-1970 immigrants.
Minute 15: Assimilation.
Minute 16: Immigrant costs on school systems.
Minute 17: Pre- vs post-1970 immigrants.
Minutes 17-18: Hard-working Mexican immigrants still take government assistance and send the money to Mexico.
Minute 19: Mechanizing food picking.
Minute 20: Immigrants from misogynistic countries.
Minutes 21-22: Lakireddy Bali Reddy.
Minute 22: ¡Adios America! audiobook contains un-PC content the publisher took out of the book.
Minutes 22-23: We should be recruiting like a sports team so we can bring our average up.
Minutes 23-29: Listener calls in and says Ann is promoting propaganda.
Minutes 29-31: Caller thinks Ann doesn't like America, and even if immigrants come from corrupt cultures, America is corrupt too. Response (not actual response): America doesn't even register on the world scale of corruption.
Minute 32: White Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture.
Minutes 32-33: We need people better than us.
Minute 33: The Statue of Liberty.
Minutes 34-36: America (even during its early years: slavery, etc.) was better than the rest of the world.
Minute 37: Civil rights are for blacks.
Minute 38: If immigrants were white, opposing immigration wouldn't be considered racist.
Minute 39: Comedy and immigration.
Minute 40: Robot farmers.
Minutes 40-41: Artificial intelligent robot murderers. Aliens. Asteroids.
Minutes 41-42: "Australian" caller thinks the job of picking fruit cannot be mechanized.
Minute 43: Farmers externalizing costs by hiring assistance-receiving, Third World immigrants.
Minutes 43-45: "Australian" caller assumes illegals don't get government assistance.
Minutes 45-49: Colin Quinn and his book.
Minutes 50-51: Ann's recent interview with Sherrod Small.
Minutes 51-55: Quinn's book.
Minutes 55-56: What guy is Ann's type?
Minute 57: Ann has a question for Quinn. He answers correctly, so Ann says he is the perfect man for her.
Minute 58: Quinn's book.
Minutes 58-0: Political correctness and comedians.

Hour 2:

Minutes 0-1: Canadian liberals think they're diverse, but Canada is whiter than America.
Minutes 1-2: Nazi block watchers.
Minutes 3-8: Quinn reads from his book.
Minute 9: Ann's departure.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ann Goes on Race Wars to Talk About ¡Adios America!

    On Wednesday, June 10, 2015, Ann visited Race Wars to talk about her new book. The interview is available on iTunes for free download. It is over 1 hour and 32 minutes. Just select the one entitled "Immigration Tinder w/ Ann Coulter." If you do not have iTunes, you can listen on SoundCloud, watch it on DailyMotion, or below. Contains strong language.

    Here are some quotes:

    On culture:
"[I] don't want to be Europe. I don't want to be Japan. I don't want to be another country. I want to be America." [Quote found in minute 53.]

    On immigration:
"I just want to shut it down for 10 years. Take time to assimilate the ones already here... America needs a little me time... Then come back with, with logical rules. With sane rules... We've had fantastic immigrants to this country... They ought to be... better than us. Not the same as us, not worse than us." [Quote found in hour 2 minute 16.]

    On the Duggars:
"You know, I've been cut every night for 2 weeks from CNN because of the Duggars. I refuse to discuss them... [CNN was] doing the entire hour on the Duggars... Look, this is a family, okay, you're forcing me to talk about this. I'm going to give you 30 seconds and you can all yell at me and make fun of me. This is a family that doesn't allow kissing before marriage... I think what we're all thinking of sexual molestation is not what they think of as sexual molestation." [Quote found in hour 2 minutes 17-18.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 92 minutes, here is what they talked about:

(This was based on the audio, not the video. The video is about 20 seconds ahead.)

First hour:

Minutes 0-3: Introduction.
Minute 4: Politically incorrect comedians.
Minute 5: Seinfeld.
Minutes 6-8: Comedians.
Minute 9: Chris Rock.
Minute 10: Dixie Chicks.
Minute 11: How bad Europe is.
Minute 12: ¡Adios America!
Minute 13: Israel's borders.
Minute 14: What's the book about?
Minute 15: Types of immigrants. Immigrants taking the black experience.
Minute 16: Pre- vs. post-1970 immigrants. Biracial America.
Minute 17: Ridiculous immigration policies.
Minute 18: Pre-1970 immigrants were more diverse than post-1970 immigrants.
Minute 19: Immigrant crime statistics.
Minute 20: Moratorium. Groups that want poor immigrants.
Minute 21: Illegal alien workers.
Minute 22: Illegal alien receiving assistance.
Minutes 22-23: Types of benefits illegals receive. Anchor babies and the 14th Amendment.
Minutes 24-25: Illegals buying phones and getting Social Security cards.
Minute 25: Taxes.
Minute 26: Illegals in New York.
Minute 27: New York prison population.
Minutes 28-29: No immigrants should be getting welfare or committing crimes. Only immigrants who are better than us.
Minute 30: Turning away skilled immigrants, but accepting unskilled immigrants because of "family reunification."
Minute 31: Somalis immigrants joining ISIS.
Minute 32: America was most prosperous during no immigration: 1924-1965.
Minutes 33-34: Employing illegals. Big business. Cheap labor.
Minutes 34-35: Gringos doing unskilled work.
Minutes 36-37: Immigrants getting benefits Americans do not get.
Minutes 37-39: Immigrant corruption and gaming the system.
Minute 40: Minimum wage.
Minute 41: Companies who hire illegals.
Minute 42: Ann knows many immigrants.
Minutes 43-44: Immigrant crimes and hidden statistics.
Minute 45: Marijuana and drug cartels.
Minute 46: The War on Drugs.
Minutes 47-48: Marijuana stops ambition?
Minutes 49-50: Immigrants bringing infectious diseases.
Minutes 51-52: Immigrants and labor laws.
Minute 52: Statue of Liberty.
Minute 53: Culture matters.
Minutes 53-54: Hillary started the suspicion of Obama being a Muslim.
Minutes 55-57: New York segregation and ethnic mixture.
Minutes 58-59: America was biracial. New immigrants bring more poverty and crime than they bring diversity.

Second hour:

Minute 0: Immigrant crime hidden by media.
Minutes 0-1: Similar crimes by blacks and immigrants, but immigrant crimes not reported.
Minutes 1-3: Rape on college campuses. Violence Against Women Act.
Minute 4: Crime, prosecution, and death penalty.
Minutes 5-7: The ACLU protected Lakireddy Bali Reddy, a sex slaver.
Minute 7: Morality of keeping people out.
Minute 8: Immigrant illegitimacy rate. Free contraception.
Minutes 9-10: What does Lakireddy Bali Reddy look like?
Minute 11: Product-specific taxes.
Minute 12: Bloomberg.
Minutes 12-14: The Jewish immigrant perspective.
Minute 15: Immigrant advocacy groups.
Minute 16: Moratorium.
Minute 17: Immigration Tinder.
Minutes 17-20: What about American groups that won't assimilate? The Duggars.
Minutes 21-23: Jehovah's Witnesses.
Minute 23: Is America Christian?
Minutes 24-27: American Christian history being taken out of school.
Minutes 27-28: Austrian mining and Native Americans.
Minutes 29-30: Immigrants destroying National Parks.
Minute 30: Farmers polluting rivers.
Minutes 30-31: Farmers should mechanize produce-picking.
Minute 32: Close.

Ann Joins the Conservative Book Club to Discuss ¡Adios America!

    The Conservative Book Club published this interview of Ann by Christopher N. Malagisi.

    Here are some quotes:

"A lot of people know Ann Coulter as the conservative "firebrand" or "political commentator."  Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, where you grew up, and how you got interested in politics and writing?

I grew up in New Canaan, CT and came out of the womb suspicious of liberals."
"What books, authors, or conservative-themed books, influenced your political philosophy and outlook on life?

A few are: Brent Bozell, Jr. (ghostwriting for Barry Goldwater), Joe Sobran, Emmett Tyrell; two of my college professors, Jeremy Rabkin and Alvin Bernstein; and the great M. Stanton Evans – to whom this book is endorsed.  And of course, my favorite books are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John."

Ann Visited the Buck Sexton Show

    On Wednesday, June 10, 2015, Ann joined the Buck Sexton Show (the intro says "the Buck Sexton show," but Chris Salcedo is the interviewer and says "the Chris Salcedo show") and Salcedo is apparently filling in for Sexton. The interview is 12 minutes 29 seconds (it seems to cut off rather than finish). You can listen on TuneIn, SoundCloud, or below.

        If you do not have time to listen to the "full" 12+ minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minutes 0-1: The MSM is not willing to interview Ann.
Minute 1: Why immigration is the #1 issue.
Minute 2: Democrats bragging about winning through immigration.
Minute 3: Obama's administration is literally bringing illegals into America.
Minute 4: Why does Ann blame the culture of Third Worlder's rather than totalitarian, failed governments?
Minute 5: Ann responds with saying the culture and people voted and chose those failed governments.
Minute 6: It is difficult to make a country's population honest and wholesome, like America. Democracy does not necessarily mean a country will succeed. British culture and Protestantism are the best traits.
Minute 7: People genetically identical, like people from Britain vs. Ireland, or the Netherlands vs. Belgium, or Germany vs. Austria, can fail or succeed simply based on the fact the former countries all have Protestantism and the latter countries all have Catholicism.
Minute 8: Make other countries more similar to America. Don't bring other countries here.
Minutes 8-9: People bring their cultures with them (even migration within America).
Minute 9: Some people cannot succeed in countries without democracy.
Minutes 9-10: The people make the country/government, not the other way around.
Minutes 10-11: Illegals getting amnesty and welfare. Rubio.
Minute 12: Cut off.

Ann Discusses the Grateful Dead on Sit Down with Alfred and Chris

    On Wednesday, June 10, 2015, Caitlin Carter reports that Ann visited Sit Down With Alfred and Chris to discuss ¡Adios America! and the Grateful Dead. The full show should air Saturday, June 13, 2015, at 12pm ET.

Ann's New Column Is Out: Immigration -- Hey, Look! A Cop Yelling at a Black Girl in a Bikini!

    "Immigration -- Hey, Look! A Cop Yelling at a Black Girl in a Bikini!" was published Wednesday, June 10, 2015.

    Here are some quotes:
"How many thousands of news stories have there been on Ferguson, ISIS, Chris Christie's "Bridgegate" or men becoming women? But the media will never tell you about Mexicans gang-raping a lesbian in Richmond, California, an Indian immigrant in San Francisco importing 12-year-old girls he bought from their parents for sex, or three children being beheaded by Mexicans in Baltimore."
"Thanks to decades of mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East, it is estimated that at least half a million girls living in the United States have been subjected to genital mutilation. (And that's just one of the many ways immigrants are making our country more vibrant!)"

Ann's Going to Speak at the National Press Club on Wednesday, June 17, 2015

    On Wednesday, June 10, 2015, at 11:42am EST, Ann tweeted this:
UPDATE: The only information able to be found on the event is an article by Mikayla Bean of RightWingWatch.

    Here is a quote of Bean:
"When questioned by a supportive audience member about how to solve the problem of foreigners overstaying their tourist visas, Coulter had an even better method than immigrant Tinder: "Death penalty," she proclaimed to a room full of clapping and laughter.

It is very clear why liberals support immigration, reasoned Coulter, because they are "aborting all their kids or going gay so they can’t keep up" with conservatives who are "pumping out kids" who will turn into GOP voters."

UPDATE: Jared Taylor of American Renaissance released a review of this event on Thursday, June 18, 2015.

    Here are some quotes of Taylor:

"She also explained that the subtitle of her book–The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole–was a compromise with her publisher. She wanted to leave out "left," because there are plenty of "conservatives" in on the plan, and make it The Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole is Almost Complete."
"Businesses, of course, are greedy for profits and love cheap labor: "They don’t care about our country or our culture. Wall Street is no different from Hollywood–they don’t want to preserve anything about America.""
"In answer to a question about what should be done to people who overstay their visas, she replied, "The death penalty. I’m just throwing out ideas." As for refugees, "they are all frauds; proven frauds or frauds that are not yet proven." Illegal immigrants? "Many are hard working. We just don’t see the ones who are not working.""
"She said that no one who is not a governor or former governor should even think of running for president, but she made an exception for Donald Trump. "I’m a little worried he may make some mistakes and discredit some of our ideas," she said, "but he is the only way there would be even a single question about immigration at the debates.""

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Ann Goes on Hannity's Radio Show to Discuss Immigration

    On Tuesday, June 9, 2015, Ann called into Hannity's radio show for the 3rd hour to talk about immigration. The audio clip is almost 32 minutes, but Ann finishes in the 15th minute.

    You can listen here or below.

    Here are some quotes:
"...At some point African-Americans... are gonna wake up and realize, um, although they put the Democratic Party through law school, the Democratic Party is now running off with their Ranchero Mistress, now that Hispanics are more numerous than blacks in America." [Quote found in minute 8.]
"Of course we should be skimming the cream from the world, taking the best and the brightest across the world." [Quote found in minute 11.]
"...It's like that Al Sharpton line... 'Republicans only care about the baby until it's born.' Well, Democrats only care about the immigrant until he can vote. They don't care that they're driving down the wages of the tens of millions of low-wage, uneducated immigrants they've been bringing into the country for the past 50 years. No, that's okay. That's okay, just ground them into the ground, as long as they're voting." [Quote found in minutes 12-13.]
"We're supposed to be embarrassed about getting the white vote. ...It's interesting. They certainly don't mind calling the Republican Party 'the party of white people,' so okay... why don't people recognize the Democrats as the party [of] non-white people, of minorities?" [Quote found in minute 14.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 15 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minutes 0-3: Audio clips of Obama speaking on amnesty.
Minute 4: Hannity introducing Ann. Tuberculosis patient.
Minute 5: The cost of a border fence is cheaper than the government assistance illegals receive.
Minute 6: Stupidity of Republicans (on immigration).
Minutes 6-7: Republicans need to focus on their base (whites) and stop Hispandering.
Minute 8: Lesbians, Hispanics, and blacks have interests that aren't coextensive, thus leading to infighting between groups, causing Republicans to win.
Minute 9: Demographics of California.
Minute 10: Open borders, but only for skilled people?
Minutes 10-11: Sharia law.
Minute 11: Taking the best immigrants.
Minute 12: Who suffers most from immigration?
Minutes 13-14: Don't try to get more votes by supporting liberal causes, focus on your base.
Minute 14: Asking for the white vote isn't racist.
Minutes 14-15: Conservative principles help everyone. Nixon did more for blacks than any other president.
Minute 15: Close

Ann Doubles Down on Not Letting the Blind, the Elderly, or the Wheelchair-bound Immigrate

    At 11:43am EST on Tuesday, June 9, 2015, Ann tweeted this:

    Liberals seem to be freaking out over this, but isn't it common sense that immigrants should be better than us, bringing our average up and being contributing members of society rather than immediately going on government assistance?

Monday, June 8, 2015

Ann Calls out Obama for Hiding Immigration Status of Contagious TB Foreigner

    Matthew Boyle of Breitbart reports on Monday, June 8, 2015, that Ann called out Obama for not revealing the immigration status of a foreigner who brought tuberculosis into the US.

    Here is a quote:
"I see why they won’t give out her name—at least until the U.S. taxpayer is forced to pay for her nearly half-million dollar treatment... If we’re paying, we get her name."

Ann Visits Free Speech to Be Interviewed by Gavin McInnes

    The Free Speech podcast with Gavin McInnes released Ann's interview on Monday, June 8, 2015. After clicking the link you can select the item entitled "ANN COULTER." You need iTunes to download it for free or to listen to it.

    If you do not have iTunes, the video of the interview became available on Tuesday, June 9, 2015, on Street Carnage and on Daily Motion. You can also watch it below. It is over 56 minutes.

    Here are some quotes on immigration:
"...In theory, we owe something to black America. We owe nothing to someone who arrived yesterday." [Quote found in minute 8.]
"...The only good thing about diversity is the restaurants, but we don't need... another 50 million legal immigrants... [McInnes comments before Ann continues speaking.] Diversity in human beings... for the diversity of perspective and culture, has never been anything but an unmitigated disaster, often leading to ethnic cleansing." [Quote found in minute 39.]
"Why are we letting in racists? Why are we letting in people who hate diversity? ...You do see that... with 90% Mexican towns complaining it's not Mexican enough. Wha-? Wha- wait. So diversity is just a synonym for Mexican now?" [Quote found in minute 40.]
"...If we were bringing in people who are better than us... if they were smarter, more educated... better looking, and taller, then [immigration] would be fantastic." [Quote found in minute 42.]

    If you do not have time to listen to the full 56 minutes, here is what they talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: The difference between ¡Adios America! and Ann's previous books. America with Jorge Ramos.
Minute 2: The length of the book (Ann removed 200 pages from ¡Adios America! to make it more readable).
Minute 3: This book is important.
Minute 4: Immigrant "family" values.
Minute 5: Legal immigration is just as serious as illegal.
Minute 6: 1965 Immigration Act was intended to shift America's demographics.
Minute 7: Who should vote?
Minutes 7-8: The black experience vs. the immigrant experience.
Minutes 9-10: The real number of illegal immigrants: 30+ million.
Minutes 11-12: Carlos Slim.
Minute 13: Wages and government assistance for immigrants.
Minute 14: Education of Americans vs. immigrants.
Minute 15: Gavin McInnes' name.
Minute 16: The audiobook has bloopers.
Minute 17: Lakireddy Bali Reddy.
Minute 18: The British and colonies.
Minute 19: Foreign names and pronunciation.
Minute 20: Hispanic crime rate.
Minute 21: Pidgin English.
Minutes 22-23: Republican and Democrat voting strategy.
Minute 24: Clinton's Attorney General nominees.
Minute 25: Convincing liberals to dislike immigration.
Minute 26: Liberals and math.
Minute 27: Financial burden on schools.
Minute 28: Assimilation.
Minute 29: We are not a nation of immigrants.
Minutes 30-31: German immigrants needed to assimilate, but it's supposedly racist if Hispanics need to assimilate.
Minute 32: Canadian immigrants.
Minute 33: We do not need immigrants for the economy. Teenagers will do landscaping.
Minute 34: Inability for Americans to work in an environment when being the only one speaking English. Win the white vote.
Minute 35: Conflicts between blacks and Hispanics.
Minutes 35-36: The New York Times and Carlos Slim.
Minute 37: American culture is WASP culture and being thrifty.
Minute 38: Mexican culture glorifies criminality.
Minute 39: Diversity isn't our strength.
Minute 40: Pakistanis bringing in defects and incestuous marriage to Britain.
Minute 41: Immigration has become less diverse.
Minute 42: All American population growth comes from immigrants, so why don't environmentalists want to stop immigration?
Minutes 42-43: Immigrants should bring our average up, but current ones are not.
Minutes 43-44: Careless culture leads to destroying the environment, national parks, and ancient American petroglyphs.
Minutes 45-47: Where are the environmentalists? The Sierra Club used to oppose immigration, but now doesn't.
Minutes 47-48: Government hiding crime statistics on immigrants.
Minute 49: More Mexican inmates (coming from 1 country) in New York than European inmates (coming from 1 entire continent).
Minutes 49-50: Eric Holder stopping the publishing of crime stats by race.
Minutes 50-51: You can get statistics on anything, but not immigrant crime rates.
Minute 51: We need immigrants with no crime.
Minute 52: ACLU defended Lakireddy Bali Reddy.
Minutes 53-54: Solution: appealing to white voters, 10-year moratorium, enforce E-Verify...
Minute 55-56: Close.